Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Egypt court overturns Mubarak jail sentence

Ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak had his three-year prison sentence on corruption charges overturned by a court on Tuesday. 

The court also ordered a retrial in the case, the sole case still pending against him.

A lower court had handed down the jail sentence against Mubarak in May last year after convicting him of embezzling more than 100,000 Egyptian pounds (about $14 million) earmarked for the maintenance of presidential palaces.
It had also handed down four-year jail sentences against the toppled leader's sons, Alaa and Gamal.

The move follows a court decision in November to drop murder charges against the 86-year-old former leader over the deaths of protesters during the 2011 uprising that ended his three decades of autocratic rule.
The decision to drop the charges sparked protests at universities across Egypt and prompted mockery online. At least two people were killed and nine wounded when security forces fired tear gas and birdshot to disperse about 1,000 protesters trying to enter Tahrir Square -- the symbolic heart of the uprising that ousted Mubarak.

The Court of Cassation did not specify whether Mubarak was a free man following its judgment.

But his lawyer Farid al-Deeb told Agence France-Presse that his client ought to go free as he "has already served" three years in prison.

He has been serving his sentence in a military hospital in Cairo. His overthrow led to Egypt's first free election. But the Islamist victor, Mohammad Mursi, was ousted in 2013 by then-army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, following protests against his rule.

(With AFP and Reuters)


  1. Mubaraks Verurteilung wegen Korruption aufgehoben..

    Der Prozess wegen Veruntreuung von Staatsgeld in Ägypten muss neu aufgerollt werden. Damit könnte der frühere Präsident möglicherweise freikommen.

    Anderthalb Monate nach dem Freispruch vom Vorwurf der Beihilfe zum Mord ist ein Urteil gegen Ägyptens Ex-Präsident Hosni Mubarak wegen Korruptionsvorwürfen aufgehoben worden. Ein Berufungsgericht in Kairo widerrief eine Verurteilung zu drei Jahren Haft und ordnete ein neues Verfahren an. Ob der 86-Jährige nun freigelassen wird, ist noch unklar.

    Im Mai hatte ihn ein Gericht wegen Veruntreuung zu drei Jahren Haft verurteilt. Das Geld war für den Unterhalt des Präsidentenpalastes veranschlagt worden.

    Ende November war Mubarak vom Vorwurf freigesprochen worden, Beihilfe zum Mord an mehr als 800 Demonstranten bei den gewaltsamen Protesten gegen ihn vor vier Jahren geleistet zu haben. Wegen des Urteils in dem Korruptionsverfahren blieb er in einem Militärkrankenhaus inhaftiert.................http://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2015-01/aegypten-hosni-mubarak-korruption-prozess

  2. Egypt court accepts appeal against Mubarak murder verdict, orders retrial...

    An Egyptian court has ordered a retrial of former president Hosni Mubarak after it accepted a prosecution appeal against a court decision to drop charges against him, his interior minister, and six security aides over the killing of protesters during the 2011 uprising, a judicial source has said.

    The retrial will take place before the Court of Cassation, the country's highest criminal court and legal authority. Rulings from the court are final and not subject — as stipulated under Egyptian law — to further appeals.


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