Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Greek debt talks deadline Sunday

The Greek debt talks will end this week and Greek proposals including detailed reform plan should be presented by Thursday at the latest, European Council President Donald Tusk said on Tuesday night.
As the finance ministers of euro zone countries didn't receive new proposals they had expected from Greece on Tuesday's Eurogroup meeting, Tusk urged Greece to submit its proposals in next days.

"The Greek government will on Thursday 9 July at the latest set out in detail its proposals for a comprehensive and specific reform agenda for assessment by the three Institutions to be presented to the Eurogroup," he said after a eurozone summit meeting in Brussels on Greece debt crisis.

As another additional Euro Summit on Greece ended fruitless, Tusk announced the leaders of 28 member states of the EU would meet on Sunday, July 12, again.

"Until now I have avoided talking about deadlines, but tonight I have to say it loud and clear -- the final deadline ends this week," he said, warning that there were just five days to avoid the worst-case scenario and save Greece from bankruptcy.

He called leaders of EU countries to try to find a consensus, stressing that the bankruptcy of Greece and the insolvency of its banking system will affect all Europe also in the geopolitical sense.

"If someone has any illusion that it will not be so, they are naive," he said.

The president said all sides of the negotiations share responsibility for the current status quo, saying "all of us are responsible for the crisis, and all of us have a responsibility to resolve it." - Xinhua


  1. Frist für Griechenland läuft bis Sonntag...

    Bis Sonntag bekommt Griechenland Zeit, die Voraussetzungen für neue Finanzhilfen zu schaffen. Pläne für den Grexit und humanitäre Hilfen haben die EU-Länder schon ausgearbeitet. Es gibt wenig Optimismus.

    Für einen Kompromiss im Streit über die griechische Schuldenkrise bekommt Athen von seinen europäischen Partnern nur noch fünf Tage Zeit. „Die endgültige Frist endet diese Woche“, sagte EU-Ratspräsident Donald Tusk nach knapp vierstündigen Gipfelberatungen am Dienstag in Brüssel. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) kündigte einen Sondergipfel aller 28 EU-Mitgliedstaaten für Sonntag an.

    Für den Fall, dass auch dieser keine Lösung bringt, wird in den Brüsseler Institutionen schon ein „Grexit“-Szenario durchgespielt. „Sonntag wird so oder so ein Schlussstrich gezogen“, sagte EU-Kommissionspräsident Jean-Claude Juncker am frühen Mittwochmorgen. EU-Ratspräsident Donald Tusk betonte: „Ohne Zweifel ist das sicherlich der kritischste Moment in unserer gemeinsamen Geschichte der EU und der Eurozone.“.................

  2. Tsipras tells EU parliament Greece will reform for aid...

    Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has assured the European Parliament that he would deliver sweeping reform proposals this week to secure a bailout funding deal that can keep Greece in the eurozone.

    Greeted with cheers to a packed chamber in Strasbourg, from fellow leftists but also from anti-EU members on the far-right, the 40-year-old premier said he was determined to fix years of bad government as well as reverse the increasing inequalities caused by five years of creditor-imposed austerity.

    "Let me assure the house that, quite apart from the crisis, we will continue with our reform undertakings," Mr Tsipras said after flying in from Brussels where eurozone leaders handed him a final deadline of Sunday to agree to terms for a new bailout..............

  3. La Grèce promet "dès la semaine prochaine" des réformes des impôts et des retraites...

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    Dans une lettre adressée au président du MES et rendue publique, le ministre a formellement demandé un prêt sur trois ans en s'engageant à "un paquet de réformes et de mesures qui doivent garantir la stabilité des finances publiques (...)". Il a proposé "la mise en œuvre immédiate, dès la semaine prochaine, de mesures pour réformer les secteurs d'impôts et des retraites". (Belga)


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