Saturday, January 2, 2016

Texas Allows Carrying Handguns in Plain Sight

A new law allowing handgun license holders to carry weapons in the open has come into force in Texas, law enforcement said.

 "New Open Carry Law goes into effect today. Please read through our brochures for further information on the new law," Texas Harris County Sheriff’s Office said in a Facebook post on Friday.

Texas allowed carrying rifles and shotguns in the open, but the old open carry did not apply to handguns.

Open carry is not allowed on the premises of a school or any other educational institution, as well as school or educational institution transport and any other location where activities sponsored by a school or education institution are being held.

A private property owner can ban open carry on their property by placing a relevant sign or asking a person with a weapon to leave.

With the passage of the new Texas law, there are now 45 US states that allow carrying weapons openly. Open carry is banned in California, Florida, Illinois, New York and South Carolina.

Texas, where carrying handguns in plain sight was banned just after the Civil War, is now the largest state to allow open carry.

The new Texas open carry comes amid a growing number of mass shooting incidents in the United States, which has prompted calls for greater gun control.

Americans have the right to keep and bear arms under the Second Amendment to the US Constitution.



  1. Obama to bypass Congress on gun control...

    President Obama has said he will take unilateral action to tackle the problem of gun violence in the US.

    In his first weekly address of 2016, Mr Obama said he would meet Attorney General Loretta Lynch to discuss actions he could take.

    He said he was using his executive powers as president because the US Congress has failed to address the problem.

    Analysts say there will be a backlash from gun activists and Republicans.

    But Mr Obama told Americans that he had received too many letters from parents, and teachers, and children, to sit around and do nothing.

    "We know that we can't stop every act of violence," the president said. "But what if we tried to stop even one? What if Congress did something - anything - to protect our kids from gun violence?"

    He has admitted that his inability to win Congressional backing for what he called "common sense gun laws" was the greatest frustration of his presidency.............

  2. US-Bundesstaat Texas erlaubt offenes Tragen von Schusswaffen...

    Texaner brauchen ihre Pistolen nicht mehr zu verstecken - sie dürfen sie sich von nun an offen um die Hüfte schnallen. Am Freitag trat ein Gesetz in Kraft, das das Waffentragen in dem südlichen US-Bundesstaat weiter liberalisiert, wie die Agentur Reuters meldete.

    Das Gesetz betrifft fast eine Million Texaner, die eine staatliche Lizenz haben, Handfeuerwaffen verborgen bei sich zu tragen. Im Sommer hatte das von Republikanern dominierte Parlament beschlossen, dass sie neben Gewehren nun auch ihre Pistolen und Revolver öffentlich zur Schau stellen dürfen — zum ersten Mal seit 1871.

    Texas mit fast 27 Millionen Einwohnern ist damit der bevölkerungsreichste Bundesstaat, der das sogenannte "Open Carry" erlaubt. In mehr als 40 anderen US-Staaten ist das offene Tragen schon ganz oder teilweise gestattet.

    Das neue Gesetz zeigt, wie unbeirrt konservative Amerikaner an Waffen festhalten — trotz nahezu täglicher Amokläufe und Schießereien. Ihre Position: Je mehr "richtige Leute" sich bewaffneten, desto sicherer werde das Land.

    Doch das Gesetz ist heftig umstritten. "Ich verstehe nicht, warum Feuerwaffen im Alltag irgendwas verbessern sollten", wurde der Demokrat Diego Bernal, der gegen das Gesetz gestimmt hatte, von SPIEGEL Online zitiert.


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