Monday, September 8, 2014

Ukrainian troops given WWII-era weapons

The Ukrainian troops involved in the war in the south-east of the country, were armed with WWII-era weapons. Adviser to Ukrainian President, Yury Biryukov, said that the weapons, though old, had plenty of ammunition, reports Lifenews.

"There were grenade launchers AGS-17 "Flame" and mortars BM-37 produced in 1943). There was also a 23-mm twin anti-aircraft gun, produced in 1963. It was originally designed to combat aircraft, but once installed on the "Ural" and "KamAZ" vehicles, it obtains new powerful functions," the official said.

Biryukov thanked the military leadership of Ukraine for provided weapons, saying "we will take what gives, at least, and repair it."

"They gave plenty of ammunition, a lot. The weapons are old and they need to be repaired, but guys learn to work powerfully and accurately," wrote Poroshenko's advisor on his webpage.


  1. Poroschenko schickt Panzer an die Front...

    Die EU entscheidet über Sanktionen gegen die Energiekonzerne Gazprom, Rosneft und Transneft. Russland droht im Gegenzug mit Überflugverboten. Unterdessen rüstet die ukrainische Führung die eigene Armee in Mariupol auf.

    Der ukrainische Präsident Petro Poroschenko hat den Bewohnern Mariupols bei einem Besuch der Front-Stadt seine Unterstützung im Kampf gegen prorussische Separatisten zugesichert. „Mariupol ist Teil der Ukraine. Wir werden dieses Land niemanden überlassen“, erklärte er über den Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter nach seinem Eintreffen in der strategisch wichtigen Hafenstadt im Südosten der Ukraine. Er beklagte auch, pünktlich zu der Zeit,für die seine Ankunft in Mariupol angekündigt war, habe es wieder Beschuss gegeben. Er habe militärische Verstärkung zur Verteidigung der 500.000-Einwohner-Metropole angeordnet in Form von Panzern und Raketenwerfern. Außerdem werde der Luftraum überwacht. „Der Feind wird eine vernichtende Niederlage erleiden.“.................

  2. Ukrainian president looks to make front-line visit as fragile cease-fire holds...

    KIEV, Ukraine — Ukraine’s military said Monday that a fragile truce was holding in the east of the country as the country’s president planned a surprise visit to the front-line port city of Mariupol.

    The break in hostilities came as government forces and pro-Russian rebels, who have seized territory in eastern Ukraine, regrouped after weeks of increasingly bloody fighting. Divisions about the political future of the country remain as deep as ever, however, fueling skepticism about whether cease-fire can hold.

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko planned to use the moment to show his support for the key industrial city of Mariupol, which only days ago looked at risk of falling to a pro-Russian advance..............


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