Monday, October 27, 2014

Israel beefs up security forces in restive East Jerusalem

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that security forces have been boosted significantly in East Jerusalem to prevent further violence by Palestinian youths.

He told the weekly cabinet meeting that an additional 1,000 police and paramilitary border police, including special forces, have been deployed in Arab neighborhoods in East Jerusalem.

"We will not allow the reality of Jerusalem to become one of throwing stones and firebombs, and disturbances," he said, blaming "extremist Islamic elements" for being behind the attempts to " incite Israel's capital."

"We will use all necessary force, with determination and responsibility, to ensure they do not succeed," he said in his opening remarks at the meeting.

Tension has been running high in East Jerusalem since Wednesday when a Palestinian motorist rammed his car into a light rail station, killing a Jewish baby and wounding eight others. The driver was shot by Israeli police and died of his wounds later in hospital.

On Friday, Israeli forces shot dead Orwah Hammad, a 14-year old Palestinian-American, during clashes near the West Bank city of Ramallah, where the Palestinian National Authority is located.

The mounting tension has prompted schools in the coastal city of Tel Aviv to postpone class trips to Jerusalem. The Tel Aviv Municipality said Sunday most trips were canceled following requests of parents who said they were concerned about the children's safety because the route includes sites where violence occurred.

Over the past weeks, Palestinian teenagers have clashed frequently with the Israeli police, throwing stones and flares at Israeli drivers and sabotaging the city's light rail, a symbol of the "unification" of the Palestinian occupied East Jerusalem with the Israeli West Jerusalem.

Israel captured the East Jerusalem from Jordan in the 1967 Middle East war and later annexed it in a move that has not been recognized internationally.

Source: Xinhua -


  1. Two senior members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet warned the premier late Sunday that more construction in Jewish settlements would further inflame already-tense ties with the United States....

    Reacting to a Channel 2 report indicating that Netanyahu was nearing agreement with the pro-settler Bayit Yehudi party on more housing in the West Bank, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni said the move is “irresponsible from both a diplomatic and security standpoint.”

    “Plans for more construction, even if it’s in the settlement blocs, under such sensitive circumstances that we find ourselves in, is irresponsible from both a diplomatic and security standpoint,” she said. “The fear of publicly acknowledging that there is a construction freeze outside of the settlement blocs will lead to damage to the bloc themselves.”

    Finance Minister Yair Lapid, meanwhile, said that more construction “at this stage would lead to a serious crisis in ties with the United States, and it would harm Israel’s international standing.”

    Lapid said that while he is in principal not opposed to construction inside the settlement blocs, “at this stage it will cause damage to Israel.”.................

    1. Netanyahu approves over 1,000 more housing units in east Jerusalem ...

      Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu authorized planning to advance 1,060 new housing units in neighborhoods in Jerusalem beyond the 1967 lines, officials in the Prime Minister's Office said Monday.

      According to the officials, 600 of these units will be constructed in the northern neighborhood of Ramot Shlomo, and another 660 in Har Homa.

  2. Violents heurts à Jérusalem-Est pour la cinquième nuit consécutive ...

    De violents heurts opposaient dimanche soir des centaines de Palestiniens à la police israélienne pour la cinquième nuit consécutive à Jérusalem-Est, avant l'enterrement sous haute surveillance de l'auteur présumé d'une attaque anti-israélienne.

    A l'issue d'une journée émaillée de violences, les funérailles d'Abdelrahmane Shalodi, un Palestinien accusé par la police israélienne d'avoir délibérément jeté sa voiture sur un arrêt du tramway, devraient finalement avoir lieu dans la nuit.

    Ce Palestinien de 21 ans a été abattu mercredi par la police après avoir tué un bébé et une Equatorienne de 22 ans qui a succombé dimanche à ses blessures. Depuis, sa dépouille, aux mains de la médecine légale israélienne, n'a toujours pas été remise à sa famille.

    La justice israélienne avait décidé qu'elle serait rendue aux Shalodi dimanche soir à la porte du cimetière pour un enterrement rapide au milieu de la nuit, en présence d'une liste réduite de participants soumise auparavant à la police...............

  3. Abbas appeals for support amid East Jerusalem chaos ...
    In an urgent letter sent to Washington on Sunday night, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas urged Americans to intervene in what he termed as “Israeli escalation in East Jerusalem.” ...

    Abbas warned that if Israel continued with its current measures, including proposals that would allow Jews to pray at the Temple Mount compound, it would lead to an eruption of violence that would spiral out of control.

    The president blames the Israeli government for recent clashes between Israeli security forces and Palestinian rioters in East Jerusalem.

    Clashes in Jerusalem continued on Sunday, as hundreds of Palestinians attended a symbolic funeral march in the mostly Arab neighborhood of Silwan in East Jerusalem...............


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