Wednesday, January 21, 2015

President Obama says the US has "turned the page"

President Barack Obama has called on US Congress to pass a new authorisation of force against the Islamic State militant group in Iraq and Syria.
Mr Obama said in the annual State of the Union address that a US led coalition of countries is stopping the advance of the ISIS group.

He called on Congress to show the world that we are united in this mission by passing a resolution to authorise the use of force against IS.

Mr Obama has also warned Congress that any move to impose new sanctions on Iran could scupper delicate negotiations aimed at reaching a complex nuclear deal.

"New sanctions passed by this Congress, at this moment in time, will all but guarantee that diplomacy fails ," Mr Obama said.

Several U.S. Senators have been pushing to pass new sanctions on Iran as talks between the Islamic Republic and six world powers over its nuclear program drag on.
And, as some lawmakers manoeuvre to try to draft a bill slapping new sanctions on Iran, Mr Obama renewed his vow to veto any such legislation.

Talks between global powers and Iran to rein in its disputed nuclear program resumed last weekend in Geneva, with a new deadline looming at the end of June.
Negotiators however have said they would like to see a framework deal in place sometime in March, after two previous deadlines for a historic accord were missed.

"Between now and this spring, we have a chance to negotiate a comprehensive agreement that prevents a nuclear-armed Iran," Mr Obama told US lawmakers.

President Obama warned Russia that US support for Ukraine was a show of American strength and diplomacy which had left Moscow isolated and its economy in tatters.
"We're upholding the principle that bigger nations can't bully the small -- by opposing Russian aggression, supporting Ukraine's democracy, and reassuring our NATO allies," he said.

His words came as Kiev accused Russian forces of attacking its soldiers after crossing over into the ex-Soviet state's war-wrecked separatist east in violation of a September truce deal.
The charges -- met with initial silence by Moscow -- could add further tensions to difficult talks in Berlin today aimed at stemming a spike in fighting that has already killed 4,800 people and driven a million from their homes.
President Obama also urged lawmakers to prepare the way to ending the half-century embargo on Cuba.
"Our shift in Cuba policy has the potential to end a legacy of mistrust in our hemisphere," Mr Obama said.

On the eve of ground-breaking talks in Havana to discuss normalizing diplomatic ties with the communist-run Caribbean island, he said there was no more "phony excuse for restrictions in Cuba."

The highest-ranking US delegation to visit Havana since the 1980s will meet Cuban officials for talks on Wednesday and Thursday.
The meeting will be the first since the historic announcements in December by Mr Obama and Cuban leader Raul Castro that their countries will normalise ties that broke off in 1961.



  1. Obama declara que gracias a EEUU la economís de Rusia está "en ruinas" ...

    Barack Obama culpó nuevamente a Rusia de una "agresión" en Ucrania y declaró que Moscú "está aislada y con una economía en ruinas".

    "Estamos defendiendo el principio de que las naciones grandes no pueden intimidar a las pequeñas: es lo que hemos hecho al oponernos a la agresión rusa, respaldar la democracia en Ucrania y tranquilizar a nuestros aliados de la OTAN", dijo Obama durante su anual discurso ante el Congreso.

    Añadió que en 2014, mientras Washington se dedicaba al "difícil trabajo de imponer sanciones (…) algunos sugirieron que la agresión del señor (presidente ruso Vladimir) Putin era una exhibición magistral de estrategia y fuerza".

    "Lo cierto es que quien se mantiene hoy fuerte y unido a nuestros aliados es Estados Unidos, mientras que Rusia está aislada y con una economía en ruinas", aseguró.

    EEUU, la UE y otros países no reconocieron la adhesión de Crimea a Rusia, acusaron a Moscú de intervenir en el conflicto que se desencadenó en el sudeste de Ucrania e impusieron sanciones contra renglones enteros de la economía rusa.

    Rusia ha reiterado que no participa en el conflicto interno ucraniano.............

    1. Obama: USA haben Isolation Russlands durchgesetzt...

      Dank den USA ist Russland laut Präsident Barack Obama in eine internationale Isolation geraten. Russlands Wirtschaft sei „zerfetzt“, erklärte er in seiner Jahresbotschaft zur Lage der Nation.

      „Wir machen den Einfluss der amerikanischen Stärke und der Demokratie wirksam“, sagte er. „Wir unterstützen das Prinzip, dass große Länder kleinere Länder nicht angreifen dürfen. Wir leisten der russischen Aggression Widerstand, unterstützen die ukrainische Demokratie und geben Garantien unseren Nato-Verbündeten.“.............

    2. Lavrov on Obama speech: Efforts to isolate Russia will fail ...

      Attempts at isolating Russia will not work, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at a press conference on the outcome of 2014.

      “We hear from our Western partners that Russia has to be isolated,” Lavrov said. “Specifically, Barack Obama has just repeated that. These attempts won’t be effective. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia will never resort to self-isolation.”

      The minister said Moscow is calling on Washington to resume cooperation that was thwarted last year. “Relations between Moscow and Washington significantly deteriorated in 2014. We call for resuming effective cooperation at a bilateral and international level. But dialogue is only possible if based on equality and respect for each other’s interests,” he said.

      Cutting ties with NATO was not Russia’s choice, according to Lavrov........

    3. Lavrov: gli USA, da soli, non possono risolvere nessun problema ...

      Gli USA, da soli, non sono in grado di risolvere nessuno dei problemi, pertanto sono costretti a creare delle coalizioni, ha dichiarato il ministro degli Esteri della Russia Sergej Lavrov.

      “Così è stato in Iraq, così è anche adesso che si sta lottando contro il cosiddetto “Stato islamico”, - ha detto il ministro russo nel corso della conferenza stampa che ha tenuto mercoledì.

      Lavrov ha anche rilevato che la Russia non vuole e non permetterà nessuna “guerra fredda”, nonostante lo spirito di contrapposizione degli USA e i loro tentativi di premere sui loro partner.


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