Wednesday, October 21, 2015

El Kremlin insta a combatir el terrorismo antes de hablar de solución política

Resulta imposible abordar la solución política en Siria mientras exista la amenaza terrorista, primero hay que vencerla, declaró el portavoz del presidente de Rusia, Dmitri Peskov.

"Está claro que resulta imposible hablar de una solución política mientras la amenaza terrorista, capaz de desintegrar Siria, de hacerla perder su integridad territorial, siga dominando en el país", dijo Peskov.

El portavoz destacó que el objetivo primordial consiste en combatir las organizaciones extremistas para más tarde pasar a la solución política del problema sirio.

La víspera el presidente de Rusia, Vladímir Putin, sostuvo un encuentro en Moscú con su homólogo de Siria, Bashar Asad.

Peskov reveló que la entrevista duró casi tres horas y afirmó que ambos líderes coincidieron en que no existe ninguna alternativa a la solución política en Siria.

"Quisiera recordar el detalle, resaltado por Putin, de que la última palabra en el contexto de esa solución política le corresponde al pueblo de Siria, y no puede ser algo impuesto desde fuera", precisó el representante del Kremlin.

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  • The process of political settlement in Syria can start only after the stage of struggle against terrorist groups is completed and a threat of the country’s disintegration is removed, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists on Wednesday.

"Such details are certainly unavailable," Peskov said when asked whether Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Russian President Vladimir Putin had discussed a possibility of the Syrian leader’s resignation and political guarantees to him during their talks in Moscow.

"Naturally, it would be inappropriate to talk about a political settlement in conditions when a terrorist threat fraught with Syria’s disintegration and the loss of its territorial and political integrity is still dominating in the country," Peskov said commenting the Russian-Syrian talks held on earlier on Wednesday.

"The task of fighting terrorism is our top priority. The stage of a political settlement is next," Peskov said.

He added that the Russian and Syrian sides as well as all other countries were absolutely unanimous in the opinion that there was no alternative to a political settlement.

However, the final say is after the Syrian people. No external solution can be imposed, Peskov said.

Asked to comment on Russia’s actions in Syria, Peskov said that Russia was not planning any ground operation in Syria.

Peskov refused to comment if snap elections were possible in Syria at this stage. "I have nothing to add on this point," he said adding that the Russian and Syrian presidents had talked for almost three hours.

1 comment :

  1. Visite d’Assad à Moscou: la Maison Blanche réagit...

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