Saturday, January 10, 2015

Russia may demand early repayment of $3 billion lent to Ukraine (government source)

A whole range of parameters which are the conditions for granting Russia’s $3 billion bonded loan to Ukraine are being violated, a source in the Russian government said on Saturday.
“Ukraine’s current economic and financial situation suggests that a number of parameters which are the conditions for granting Ukraine a Russian bonded loan are being violated,” the source said, adding that: “Under these circumstances, it is likely that Russia will have to demand from Ukraine in the near future early repayment of the $3 billion debt.”

Commenting on the information, a government expert said: “It is true that one of the conditions for granting the Russian loan, which was put in writing, was that Kiev should observe a whole range of financial and economic parameters. And they are actually being violated.”

“This could provide the basis for demanding early repayment of the debt,” the expert added, describing Ukraine’s budget situation in general as pre-default.


  1. Russia has every reason to demand early repayment of Ukraine's $3 billion debt - Siluanov ...

    Russia has every reason to demand early repayment of $3 billion in debt owed by Ukraine, but no decision has been made yet, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said on Saturday.

    Siluanov noted that Ukraine had violated the conditions of the Russian loan, allowing its total state debt to exceed 60% of its annual gross domestic product.

    Earlier on Saturday, a Russian government source said it was likely that Russia would be forced in the near future to demand from Ukraine early repayment of the loan.................

  2. Moskau: Kiew verstößt gegen Auflagen von Kreditabkommen über $3 Mrd....

    Die Ukraine verstößt gegen Auflagen eines mit Russland geschlossenen Kreditabkommens über drei Milliarden US-Dollar. Wie Russlands Finanzminister Anton Siluanow am Samstag in Moskau mitteilte, übersteigen Kiews Staatsschulden 60 Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts (BIP).

    „Moskau hat allen Grund, von Kiew eine vorzeitige Tilgung des Kredits zu verlangen. Denn die Höchstgrenze der Staatsschulden von 60 Prozent des BIP war eine der Voraussetzungen für die Gewährung des Kredits. Die Entscheidung ist aber noch nicht getroffen“, sagte der Minister.

    Erstaunlich sei, dass im Staatshaushalt der Ukraine kein Geld für die Begleichung dieser Schulden eingeplant sei. Dagegen würden ähnliche Verpflichtungen gegenüber anderen Gläubigern, darunter dem Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF), von der Ukraine strikt erfüllt, kritisierte Siluanow.

  3. Russia says Ukraine has violated loan terms: agencies...

    (Reuters) - Ukraine has violated the terms of a $3 billion Russian loan but Moscow has not yet decided whether to demand early repayment, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov was quoted on Saturday as saying.

    Russia lent the money in December 2013 by buying Ukrainian Eurobonds, two months before Ukraine's then-president, the pro-Moscow Viktor Yanukovich, fled the country amid mass protests against his rule.

    The terms of the loan deal included a condition that Ukraine's total state debt should not exceed 60 percent of its annual gross domestic product (GDP).................

  4. El FMI otorgará a Ucrania 5.000 millones de dólares, afirman fuentes gubernamentales ...

    El Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) entregará a Ucrania 5.000 millones de dólares después de que su misión visitara Kiev, dicen fuentes del Gabinete de Ministros ucraniano.

    "El dinero será entregado", afirmaron a la agencia ucraniana y no excluyeron que la suma del rescate pueda ser mayor.

    Además las fuentes entienden que de esta manera Ucrania podría evitar la suspensión de pagos.

    "Se ha conseguido un acuerdo sobre la reestructuración de la deuda con el acreedor principal del país, un fondo estadounidense", comunicaron.

    Añadieron que Ucrania podrá pagar la deuda a Rusia por valor de 3.000 millones de dólares mediante sus reservas.................

  5. Russia to decide on Ukraine’s $3 bln bond repayment in nearest future — PM ...

    Moscow does not want Ukraine to default, but has all legal grounds to demand Kiev’s early $3 billion bond repayment and will make a decision on the issue in the nearest future, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said on Wednesday.

    Addressing the Gaidar economic forum, Medevdev said that one of the provisions for the extended bond to Ukraine stipulated the ratio requirement for the country’s state debt to its GDP and the “provision has been breached as of today.”

    “That is why no matter what the Ukrainian authorities say, we have all legal grounds to demand early debt repayment, in other words to seek Ukraine’s implementation of its international obligations,” Medvedev said...................


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