Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Assad: US-Led Coalition Airstrikes Against IS Targets in Syria Ineffective

The US-led coalition’s airstrikes against Islamic State targets in Syria have been ineffective in battling the extremist group, said Syrian President Bashar Assad.
 "You can’t end terrorism with aerial strikes. Troops on the ground that know the land and can react are essential. That is why there haven’t been any tangible results in the two months of strikes led by the coalition," Assad said in an interview with the French Paris Match newspaper published on Wednesday.

"It isn’t true that the strikes are helpful. They would of course have helped had they been serious and efficient," the president added, noting that Syrian troops engaging in ground battles against the militants have noticed no change.

Islamic State jihadists have been fighting the Syrian government since 2012. In June 2014, the group extended its attacks to northern and western Iraq, declaring a caliphate on the territories that had fallen under its control.
The United States and its allies started launching airstrikes against IS positions in Iraq in August. In September, the airstrikes were extended to include the group's positions in Syria.


  1. Assad: Luftkrieg der Koalition gegen Islamischen Staat unwirksam ...

    Der syrische Präsident Baschar al-Assad hat die Luftangriffe der US-geführten Koalition gegen die Terrormiliz „Islamischer Staat“ als unwirksam kritisiert.

    „Allein mit Luftschlägen lässt sich der Terrorismus nicht bekämpfen. Dafür sind Landstreitkräfte notwendig, die die Gegend kennen und operativ reagieren können“, sagte Assad in einem Interview von Paris Match. „Deshalb haben die Luftangriffe, die die Koalition zwei Monate geflogen hat, keine greifbaren Ergebnisse gebracht.“ Die syrische Armee, die unmittelbar gegen die IS-Milizen kämpfe, spüre keine positiven Veränderungen durch diese Bombardements.

    Auf die Frage, ob er Angst vor einem Schicksal à la Saddam Hussein oder Muammar Gaddafi habe, verglich sich der syrische Präsident mit einem Schiffskapitän, der sein Schiff retten müsse und nicht an den eigenen Tod denken dürfe. „Ich werde alles tun, um mein Land zu retten.“....................

  2. Assad: gli USA e gli alleati colpiscono le posizioni dell’ISIS solo pro forma ...

    Gli attacchi aerei della coalizione sotto la guida degli USA contro le posizioni dei militanti dell’ISIS in Siria, non sono efficaci, ha dichiarato il Presidente siriano Bashar al-Assad.

    "Stiamo combattendo contro il terrorismo, indipendentemente dagli Stati Uniti o dalla coalizione. Può sembrare strano, ma il numero dei raid delle Forze aeree siriane sulle posizioni dei terroristi in un solo giorno supera il numero degli attacchi della coalizione. Non abbiamo nessun coordinamento. E bisogna capire che gli attacchi della coalizione sono solo di facciata", ha detto Assad.
    Per saperne di più:


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