Wednesday, October 22, 2014

World Community Should Punish Those Responsible for Cluster Bomb Use in Ukraine (Moscow)

The international community has enough resources to bring to justice those who are responsible for the use of cluster munitions in eastern Ukraine, Russian Foreign Ministry's human rights ombudsman Konstantin Dolgov said Wednesday.

"I think that the international community has enough resources, enough mechanisms to bring those responsible to justice. The question is in the lack of political will from the Western side," Dolgov said in an interview with Rossiya-24 TV channel.

Dolgov added that the recent report by the Human Right Watch (HRW), which said that Kiev forces used cluster munitions, shows positive tendencies in the human rights advocates' work.

On Monday, in an official release, HRW said that Ukrainian forces used cluster munitions in populated areas of Donetsk in October. HRW also stated that the use of cluster bombs may amount to a war crime.

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry denied the findings saying they were not supported by enough facts.

(RIA Novosti)


  1. La Germania ha definito la dichiarazione di HRW sulle bombe a grappolo in Ucraina "un’accusa grave" ...

    Il governo tedesco ritiene che le accuse contenute nel rapporto dell'organizzazione per i diritti umani Human Rights Watch (HRW), “sono gravi”, ma al momento non può dare una valutazione univoca al documento, ha detto il portavoce del governo tedesco Steffen Seibert.

    Secondo le sue parole, se in Ucraina sono state davvero usate le bombe ti tale tipo, il governo tedesco lo condanna in modo serio. Seibert ha ricordato che la convenzione esistente sulle munizioni a grappolo, che ne vieta l’uso, non è stata firmata né dalla Russia né dall'Ucraina.
    Per saperne di più:

  2. Moscou exige l'Occident d'influencer Kiev en raison d’usage d’armes à sous-munitions ...

    La Russie exige l'Occident d'influencer Kiev afin qu’il arrête d'utiliser des armes à sous-munitions contre les civils dans l'Est de l'Ukraine, c’est un crime de guerre, a déclaré le porte-parole du ministère russe des Affaires étrangères, Alexandre Loukachevitch.

    Loukachevitch a également attiré l'attention sur le dernier rapport de Human Rights Watch qui confirme la « nature barbare de l’opération punitive, lancée par les autorités de Kiev ».

    En outre, le diplomate russe a souligné que Moscou espérait que les élections législatives, tenues conformément aux principes démocratiques, apporteront une stabilité à l'Ukraine.
    Lire la suite:

  3. Глава МИД Украины опроверг использование Киевом кассетных боеприпасов на востоке страны ...

    Глава МИД Украины Павел Климкин опроверг сообщения, согласно которым украинская армия применяла на востоке страны кассетные боеприпасы (что приравнивается к военным преступлениям), сообщил сегодня в эфире радиостанции Deutschlandfunk.

    "Если вы внимательно посмотрите на фотографии, то увидите, что речь идет о фальшивке", - утверждал он. Глава украинского МИДа заверил, что он "говорил с военными и все обвинения были проверены".............

    1. Ukraine's foreign minister has denied reports that military forces had used cluster bombs during fighting in the country's troubled east, dismissing photographic records as fakes....

      “If you look attentively at the photographs, you will see they are fakes,” Pavlo Klimkin told Germany's Deutschlandfunk radio station on Friday.............


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