Monday, March 9, 2015

EU wants Libya deal 'within days'

Libya's warring factions must reach a deal on forming a unity government within days, not weeks, EU foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini said Monday.

Mogherini told the UN Security Council that the European Union was "ready and willing to provide all kinds of assistance" once a new power-sharing Libyan government is in place.

"We need the Libyan factions to take the first step," she told the 15-member council.

Libyan leaders must "grasp this last chance and agree on a transitional national unity government," she added.

"This should happen within days, not weeks as time does not work on our side."

Mogherini raised concerns about the Islamic State group's expanding hold on Libya and said a unity government was vital to address the crisis.

  • On Friday, IS jihadists killed eight guards in an attack on the southern oilfield of Al-Ghani.
Two foreigners, a 39-year-old Austrian and a Filipino who worked for a services company, were missing after the attack.

UN envoy Bernardino Leon at the weekend brokered a first round of direct talks between Libya's rival parliament in Morocco and the envoys were due to return to Rabat on Wednesday for further talks.

Libya has been wracked by conflict since the 2011 uprising that ousted dictator Muammar Kadhafi, with the two governments and powerful militias now battling for control of key cities and the country's oil riches.



  1. Neuf étrangers enlevés en Libye après l’attaque d’un champ pétrolier...

    Quatre Philippins et cinq autres étrangers ont été enlevés vendredi lors d'une attaque contre un champ pétrolier libyen selon les autorités philippines. L’organisation de l'EI serait derrière ces attaques selon des sources libyennes.

    Neuf étrangers ont été enlevés lors d'une attaque survenue vendredi contre le champ pétrolier d’Al-Ghani au sud de la Libye, a annoncé le porte-parole du ministère philippins des Affaires étrangères lundi 9 mars. Parmi les personnes enlevées figurent quatre Philippins, mais également deux européens – un Autrichien et un Tchèque –, ainsi que deux Bangladais et un Ghanéen.

    Cette attaque a été imputée par des sources libyennes aux jihadistes de l’organisation de l’État islamique (EI). Néanmoins, le porte-parole philippin, qui s'appuyait sur un rapport de l'ambassade des Philippines en Libye, a déclaré qu'il n'était pas en mesure de confirmer l'identité des ravisseurs, ajoutant qu'aucune revendication n'avait été formulée..................

  2. U.N. delays approval of Libya request for weapons, jets: diplomats...

    (Reuters) - At least seven United Nations Security Council members, including Britain, France and the United States, delayed approval on Monday of a request by Libya to import weapons, tanks, jets and helicopters to take on Islamic State militants, diplomats said.

    Spain, Lithuania, Chile and New Zealand joined Britain, France and the United States in placing a so-called "hold" on the request made to the Security Council committee that oversees an arms embargo imposed upon the North African state in 2011, said council diplomats, speaking on condition of anonymity.

    In a letter to the committee, obtained by Reuters, Libya said it planned to import 150 tanks, two dozen fighter jets, seven attack helicopters, tens of thousands of assault rifles and grenade launchers and millions of rounds of ammunition from Ukraine, Serbia and Czech Republic.................


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