Friday, October 31, 2014

Romanian President intends to receive Moldova citizenship after mandate ends

Romanian President Traian Basescu, who steps down from his post in December on expiry of his term, said in an interview with the Moldavian television that he will receive Moldavian citizenship in order to promote the idea of uniting the two countries.
Traian Basescu supported the necessity of the union of the two countries in the future. “In my heart, I would have liked Romania and Moldova to unite, because I do not walk back on the theory that we are one people living in two independent states,” Basescu noted.
The Romanian head of state acknowledged that there are no necessary conditions for the union yet.  
“When a majority of Romanians in both countries want to be one country, that will certainly happen,” Basescu said.

Earlier, the Romanian President made a number of shocking statements. Traian Băsescu said once that in 2014 Romanian authorities had to declare publicly Moldova Romanian land. He considers the reunion of these two nations Romania's third national project after joining NATO and the European Union.

This statement drew a lot of criticism in Chisinau. Moldovan Prime Minister Iurie Leanca said that such statements of public officials only undermine the political situation and do more harm than good.

  • Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta, the most favorite candidate on the upcoming presidential elections in November, according to the polls, also stated his intentions to promote the two countries' reunion project.

He thinks that the reunion might happen in 2018, a century after the annexation of Bessarabia by Romania. Ponta said that he actually would like this to happen in 2018, under his watch, as he is likely to be the President of Romania then.


  1. En Roumanie, le parquet anticorruption fait trembler les responsables politiques ...

    L’élection présidentielle roumaine est, sur le papier, des plus disputées. Pas moins de 14 candidats s’affronteront au premier tour, dimanche 2 novembre. Parmi eux, Elena Udrea, une blonde pimpante parrainée dans la course électorale par l’actuel président Traian Basescu, lequel achève son second mandat, Vadim Tudor, un extrémiste qui veut vendre sa Dacia pour financer une campagne à laquelle il est seul à croire, ou Teodor Melescanu, le chef des services de renseignements qui espère jouer les trouble-fête… Deux candidats se détachent pourtant de cette liste, et, selon les sondages, ce sont eux qui seront présents au deuxième tour prévu le 16 novembre : l’actuel premier ministre socialiste Victor Ponta et le chef du Parti national libéral (PNL), Klaus Iohannis, issu de la petite minorité allemande de Roumanie.

    Cependant, la véritable bataille a lieu sur un autre front : celui de la justice. Le Parquet national anticorruption (DNA), composé de jeunes procureurs, a démarré une opération mains propres qui secoue l’ensemble de l’échiquier politique. A sa tête, une dame de fer, Laura Kövesi, nommée en 2006 procureure de la République à l’âge de 33 ans. Le palmarès du DNA s’enrichit d’une année à l’autre : 743 condamnations en 2012, 1 041 en 2013 et plus de 1 500 cette année. Parmi celles-ci, Adrian Nastase, ancien premier ministre socialiste entre 2000 et 2004, condamné en 2012 à deux ans de prison ferme pour corruption. « Les procureurs sont indépendants, affirme Laura Kövesi. Nous pouvons démarrer des enquêtes contre des ministres, des parlementaires, des magistrats, des officiers de police ou des directeurs de sociétés publiques. Nous n’avons aucun problème pour enquêter sur n’importe quelle affaire de corruption. »..............

  2. No candidate receives over 50% votes in Romanian elections...

    No presidential candidate in Romania has received more than 50 percent of votes in the first round, according to the country’s official news agency, AGERPRESS.

    Romanians went to the polls on Sunday to elect the county’s 14th president from among 14 presidential candidates.

    The ballots opened at 7:00 a.m. (0500 GMT) and closed at 9:00 p.m. (1900 GMT).

    A total of 18,550 polling stations were set up nationwide.

    According to unofficial preliminary results, the ruling Prime Minister Victor Ponta -- candidate of the Social Democrat Party, National Union for Romania's Progress and Conservative Party -- got 41.5 percent of the votes in the presidential election.

    His powerful rival and Christian Liberal Alliance candidate, Klaus Iohannis, obtained only 31.2 percent of the votes.

    None of the other 12 candidates exceeded 6 percent of votes.

    According to a statement by the Central Election Committee, turnout would not exceed 50 percent and would stay at 48.89 percent.

    As none of the candidates took more than 50 percent of the vote, a second round of voting will take place on 16 November.


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