Thursday, December 17, 2015

Putin rules out reconciliation with Turkey

Russian President Vladimir Putin fired off an angry tirade against Turkey on Thursday, ruling out any reconciliation with its leaders and accusing Ankara of shooting down a Russian warplane to impress the United States.

In comments littered with crude language, Putin dismissed the possibility that the downing of the warplane over the Turkish-Syrian border last month was an accident, calling it a “hostile act”.

“We find it difficult if not impossible to come to an agreement with the current leadership of Turkey,” said Putin, addressing almost 1,400 reporters in a cavernous hall inside a Moscow conference center.

“On the state level, I don’t see any prospects of improving relations with the Turkish leadership,” he said of Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan...

1 comment :

  1. "Rusia no tendrá contactos oficiales con la Turquía de Erdogan"...

    Las declaraciones del mandatario ruso Vladímir Putin dan a entender que Rusia no tendrá ningún contacto interestatal con Turquía mientras Recep Tayyip Erdogan sea su presidente, opina el director del Instituto Internacional de Nuevos Estados, Alexéi Martínov.

    "Hay que tener en cuenta que en este tipo de eventos (rueda de prensa) el presidente (Putin) no dice nada por casualidad, (…) mientras Erdogan se mantenga en poder, no habrá contactos (de Rusia) con Turquía, económicos tampoco, quizá solo culturales", expresó a RIA Novosti.............


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