Saturday, August 9, 2014

US warns Russia against Ukraine invasion (under the guise of providing humanitarian aid)

US official says any Russian intervention under the guise of providing humanitarian aid will be viewed as invasion....

The United States has warned Russia against using the humanitarian crisis in eastern Ukraine as a pretext for an invasion, saying such a move would be "completely unacceptable."

The warning came after Russia proposed setting up humanitarian corridors to come to the aid of civilians in east Ukraine who are fleeing violence as Kiev's forces battle to re-take the eastern city of Donetsk.
US Ambassador Samantha Power told the UN Security Council on Friday that international aid agencies were on the ground and helping civilians trapped between pro-Moscow rebels and Ukrainian forces.

"Any further unilateral intervention by Russia in Ukrainian territory, including one under the guise of providing humanitarian aid, would be completely unacceptable and deeply alarming and would be viewed as an invasion of Ukraine", Washington's envoy said.

Moscow proposed that the convoys of aid be organised through the International Committee of the Red Cross, but it was unclear how much of a role the ICRC would play in the deliveries. 

"Urgent humanitarian assistance should be delivered by the international organisations that have the expertise, experience and independence to provide it. It should not be delivered by Russia," Power said.

With fighting intensifying near Donetsk, more civilians are fleeing while those left behind struggle to find water, medical care and other essentials.

The United Nations is ready to boost its support to Ukrainian relief efforts, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in a statement.
"If there is further deterioration of the humanitarian situation, or if nationally-led response efforts are not sufficient to meet humanitarian needs, the UN is ready to consider additional measures of support", said the UN chief...........................


  1. Hilfe als Vorwand? ....USA warnen Russland vor Einmarsch in der Ukraine...

    In der Ukraine geraten vermehrt Zivilisten zwischen die Fronten. Nun entbrennt ein Streit um humanitäre Hilfe - die USA vermuten, Russland plane in Wirklichkeit eine Invasion des Landes.

    Die USA haben Russland davor gewarnt, in die Ukraine einzumarschieren. Humanitäre Hilfen für den Osten der Ukraine dabei als Vorwand zu nutzen, wäre "vollkommen inakzeptabel", erklärte die US-Botschafterin bei den Vereinten Nationen, Samantha Power, am Freitag vor dem UN-Sicherheitsrat in New York. "Jede weitere einseitige Intervention Russlands auf ukrainischem Territorium, darunter eine unter dem Deckmantel humanitärer Hilfe wäre (...) zutiefst alarmierend", sagte Power.

    Zuvor hatte die russische Regierung die Einrichtung humanitärer Korridore im Osten der Ukraine vorgeschlagen, damit Zivilisten vor den Kämpfen fliehen könnten. Zudem könne das Internationale Komitee vom Roten Kreuz (IKRK) Hilfskonvois organisieren.

    Ban will Unterstützung verstärken

    Power erklärte, internationale Hilfsorganisationen seien bereits vor Ort und würden den Zivilisten helfen, die in die Schusslinie zwischen ukrainischen Truppen und prorussischen Separatisten geraten sind. "Dringende humanitäre Hilfe sollte von internationalen Organisationen gestellt werden, die die Expertise, Erfahrung und Unabhängigkeit dafür mitbringen. Sie sollte nicht von Russland gegeben werden", fügte die Diplomatin hinzu.

    UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki Moon erklärte, die Vereinten Nationen seien bereit, ihre Unterstützung zu verstärken, sollte sich die humanitäre Lage weiter verschlechtern oder sollten die Bemühungen Kiews nicht ausreichen.

  2. Les Etats-Unis considéreront comme une invasion directe l'acheminement unilatéral par la Russie d'une aide humanitaire en Ukraine, a déclaré vendredi l'ambassadeur des Etats-Unis auprès des Nations Unies Samantha Power à la réunion du Conseil de sécurité....

    "Toute intervention unilatérale de la Russie en Ukraine même sous le prétexte d'octroyer une aide humanitaire sera absolument inadmissible et suscitera une vive préoccupation. Elle sera considérée comme une invasion en Ukraine", a-t-elle fait savoir, citée par ITAR-TASS.

