Sunday, July 26, 2015

Turkey calls Nato talks on IS and PKK

Turkey has called a special meeting of Nato ambassadors to discuss military operations against the Islamic State (IS) group and PKK Kurdish separatists.
The session is to take place in Brussels on Tuesday.

Turkey launched air attacks against IS militants in Syria and resumed air raids against PKK camps in northern Iraq following recent attacks.

In one attack blamed on IS, 32 people were killed in a suicide bombing near the Syrian border on 20 July.

The PKK killed Turkish police in the wake of the bombing in retaliation for what they saw as Turkey's collaboration with IS.

The raids against Kurdish separatist camps in northern Iraq in effect ended a two-year ceasefire. Turkish fighter jets launched a new wave on Sunday, according to Turkish state media.

Late on Saturday a car bomb attack on a military convoy in south-eastern Turkey killed two soldiers and injured four others, Turkish officials said...


  1. Is Turkey’s U-turn a game changer in the war on the ISIS group?

    Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Saturday that a framework accord had been agreed with the US to create "safe zones" free of Islamic State militants in Syria. FRANCE 24 looks at the implications of the Turkish plan.

    His comments came as Turkey unleashed a fresh wave of cross-border artillery and air strikes against both IS group jihadists and PKK Kurdish rebels. Ankara claimed that the attacks were in response to a week of deadly violence on Turkish soil that authorities blamed on both organisations – which are themselves bitterly opposed.

    Turkish media have leaked details of the so-called “IS group-free zone”, which would be 98 kilometres long and 40 kilometres wide between the Mare-Jarablus line. Ankara has now authorised the use of its Incirlik base for US warplanes engaged against the jihadist group. The patrolling of the “safe area” announced by Turkey’s top diplomat is to be assured by aircraft from the US-led coalition.

    After years of abstaining from direct military action in Syria, Turkey’s intervention raises two key

  2. La Turquie continuera ses frappes contre le PKK jusqu'à ce qu'il dépose les armes ...

    La Turquie va poursuivre son offensive militaire contre le Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK) jusqu'à ce que les rebelles kurdes déposent les armes, a promis lundi le Premier ministre islamo-conservateur Ahmet Davutoglu.

    "Nous allons continuer notre combat (...) jusqu'à ce que nous parvenions à un certain résultat", a déclaré M. Davutolgu lors d'un entretien sur la chaîne de télévision ATV. "C'est soit les armes, soit la démocratie, les deux ne sont pas compatibles", a-t-il dit.

    La Turquie a lancé vendredi soir une série de raids aériens contre les bases arrières du PKK dans le nord de l'Irak, en riposte aux attaques meurtrières attribuées au mouvement kurde qui ont visé des membres des forces de sécurité ces derniers jours.

    Le PKK a en retour rompu la trêve qu'il respectait depuis 2013 et assassiné deux soldats.

    Cette escalade menace de faire définitivement capoter le fragile processus de paix engagé à l'automne 2012 par le régime du président Recep Tayyip Erdogan afin de mettre un terme à une rébellion qui a fait 40 000 morts depuis 1984.

    Le bureau du chef du gouvernement a confirmé lundi soir la dernière vague de frappes lancée il y a vingt-quatre heures contre le PKK. Elle a visé "des abris, centres logistiques et des caches", a-t-il précisé dans un communiqué.

  3. Ankara et Washington d'accord pour éliminer l'EI de Syrie...

    Les Etats-Unis et la Turquie ont décidé lundi de muscler leur coopération militaire pour éradiquer le groupe Etat islamique (EI) du nord de la Syrie, alors qu'Ankara a promis de continuer ses frappes contre les rebelles kurdes jusqu'à ce qu'ils déposent les armes.

    Ce nouveau partenariat vise à "établir une zone débarrassée de l'EI et d'améliorer la sécurité et la stabilité le long de la frontière entre la Turquie et la Syrie", a déclaré à l'AFP un responsable militaire américain en marge d'une visite du président Barack Obama en

  4. Nato to discuss Turkey-Syria border crisis...

    Envoys from all 28 Nato countries are to hold a emergency meeting to discuss Turkey's campaign against the Islamic State (IS) group and Kurdish militants.

    The meeting in Brussels was called by Turkey, which has become involved in the Syrian conflict in recent days.

    The country, which had previously been reluctant to intervene, has launched raids against IS in Syria and Kurdish PKK guerrillas in northern Iraq.

    The strikes followed a wave of attacks by militants on Turkish soil.

    Turkey, a key Nato member, called Tuesday's meeting of the North Atlantic Council under Article 4 of the alliance's founding treaty....BBC


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