Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Latin American leaders urge reform of UN bodies, highlight 2030 ‘agenda of change’

 UN, 28 September 2015 – Chilean President Michelle Bachelet, one of several leaders from the Latin American and Caribbean region to address the General Assembly today, warned of the urgent need for United Nations Member States to react to the plight of refugees, which she said had become a global crisis affecting peace and security.

“As an international community, we are duty-bound to react with solidarity in order to restore peace and provide a response that will enable us to minimize the suffering of the victims of war and those who are running away from it,” said Ms. Bachelet.

“This is why my Government has decided to take in refugees from the civil war in Syria and it is also why Chile will expand cooperation with Africa. Starting in 2016, we will be participating in United Nations peacekeeping operations in that region,” she added.

She also highlighted the importance of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development for tackling inequality and being an “agenda of change.”

“This is a promising and a binding agenda,” said the Chilean President “It focuses on addressing various aspects of inequality, which is the main challenge in Latin America and of course in Chile, in this new phase of our economic and political development.”

At the same time, she said the primary responsibility for sustainable and more equal development rests with each individual country, adding that: “Only if we can carry out an agenda of change at the global, as well as the national level will it be possible to promote more inclusive and sustainable societies.”

  • She also touched on her hope for an increased number of permanent members for the Security Council.

“In 2014 and 2015, we have been a non-permanent member of the Security Council. In light of this experience, we wish to reaffirm our belief in the need to reform the Council by increasing the number of its permanent members and reducing the veto, at least in cases of crimes against humanity,” said. Ms Bachelet.

The Chilean President also referred to the resumption of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States.

“This is a historic step,” she said. “Chile applauds the use of dialogue and respect for international law as the civilized way for countries to resolve their differences,” she added.

In her remarks, Cristina Fernandez, President of Argentina, noted that the General Assembly had recently adopted a resolution on the guidelines for the restructuring of countries’ external debt, saying that States enjoy the sovereign right to decide their own macroeconomic policy. That was a logical principle, she said, noting that creditors established timetables for repayment when a company or municipality defaulted...........http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=52033#.VgqrK30pr2Y

  • La chancelière allemande Angela Merkel a joint sa voix à celles des dirigeants du Brésil, de l'Inde et du Japon samedi pour demander que ces pays entrent dans un Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU élargi et repensé....

Angela Merkel a estimé en marge du sommet de l'ONU sur le développement qu'un Conseil de sécurité avec davantage de membres permanents serait mieux à-même de gérer les grandes crises internationales.

Le Conseil de sécurité ne compte actuellement que cinq membres permanents avec un droit de veto, Etats-Unis, Russie, Chine, France et Royaume-Uni, ainsi que 10 pays membres non-permanents qui changent régulièrement.

Des "candidats légitimes"

A ce titre, Mme Merkel a estimé que les pays du "G4" sont des "candidats légitimes" pour entrer de manière permanente au Conseil. Les quatre pays appuient les uns les autres leurs candidatures respectives.

"Un Conseil de sécurité plus efficace et représentatif est plus que jamais nécessaire pour régler les crises et les conflits globaux qui sont apparus ces dernières années", ont demandé les quatre pays dans un communiqué commun......rtbf.be (26/9/15)


1 comment :

  1. Ucrania aboga por restringir de forma gradual el derecho de veto en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU, manifestó el martes el presidente ucraniano, Petró Poroshenko...

    "Ucrania se pronuncia por limitar paulatinamente el derecho de veto para después cancelarlo", dijo Poroshenko al intervenir en la 70ª Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas.

    Agregó que "un agresor no deber tener el derecho de veto", aludiendo a la supuesta injerencia de Rusia en los asuntos internos de Ucrania, lo que Rusia ha reiteradamente negado..................http://sptnkne.ws/PGJ


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