Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Greece denounces terrorist attack on French newspaper in Paris

Greece denounced on Wednesday the deadly terrorist attack at the premises of the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo which caused the deaths of at least 12 people.

"On behalf of Greeks I express deep sorrow and abhorrence at the terrorist attack in Paris which cost so many lives. Greek people stand by the side of the families of innocent victims and participate in the mourning of the French people," Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras said in a written statement.

At least 12 people were killed in the shooting at the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo Wednesday morning, according to local reports. A few others were in critical conditions.

Charlie Hebdo, based in Paris' 11th arrondissement, was firebombed in 2011, due to publishing a controversial series of cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed. 

 Xinhua -


  1. France declares "reinforced protection" for public places ...

    Press offices, department stores, public transportation and places of worship in France will be placed under "reinforced protection", French Prime Minister's office announced on Wednesday.

    The announcement was made shortly after a shooting spree in the headquarters of the newspaper Charlie Hebdo which killed at least 12 people.

  2. World leaders, media groups condemn 'barbaric' Paris attack ...

    World leaders and media rights groups condemned the "barbaric" shooting at a Paris weekly on Wednesday (Jan 7) which left 12 dead, dubbing it an act of terror and an attack on free speech.

    France's EU allies lined up to offer their support after gunmen armed with Kalashnikov automatic rifles and a rocket-launcher opened fire at the offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, in what President Francois Hollande said was a "terrorist attack".

    The White House condemned it attack in "the strongest possible terms", while a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said: "Moscow resolutely condemns terrorism in all its forms.".................

  3. Terror in Paris: "Es ist ein Blutbad. Alle sind tot" ..

    Tief verstörende Bilder aus Frankreichs Hauptstadt: Terroristen ermorden zwölf Menschen bei einem Anschlag auf das Pariser Satiremagazin "Charlie Hebdo". Die Polizei fahndet nach drei Tätern.

    Wenige Stunden nach dem Anschlag auf das Pariser Satiremagazin "Charlie Hebdo" wird mehr über die Hintergründe bekannt. Die Täter "sprachen perfekt Französisch“, sagte die Augenzeugin und Zeichnerin Corinne Rey, der Zeitung „l'Humanité“. Dabei hätten die Täter behauptet, zur Terrororganisation al-Qaida zu gehören.

    Rey berichtete, sie habe sich unter einem Schreibtisch in Deckung gebracht. Der Überfall habe etwa fünf Minuten gedauert. Nach dem Anschlag riefen die Terroristen mehrfach „Allah ist groß“. Nach Augenzeugenberichten sollen sie zudem „Wir haben den Propheten gerächt“ gerufen haben......................

  4. Paris in state of war ...

    Terrorist attack leaves 12 people dead and seven wounded, four in a serious condition. The attack was perpetrated by gunmen in the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, Boulevard Richard-Lenoir in Paris (XI).

    Two policemen are among the dead. Experts claim the two attackers were professionally trained and that the attack was well planned. They pulled up in the car, carried out the strike then swapped cars and sped off into the Paris traffic. Eye witnesses were quoted saying that they heard one of the attackers saying "We have avenged the honor of the Prophet". The men were reported to be wearing black hoods and were carrying Kalashnikov automatic weapons.

    Charlie Hebdo had published satirical images of the Prophet Mohammed and anti-Islamic State cartoons. The day after the cartoons of Mohammed were published in November 2011, the offices were fire-bombed. The last Tweet on the account was a cartoon of Islamic State leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

    French President François Hollande stated that the terrorist attack was one of "exceptional barbarity", denouncing the "cowardly matter" of the attack. A police hunt is in progress.

  5. Egypt's leading Islamic authority, Al-Azhar, condemned a fatal attack by hooded gunmen on Wednesday on the Paris offices of a satirical magazine known for lampooning radical Islam...

    Al-Azhar, a thousand-year-old seat of religious learning respected by Muslims around the world, referred to the attack which killed at least 12 people as a criminal act on its Facebook site.

  6. Moscow condemns the terrorist act in Paris and expresses condolences to the next-of-kin, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday....

    “We’re shocked to learn about the terrorist act in downtown Paris where extremists’ attack on the Charlie Hebdo editorial office left victims, including among journalists and law enforcers,” the ministry said.

    “We condemn this terrorist act. The tragedy proves the need to continue active cooperation in fighting the terrorist threat,” it said.

    “In these hard times we express sincere condolences and convey sympathies to the next-of-kin,” the ministry said.

  7. The gunmen who stormed the offices of a satirical newspaper in Paris Wednesday, killing 12 people, are “very, very professional” fighters who were likely trained overseas to carry out an attack designed to scare journalists and citizens around the world, security experts say...

    As French police and special forces launched a Paris-wide manhunt for three suspects who were last seen heading for the northeast end of the city, terror experts observed that the gunmen executed a carefully crafted plan.

    Video footage of the assault shows a “shocking” calmness among the attackers, evidence that they have been well-trained and have likely seen battle overseas, according to Derek Humble, Globe Risk International senior operational consultant.........Read more:

  8. Fight against terrorism requires collective efforts regardless political climate — Russian ForMin...

    The tragedy in Paris proves that the fight against terrorism requires permanent efforts of the international community regardless of the political environment, Russian Foreign Ministry deputy spokesman, Maria Zakharova, wrote on Twitter on Wednesday.

    “The tragedy in Paris is a serious reason for realizing that the fight against international terrorism requires permanent, uninterrupted collective efforts by the world community regardless of the political climate,” Zakharova said.

    “There are global problems solution to which cannot be postponed till better days. Otherwise, they won’t come,” she said...............

  9. Déclaration du vice-Premier ministre et ministre des Affaires étrangères, E. Vénizélos suite à l’attentat terroriste perpétré au siège de l’hebdomadaire «Charlie Hebdo»...

    MAE Hellénique, mercredi, 07 janvier 2015
    Nous vous communiquons ci-dessous une déclaration du vice-Premier ministre et ministre des Affaires étrangères, Evangelos Vénizélos, suite à l’attentat terroriste perpétré au siège de l’hebdomadaire «Charlie Hebdo»:

    «Nous exprimons notre indignation et condamnons fermement l’attentat terroriste provocateur et barbare qui a fait plusieurs morts, perpétré au siège de l’hebdomadaire « Charlie Hebdo» à Paris.

    Nous exprimons nos sincères condoléances aux familles des victimes, au peuple français et aux autorités françaises.

    Nous tenons à assurer le gouvernement français que la Grèce demeure à ses côtés en tant qu’allié solide de tous ceux qui luttent pour la liberté et contre le terrorisme».


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