Friday, November 20, 2015

Gunmen storm Mali hotel, take 170 people hostage

Gunmen attacked a five-star hotel in Mali's capital Bamako on Friday and were holding 170 hostages.

Attackers shouting "Allahu Akbar" opened fire outside the Radisson Blu Hotel in the centre of the capital before storming it.

Speaking to Al Jazeera by phone from Bamako, business owner Garba Konate said a group of attackers showed up about 0700 GMT.

"About 10 gunmen arrived early in the morning and shot all the guards in front of the Radisson," Konate said.

Witnesses said several hostages were released by the attackers after reciting versus of the Quran.

Another witness said he helped a wounded guard to safety.

"I started hearing gunshots coming from the hotel," said Ibrahim, 28, who works at a cultural centre 40 metres away.

"Soon after I saw one of the guards running out, injured... The security guard told me the shooters were so quick that he doesn't even know how many came in," he told Al Jazeera.

Automatic weapon fire could be heard from outside the 190-room hotel where security forces set up a security cordon.

A security guard told Reuters news agency at least two people were wounded.

Idrissa Sangare, a local journalist at the scene, told Al Jazeera UN forces and Malian troops were working together in front of the hotel.

"We don't know who carried out the attack because the operation is still going on," Sangare said.

UN officials were having a function at the hotel, he reported.

The hotel's owner said it was "aware of the hostage-taking that is ongoing at the property today ... As per our information, two persons have locked in 140 guests and 30 employees," the company said in a statement.

Both the US and French embassies told their citizens to take cover and stay indoors.

The shooting follows a 24-hour siege of hostage-takers at another hotel in August in the central Malian town of Sevare.

Four soldiers, five UN workers, and four attackers were killed in that attack.

Armed groups have continued to wage attacks in Mali despite a June peace deal between former Tuareg rebels in the north of the country and rival pro-government armed groups.

Northern Mali fell in March-April 2012 to al-Qaeda-linked groups long concentrated in the area, before being removed by a French-led military operation launched in January 2013.

Despite the peace deal, large swathes of Mali remain beyond the control of government and foreign forces.


  1. A senior security source said gunfire and explosions were heard at the US-owned Radisson Blu Hotel in Bamako early Friday morning. Two armed men stormed the luxury hotel and took at least 170 people hostage...

    Local media agencies said at least three people were killed. According to a spokesman for the the Carlson Rezidor group, which owns the 190-room hotel, the attackers have locked in 30 employees and 140 guests.

    AFP reported that there had been live gunfire on the seventh floor of the hotel, which is located near several government offices and business establishments. Witnesses said police had surrounded the vicinity and were blocking roads leading to the area.

  2. Le correspondant de France 24 à Bamako, François Rihouay, a reçu confirmation par des représentants du ministère malien de l'Intérieur de la présence de Français dans l'hôtel Radisson Blu de Bamako...

    "Cet hôtel est fréquenté notamment par les équipes des vols Air France et Aigle Azur quand ils font des découches, précise notre correspondant. Il y a, outre les Français, les personnels des compagnies aériennes faisant des liaisons à Bamako."..............

  3. Selon un témoin contacté par RFI, les vigiles auraient tiré à la vue des assaillants, mais ces derniers n'ont pas été dissuadés...

    Un autre témoin avec lequel RFI a pu s'entretenir sur place et qui était retranché dans l'une des chambres de l'hôtel explique avoir entendu des tirs vers 7h ce matin. Il a ensuite aperçu un assaillant par la fenêtre, « en jean, avec une petite barbe, vêtu sans signe distinctif »....

  4. François Hollande demande à tous les ressortissants français dans les "pays sensibles" de prendre toutes leurs précautions et de se rapprocher des représentations diplomatiques françaises.

  5. L'assaut des forces de l'ordre maliennes est toujours en cours à l'hôtel Radisson de Bamako, où au moins trois otages ont été tués par des assaillants. Plus de 70 personnes ont été libérées.

  6. Selon notre correspondant François Rihouay : 18 à 20 personnes auraient été tuées durant la prise d'otages de l'hôtel Radisson de Bamako..............

  7. L'attaque et la prise d'otages de l'hôtel Radisson Blu de Bamako, dans le centre de la capitale malienne a fait au moins 18 morts parmi les occupants de l'établissement, selon un dernier bilan établi par le ministère malien de la Sécurité...

    -Deux des assaillants ont été tués par les forces de sécurité maliennes et françaises. Le nombre total de terroristes restent encore indéterminés.

    - 132 otages ont été évacués, dont 59 Maliens, 12 membres d'équipage de la compagnie Air France, sept Algériens, parmi lesquels figuraient des diplomates, six Américains et une vingtaine d'Indiens.

    - Les forces de sécurité maliennes et françaises inspectent les abords et l'intérieur de l'hôtel afin de voir s'il n'y a pas d'explosifs ou des terroristes qui seraient cachés dans l'établissement.
    - Les jihadistes d'Al-Mourabitoun, groupe affilié à Al-Qaïda, ont revendiqué via une agence de presse mauritanienne la prise d'otages. L'authenticité de la revendication n'a pu être vérifiée................


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