Saturday, June 27, 2015

Greeks Flock to ATMs After PM's Call for Bailout Referendum

Greece's prime minister call for a referendum on the outcome of bailout talks with international creditors led anxious Greeks to queue outside banks to withdraw cash from ATMs.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced the surprise move in a televised address early Saturday, saying the referendum will take place July 5.

He said an emergency session of parliament later Saturday would be called to ratify the decision.

The prime minister made the call hours after the latest round of negotiations with European and IMF creditors failed to produce an agreement.

Finance ministers from the 19-member eurozone are due to meet in Brussels later Saturday for a last attempt to reach a mutually agreed deal.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters Friday that time is short to arrive at a bailout deal for Greece, and said all efforts must be taken to find a solution.

Run on ATMs
Meanwhile, anxiety over Greece's future swelled Saturday, with people queuing outside banks to withdraw cash after Tsipras' call for a referendum.

The call for a vote radically raises the stakes in a standoff between Greece and its creditors over the terms for more financial support to the country. Greece's bailout program expires Tuesday, after which it is unclear whether its banks would be able to avoid collapse.

The Greek Parliament gave Tsipras a standing ovation Saturday afternoon when he arrived, is due to debate the government's request for a referendum and vote at midnight Saturday, as finance ministers from the 19 euro countries, Greece's main creditors, were gathering to discuss the situation in Brussels............




  1. Saturday seemed business as usual in central Athens, my colleague Jon Henley writes...

    Shoppers are out in force, and a steady stream of people taking cash out of many ATMs but – except for National Bank branches, where pensions deposited last night were being withdrawn today – nothing you could reasonably call a long queue.

    Customers were, though, understandably starting to get a bit fed up with all the attention. At a Eurobank branch ATM on Syntagma Square there was a furious row between two photographers and four or five people waiting to take out money.

    “I wasn’t taking out my savings, actually: I still think this will work out okay eventually,” said Iannis Kairis, a web developer...............

  2. Dijsselbloem: Referendum "schließt die Tür" für Gespräche...

    Eurogruppen-Chef Dijsselbloem kritisierte das geplante Referendum über die Vereinbarungen mit den Gläubigern scharf. Dies sei eine „traurige Entscheidung für Griechenland“, die die „Tür für weitere Gespräche geschlossen hat“, sagte Dijsselbloem vor Beginn des Sondertreffens der Euro-Finanzminster. Die Minister würden nun darüber beraten, welche „Konsequenzen“ sie aus der Entscheidung Griechenlands ziehen würden....................

  3. Finanzminister beenden Sitzung ....

    Nach nur rund zwei Stunden haben die Euro-Finanzminister in Brüssel nach Angaben von Vertretern der Euro-Zone ihre Sondersitzung zu Griechenland beendet. Ergebnisse drangen noch nicht nach außen.

    +++ Die „sehr merkwürdige“ Argumentation des Yanis Varoufakis +++
    Nach Handelsblatt-Informationen hat der griechische Finanzminister Yanis Varoufakis das Nein seiner Regierung zum Hilfsprogramm „bekräftigt“. Dabei bedient er sich einer für die Gläubiger „sehr merkwürdigen“

  4. Les Grecs se ruent sur les distributeurs après l'annonce du referendum...

    Inquiétés par la décision surprise de leur premier ministre, de nombreux Grecs retirent leur argent des banques. La Banque de Grèce tente de s'assurer que les distributeurs sont approvisionnés mais certains manquent déjà de

  5. Greek bailout programme will expire 30 June...

    Eurogroup finance ministers have agreed that Greece's bailout programme should expire as planned on 30 June after Greece called a referendum on reform plans, Eurogroup president Jeroen Dijsselbloem has said.

    The decision leaves Athens in danger of an IMF default.

    Mr Dijsselbloem, the Dutch finance minister, said the ministers would now reconvene without Greece to discuss the "consequences" and prepare for what is needed to ensure the stability of the eurozone "remains at its high level."............

  6. La demande grecque de prolonger d'un mois le programme d'aide a été rejetée...

    (Belga) La demande grecque de prolonger d'un mois le programme d'aide, qui devait arriver à échéance le 30 juin, dans l'attente du référendum que le Premier ministre grec a annoncé pour le 5 juillet, a été rejetée par les ministres des Finances de la zone euro, ont indiqué des sources européennes.

    La réunion, commencée peu après 14h00, a été suspendue moins de trois heures plus tard, les premières informations qui en filtrent faisant état du rejet, par l'Eurogroupe, de la demande grecque de prolonger le programme d'aide. Le président de l'Eurogroupe Jeroen Dijsselbloem devrait faire une déclaration à la presse, avant de retrouver 18 des 19 ministres des Finances - le ministre grec Yanis Varoufakis n'y participant pas - pour une nouvelle réunion informelle. (Belga)

  7. The Greek parliament has backed plans for a referendum on international creditors' terms for a new bailout...

    The 5 July referendum was called by PM Alexis Tsipras, who opposes further budget cuts. He urged voters to deliver a "resounding 'no'" to the package.

    Eurozone partners have criticised Greece's referendum announcement, and rejected its request to extend the bailout programme beyond 30 June.

    Greece faces default if it fails to pay €1.6bn (£1.1bn) to the IMF on that day.

    There are fears the country may leave the euro and that its economy may collapse without new bailout funds.

    Mr Tsipras's motion on a referendum easily won the backing in the 300-member strong parliament, with at least 179 MPs voting "yes" in the early hours of Sunday.

    Speaking just before the vote, Mr Tsipras described the creditors' proposal as "an insulting ultimatum" and said an emphatic "no" vote on 5 July would strengthen Greece's negotiating position......BBC


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