Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Legitimacy of US strikes against Islamists in Syria doubtful - (Russian FM)

The current rocket and bombing strikes against militants’ positions in Syria and Iraq are being delivered by the United States, France and several Arab states, but no wide coalition is on the agenda, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement Wednesday.

“Islamic State militants’ positions in Syria and Iraq are still being bombed. Washington claims that the attacks are carried out by the forces of an international coalition geared to fighting the mentioned terrorist structure,” the Foreign Ministry said.

“There are also doubts about the legitimacy of the strikes being delivered, because such steps can be taken only on condition of approval from the United Nations or unequivocal consent from the authorities of the country in question, in this particular case, the government in Damascus,” the statement runs.

“Besides, the rocket and bombing attacks are being made by the United States, France and several Arab states, while other countries, although they have declared their participation in the operation, in reality have confined themselves to humanitarian actions. In other words, no wide coalition is on the agenda.
The statement says only a common counter-terrorism strategy, not a legalised “coalition” against the Islamic State (IS) can produce results in fighting terrorism.

“We are urging all responsible members of the international community to take part in the development of a common counter-terrorism strategy and its implementation,” the ministry said.
“It is this comprehensive approach rather than a legalised ‘coalition’ against the IS that can produce desired result and help rid mankind of this ‘plague of the 21st century’,” it said.

1 comment :

  1. Le chef d'état-major des armées américain Martin Dempsey a déclaré la nécessité d'une opération militaire terrestre en Irak et en Syrie pour combattre les militants du groupe Etat islamique....

    « Des frappes aériennes de la coalition internationale dirigée par les États-Unis ont déjà causé des dommages à l’Etat islamique, mais cela ne suffit pas », a déclaré Dempsey.

    Dempsey a noté qu’environ 15 000 soldats seraient nécessaires pour la libération des territoires des militants.
    Lire la suite:


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