Thursday, October 30, 2014

"Right time" to recognize Palestinian state, Swedish FM tells FRANCE 24

Sweden became the first major Western country to officially recognise the state of Palestine on Thursday. The country's foreign minister tells FRANCE 24 why her government believes it is time other European countries followed suit.

Speaking from Stockholm, Margot Wallström said the "legal requirements" for recognition had been fulfilled.

"There is a people, there is a territory and there is a government," she said.

Asked about the timing of the move, Wallström said "now is a right time (...) because of the situation on the ground, to make this less unequal".

Israel has reacted angrily to Sweden's decision, recalling its ambassador for consultations.

But there was praise for the Swedish government from Palestinians, who called on other countries to match the move.

  • Earlier this month, Britain's parliament recognised Palestine in a non-binding vote, and similar votes are in the pipeline in Spain, France and Ireland.
In response to the vote American philosopher and political activist Noam Chomsky told the United Nations that only support from the United States, which is unlikely, would allow for a Palestinian state.




  1. Меркель раскритиковала Швецию за одностороннее признание Государства Палестина ...

    ТАСС Вячеслав Филиппов/. Канцлер ФРГ Ангела Меркель подвергла критике Швецию за одностороннее официальное признание Государства Палестина.

    "Одностороннее признание Палестины не продвинет нас вперед на пути к решению проблемы на основе создания двух государств", - заявила глава германского правительства после прошедших в Берлине переговоров с премьер-министром Бельгии Шарлем Мишелем.

    Меркель подчеркнула, что, на ее взгляд, важнее сконцентрировать усилия на проведении переговоров между Израилем и палестинцами для достижения мира на Ближнем Востоке..............

    1. Merkel shuns unilateral recognition of Palestinian state ...

      Chancellor Angela Merkel has declared Germany is against unilaterally recognizing a Palestinian state, despite moves among other European states towards recognition.

      Merkel said on Friday that German recognition of Palestine alone would not provide a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

      Holding a joint press conference with Belgium's PM Charles Michel, Merkel said Berlin supported a two-state solution but added: "We see how difficult that is, so we also believe that unilateral recognition of the Palestinian state won't move us forward."

      She said it would be better to restore Israeli-Palestinian talks although "that appears very difficult in the current conditions."

      Condemning Tuesday's attack at a West Jerusalem synagogue in which four Israelis died, Merkel said tension was high in the region.

      She added: "The two sides should move towards restraint." ............


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