Monday, October 20, 2014

U.S. airdrops arms to Kurdish forces fighting Islamic State in Syria

U.S. military aircraft air-dropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies for Kurdish forces fighting Islamic State militants near the Syrian border town of Kobani on Sunday night, the U.S. Central Command said....
In multiple airdrops, U.S. Air Force C-130 aircraft "delivered weapons, ammunition and medical supplies that were provided by Kurdish authorities in Iraq and intended to enable continued resistance against ISIL's attempts to overtake Kobani," it said in a statement, using an acronym to refer to Islamic State.

The statement said 135 U.S. air strikes near Kobani in recent days, combined with continued resistance against Islamic State on the ground, had slowed the group's advances into the town and killed hundreds of its fighters.

"However, the security situation in Kobani remains fragile as ISIL continues to threaten the city and Kurdish forces continue to resist," the statement said. It mentioned no new air strikes.......................



  1. Einsatz über Kobane: USA werfen erstmals Waffen für Kurden ab ...

    Das US-Militär hat erstmals Waffen und Munition für die kurdischen Kämpfer in der von der Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat belagerten Stadt Kobane abgeworfen. Auf dem gleichen Weg seien die Verteidiger der syrischen Stadt mit medizinischen Bedarfsgütern versorgt worden, teilte das US-Militärkommando Centcom mit.
    "Mehrere Versorgungsflüge"

    Es habe "mehrere" Versorgungsflüge gegeben. Mit dem Nachschub könnten die um Kobane kämpfenden Kurden der Dschihadistenmiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) weiterhin "Widerstand leisten". An dem Einsatz waren drei US-Frachtmaschinen vom Typ C-130 beteiligt, wie ranghohe Regierungsvertreter später bei einer Telefonkonferenz bekanntgaben. Die Transportflugzeuge warfen demnach 27 Bündel mit Handfeuerwaffen, Munition und Medizin ab. Zwar werde der Ablauf der Aktion noch geprüft, sagte ein Vertreter des Weißen Hauses. Doch habe das Gros der für die Kurden bestimmten Lieferungen ihr Ziel erreicht, fügte er hinzu. Bei den Flügen über syrischem Luftraum habe es keine Bodenattacken auf die Frachtmaschinen gegeben....................

  2. US resupplies Kurdish forces in Kobani....

    The U.S. carried out an aerial resupply of Kurdish forces in the besieged city of Kobani overnight Sunday as the group continues to fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL.

    Senior administration officials who spoke to reporters on condition that their names not be made public said that three C-130 aircraft delivered 27 bundles of small arms, ammunition and medical supplies.

    Initial assessments are that “the vast majority” of supplies reached their intended targets, with an official saying that additional drops may occur "in the days ahead." Iraqi Kurdish authorities provided Sunday's aid.

    The Kurdish majority border town of Kobani, which is under the control of the People’s Protection Units, or YPG -- armed wing of the Democratic Union Party, or PYD -- has been the scene of fierce battles between Kurdish groups and ISIL since mid-September...................

  3. Turkey facilitates Peshmerga access to Kobane ...

    Turkey on Monday said it was assisting Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga fighters to cross its borders to join Syrian Kurdish forces battling militants to maintain control over the Syrian town of Kobane, Agence France-Presse reported.

    “We are assisting Peshmerga forces to cross into Kobane," Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told reporters in Ankara, adding that talks on the issue were ongoing without giving further details.........

  4. Kerry says US aid to Syrian Kurds was response to crisis...

    The United States told Turkey that a US military air-drop of arms to Syrian Kurds battling Islamic State near the Syrian town of Kobani was a response to a crisis situation and did not represent a change in US policy, US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Monday.

    "We talked with Turkish authorities - I did, the president did, to make it very very clear that this is not a shift in policy by the United States. It is crisis moment, an emergency," Kerry told reporters on a visit to Indonesia, adding that it was a "momentary effort."

    The Turkish government, which views Syrian Kurds with deep suspicion because of their ties to the PKK - a group that waged a decades-long militant campaign for Kurdish rights in Turkey - has turned down requests for it to open a land corridor so Kobani could be resupplied from other Kurdish areas of northern Syria.


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