Friday, January 23, 2015

UN Security Council condemns killing of civilians in Donetsk, Ukraine

The UN Security Council on Thursday condemned "in the strongest terms" the killing of civilians as a result of shelling in Donetsk of Ukraine.

In a statement issued here to the press, the Council underlined the need to "conduct an objective investigation and bring perpetrators of this reprehensible act to justice."

The Council members also expressed their deep sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims and wished a swift recovery to those injured.

Earlier in the day at least eight civilians were killed and seven others wounded when a shell smashed into a trolleybus at a public transport stop in the conflict-hit Donetsk.

The casualties came amid peace talks in Berlin between Ukrainian, Russian, German and French foreign ministers, who urged all sides involved in the conflict to cease hostilities.

In the statement, the 15-nation body "underlined the need for full implementation of the Minsk protocol of 5 September and the Minsk memorandum of 19 September, and welcomed the Berlin Joint Statement of the Foreign Ministers of France, Germany, the Russian Federation and Ukraine on 21 January 2015."

The conflict between insurgents and Kiev solders has raged for more than nine months, claiming at least 4,800 lives.

  Source:Xinhua -
  • Security Council strongly condemns terrorist attack in eastern Ukraine 
UN, 22 January 2015 – The United Nations Security Council has condemned ‘in the strongest terms’ today’s shelling which resulted in the deaths of more than 10 civilians in eastern Ukraine amid intensifying clashes between Government and opposition forces.

According to reports, as many as 15 civilians were killed and more than 20 were injured when shelling hit a public transport stop in the eastern city of Donetsk.
In recent days, Donetsk has been the scene of bitter fighting as the two sides clashed over the city’s heavily contested airport. 

“The members of the Security Council expressed their deep sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims and wished a swift recovery to those injured,” the Council said in a press statement, adding that the Members underlined the need to conduct and objective investigation and bring the perpetrators of the ‘reprehensible act’ to justice.
In late February 2014, the situation in Ukraine transcended what was initially seen as an internal Ukrainian political crisis into violent clashes in parts of the country, later reaching full- scale conflict in the east. Despite the Minsk cease-fire, the situation in Ukraine has since continuously deteriorated, with serious consequences for the country's unity, territorial integrity and stability.

From mid-April to 12 December, at least 4,707 people were killed and 10,322 wounded by fighting. Since the tenuous ceasefire began, at least 1,357 fatalities were recorded. Moreover, the UN has recently reported that since March 2014, more than one million people have been displaced from the conflict-affected areas, including nearly 530,000 people within Ukraine, of who at least 130,000 are children.

In their press statement, the Council Members also underlined the need for the ‘full implementation’ if the Minsk protocol and welcomed yesterday’s joint statement issued by the foreign ministers of France, Germany, the Russian Federation and Ukraine amid attempts to broker a peace.


  1. Asesor de Poroshenko informa de la primera noche tranquila en el aeropuerto de Donetsk ...

    La noche del jueves al viernes transcurrió en calma en la zona del aeropuerto de Donetsk, por primera vez tras días de intensos combates, afirmó el asesor del presidente ucraniano, Yuri Biriukov.

    "En general, la noche ha sido tranquila, como hacía tiempo que no ocurría", escribió Biriukov en su cuenta de Facebook.

    La tarde del jueves, las fuerzas ucranianas informaron de que los combates en esa zona continuaban y que las tropas regulares disparaban desde unas "posiciones de ventaja".

    A su vez, el Estado Mayor de las milicias de Donetsk afirmó que las bajas del Ejército ucraniano en los enfrentamientos por el aeropuerto ascienden ya a 597 hombres y que además 44 uniformados se han entregado a los milicianos..........

  2. Putin accusa le autorità ucraine di usare l'artiglieria indiscriminatamente ...

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    Ha aggiunto che al momento si osserva un peggioramento della situazione nelle Repubbliche Popolari di Donetsk e Lugansk.

    Aprendo la riunione, Vladimir Putin ha chiesto ai presenti di osservare un minuto di silenzio in memoria delle vittime del Donbass, compresi i morti a seguito del bombardamento di una fermata dell'autobus a Donetsk.
    Per saperne di più:


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