Monday, February 9, 2015

Obama says Russia cannot redraw borders 'at barrel of a gun'

US President Barack Obama warned after meeting Monday with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the Ukraine crisis that the West cannot allow Russia to redraw Europe's borders "at the barrel of a gun." ...

"We continue to encourage a diplomatic resolution to this issue," Obama told a joint press conference.

"And as diplomatic efforts continue this week, we're in absolute agreement that the 21st century cannot stand idle, have us stand idle and simply allow the borders of Europe to be redrawn at the barrel of a gun."

  •  US President Barack Obama said on Monday his administration is looking at all options in handling the crisis in Ukraine, but he has not yet decided whether the United States will provide arms.

"The possibility of lethal defensive weapons is one of those options that is being examined, but I have not made a decision about that yet," he said, speaking at a joint news conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the White House.

Separately, Merkel said that while there have been setbacks on reaching a diplomatic solution with Russia over Ukraine, such efforts will continue. She does not see a military solution to the crisis, she added.


  1. Obama: US 'may supply arms to Ukraine'...

    President Barack Obama says the US is studying the option of supplying lethal defensive arms to Ukraine if diplomacy fails to end the crisis in the east.

    Russia had violated "every commitment" made in the failing Minsk agreement, he added, after talks with the German chancellor on a new peace deal.

    Mr Obama has come under pressure from senior US officials to supply arms, despite objections from Angela Merkel.

    Russia denies accusations of sending troops and supplying the rebels.

    The latest diplomatic efforts come amid renewed fighting between the pro-Russia rebels and Ukrainian government troops, with fighting centred around the strategic railway hub of Debaltseve.

    The rebels said on Monday they had cut off a key supply road to the town, which is near the rebel-held city of Donetsk, but the military says the battle is ongoing.

    Ukrainian government officials say nine soldiers and at least seven civilians have been killed in fighting over the last 24 hours.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is considering the peace proposals, earlier blamed the West for the crisis.......................

  2. Die USA sind laut Präsident Barack Obama für eine diplomatische Lösung der Ukraine-Krise. „Wir bestehen weiterhin darauf“, erklärte er am Montag in Washington auf einer Pressekonferenz, die er gemeinsam mit Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel gab...

    Die gegen Russland verhängten Sanktionen blieben in Kraft, sollte Moskau seine Politik gegenüber der Ukraine nicht ändern. Darauf hätten sich Merkel und er bei den Gesprächen in Washington geeinigt. „Die politische und ökonomische Isolation Russland wird stärker, falls Moskau seinen gegenwärtigen Kurs nicht ändert“, drohte Obama....................

  3. President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel huddled at the White House Monday to evaluate the prospects of reviving an elusive peace plan to end the conflict between Ukraine and pro-Russian separatists...

    Hanging over the discussions was a potential split between Obama and Merkel on sending Ukraine defensive weapons to wage a more effective fight against the rebels. The White House has said Obama is reconsidering his opposition to arming Ukraine given a recent surge in violence, while Merkel has adamantly opposed such steps.....................

  4. Ukraine-Krise Obama kündigt „geeinte starke Antwort“ an...

    Der amerikanische Präsident Obama hält sich Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine weiter offen. In einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz setzte Kanzlerin Merkel einen anderen Akzent: Politiker müssten immer wieder versuchen, die Krise diplomatisch zu lösen - auch wenn es keine Garantie auf Erfolg gebe.................


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