Thursday, September 18, 2014

Australian police raid terror suspects. (ASIO now believes there are a few Islamic extremists who are planning an attack in Australia)

Australian police and the nation's spy agency have launched raids across homes in Sydney and Brisbane on Thursday in the biggest counter-terrorism operation in Australian history.

More than 600 officers from multiple police departments swooped on homes in the early hours of the morning in an operation that is believed to be linked to extremist terror group Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL).

"A police operation is currently underway in Sydney's northwest suburbs this morning as a result of a joint counter- terrorism operation involving the NSW Police and Australian Federal Police (AFP)," police said in a statement. "The arrests follow the execution of search warrants across Sydney's north- west suburbs early today."

Police confirmed arrests have been made but it is as yet unclear how many however witnesses have seen dozens of people taken into custody.

Police said they were also executing warrants in Brisbane. This operation follows the arrests of two men with terror links in south east Queensland last week.

The raids come less than a week after Australian Security Intelligence Organization (ASIO) raised the threat level of a terror attack from medium to high, meaning an attack is considered likely.

They also come a week after media reported that ASIO now believes there are a few Islamic extremists who are planning an attack in Australia.

Sources: Xinhua -


  1. Australien: IS-Terrorzelle wurde gestoppt....

    15 Festnahmen: Beschuldigte sollen kriminelle Akte geplant und inszenierte Tötungen angeordnet haben.

    Die australische Polizei hat im Rahmen von Anti-Terror-Einsätzen am frühen Donnerstagmorgen 15 Menschen festgenommen. Die Razzien hätten in den Metropolen Sydney und Brisbane stattgefunden, teilte die Polizei mit.

    Die zerschlagene Gruppe habe nach Überzeugung der Behörden "kriminelle Akte" in Australien geplant, sagte Bundespolizeichef Andrew Colvin. Er gehe von zufälligen Taten gegen "Mitglieder der Öffentlichkeit" aus........................

  2. Australien: Polizei verhindert IS-Anschlag - 15 Festnahmen....

    Nach dem größten Anti-Terror-Einsatz in der australischen Geschichte haben die Behörden einen 22-Jährigen wegen geplanter Terroranschläge angeklagt. Der Mann aus Sydney habe einen Anschlag geplant, der "die Gesellschaft schockieren, entsetzen und verängstigen" sollte, zitierte der Sender ABC Staatsanwalt Michael Allnutt.

    Der Mann wurde am Donnerstag in Sydney einem Richter vorgeführt. Der Fall wurde auf dem 13. November vertagt. Nach Informationen des Senders erhielt der 22-Jährige diese Woche einen Telefonanruf von einem australischen Extremisten aus dem Nahen Osten, der mit der Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat kämpft. Der Mann habe ihn angestachelt, Menschen in Australien auf offener Straße zu entführen und zu enthaupten. Die Videos sollten veröffentlicht werden..................

  3. Australia steps up security after reported ISIS plot to attack lawmakers...

    Intercepted intelligence indicating Islamic State militants could be planning to attack Australian lawmakers triggered a security alert at the country's Parliament building Friday.

    Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced that Australian Federal Police would ramp up security in the Parliament House building in Canberra after agencies intercepted intelligence pointing to attacks against lawmakers, including Abbott, according to the Wall Street Journal.

    "There certainly has been chatter amongst the terrorist support networks of an attack on government and people, and Parliament House has been specifically mentioned," Abbott told a state radio network.

    The development comes a day after hundreds of heavily armed police carried out raids in major Australian cities to disrupt an alleged plot by Islamic State militants to snatch people off the streets and behead at least one.

    Abbott has approved the deployment of Australian warplanes and 200 special-forces soldiers to Iraq to join the U.S.-led global coalition to attack ISIS insurgents....................


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