Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Ukraine needs additional $15 bln to avoid financial collapse (IMF)

According to the Financial Times quoting sources in the IMF, a 7 percent drop in Ukraine’s GDP and a disruption of exports to Russia, the country’s biggest trading partner, have contributed to the fiscal gap.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) calculates that to avoid a financial collapse, $15 billion is needed for Ukraine in a matter of weeks, the Financial Times has reported, quoting sources in the IMF.

A 7 percent drop in Ukraine’s gross domestic product (GDP) and a disruption of exports to Russia, the country’s biggest trading partner, have contributed to the fiscal gap, the newspaper stated Tuesday, adding that those factors have led to large capital outflows and a rundown in central bank reserves. Before the start of political unrest in the eastern Ukraine, those regions accounted for around 16 percent of the country's economic output.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Prime Minister of Ukraine, said on Tuesday that his government was prepared to put in place belt-tightening measures, such as spending cuts and a crackdown on the shadow economy. He added that his government was not begging for money, but considered IMF as a partner.

  • According to the European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Pierre Moscovici, the European Commission is considering a third rescue program for Ukraine.
Ukraine, currently on the verge of default, is facing a grave economic crisis. Kiev is hoping to save its economy with international financial aid. The additional funding would add to the $17 billion IMF made available in April that is expected to last until 2016. Since then, Kiev has received $8.2 billion in funding from the IMF and other international organizations.



  1. Le nouveau ministre ukrainien de l'Economie Aivaras Abromavičius a annoncé que le gouvernement demandait au Fonds monétaire international (FMI) d'augmenter de 17 milliards de dollars l'aide financière à l'Ukraine compte tenu de la situation compliquée...

    Le FMI se proposait d'augmenter son aide à l'Ukraine de 15 milliards de dollars. Selon le FMI, ces moyens doivent être versés ces prochaines semaines pour éviter la faillite.
    Lire la suite:

    1. El ministro de Economía de Ucrania dice que el país está quebrado...

      El nuevo ministro del Desarrollo Económico de Ucrania declaró que el país está en bancarrota, informa este jueves Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

      "El Estado en la realidad está en bancarrota", dijo en una reunión de un comité del Parlamento ucraniano para la economía.

      El diario cita las estadísticas estatales que muestran que los precios en Ucrania crecieron este año en el 20%, mientras que la producción industrial se redujo en el 9%.

      La deuda externa del país eslavo pasará de 41% del PIB del año pasado a 67,5%, pronostica el Fondo Monetario Internacional.

      En las condiciones cuando la deuda externa ucraniana se estima en 42.000 millones de dólares, son insuficientes sus reservas de oro y divisas, que son de 12.500 millones de dólares, destaca el rotativo.

      Este año también se registró la disminución de la inversión extranjera, de 15,7% a 8,2% del PIB. Minetras, la depreciación de la divisa nacional provocó la caída de las importaciones en el 21%.


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