    Mme Power s'est félicitée de la décision de chercher des moyens appelés à multiplier le nombre d'opérations humanitaires dans les régions ukrainiennes touchées par les hostilités, qui a été annoncée par le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR).

    "Si la Russie souhaite envoyer une aide à la population de ces régions, je suis absolument sûre que mes collègues au sein du Conseil seront à même de prendre des mesures urgentes pour se persuader qu'une organisation internationale telle que le CICR l'acheminera en Ukraine au lieu de la Russie", a-t-elle tranché.

    La réunion du Conseil de sécurité, tenue le 6 août, était l'occasion pour la Russie de proposer d'envoyer à Donetsk et à Lougansk ainsi que dans d'autres villes ukrainienne à grande concentration de personnes déplacées des convois humanitaires russes sous escorte du CICR. L'ambassadeur de Russie auprès des Nations Unies Vitali Tchourkine a dit avoir examiné cette initiative avec le secrétaire général de l'ONU Ban Ki-moon jeudi et avoir reçu une lettre de son adjoint Jan Eliasson ce vendredi.

    "Ils nous ont assuré que toutes les structures internationales, subordonnées à l'ONU sont prêtes à participer à l'acheminement de l'aide humanitaire en Ukraine", a fait ressortir le diplomate.
    Lire la suite:

  3. Readout of the President’s Call with Chancellor Merkel of Germany (The White House)...

    The President spoke today with Chancellor Merkel of Germany regarding the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. The two leaders agreed that any Russian intervention in Ukraine, even under purported "humanitarian" auspices, without the formal, express consent and authorization of the Government of Ukraine is unacceptable, violates international law, and will provoke additional consequences. They reiterated that we continue to urge Russia to engage with the international community and the Ukrainian government to find a political solution to the crisis.

  4. Readout of the President's Call with Prime Minister Cameron of the United Kingdom (The White House, Office of the Press Secretary)....

    The President spoke this morning with UK Prime Minister David Cameron about the crises in Iraq and Ukraine, and the growing Ebola outbreak in West Africa. On Iraq, the two leaders agreed to provide additional, immediate humanitarian assistance, and to develop options that will secure the safety of the civilians on Mount Sinjar. They discussed efforts to counter the threat posed by ISIL against all Iraqis, and agreed on the need for Iraqi political leaders from all factions to put aside their differences and to form an inclusive government capable of pulling the country together. The President and Prime Minister also discussed the developing situation in Ukraine, and agreed that any Russian intervention in Ukraine, even under purported "humanitarian" auspices, without the formal, express consent and authorization of the Government of Ukraine is unacceptable, violates international law, and will provoke additional consequences. On Gaza, they condemned the resumption of rocket fire and called for an immediate cessation of hostilities leading to a sustainable cease-fire. President Obama and Prime Minister Cameron reiterated support for Israel's right to self-defense while emphasizing the need for all sides to minimize civilian casualties. Finally, regarding the growing Ebola outbreak, the two leaders welcomed the efforts of the World Health Organization, and vowed to increase the assistance provided by the U.S. and UK governments.

  5. The Russian Defence Ministry on Saturday denied Western media reports alleging that 12 Russian Army Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) commandos had been killed in Ukraine and described them as “a fake”....

    It said the same allegations had already been carried by Ukrainian mass media several weeks ago. Now they were reported by The Financial Times.

    “Sam Jones [the author of the article], who specialises in Russian affairs and who has numerous sources in the MI-6 [British intelligence service] has deeply swallowed the fake that was played out several weeks ago by Ukrainian mass media. But he barely digested it as can be seen from his article,” Defence Ministry spokesperson, Major General Igor Konashenkov said.

    He said the whole text was riddled with “cliches and copied passages from Wikipedia.”

    “There is nothing concrete, only some obscure ‘information’ from social networks and far-fetched ambiguous comments by anonymous sources from British intelligence services. As a result, he made a whole essay. But as Winston Churchill once said, if the truth is multifaceted, a lie is always polyphonic,” Konashenkov said, adding that The Financial Times has a serious business audience which “as a rule does not appreciate sapless propaganda tricks”.


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