Thursday, August 7, 2014

Statement by Commission spokesman on the announcement of measures by the Russian Federation

European Commission, Statement, Brussels, 7 August 2014:

"The European Union regrets the announcement by the Russian Federation of measures which will target imports of food and agricultural products. 

This announcement is clearly politically motivated. 

The Commission will assess the measures in question as soon as we have more information as to their full content and extent.

We underline that the European Union's restrictive measures are directly linked with the illegal annexation of Crimea and destabilisation of Ukraine. 

The European Union remains committed to de-escalating the situation in Ukraine. 
All should join in this effort. 

Following full assessment by the Commission of the Russian Federation's measures, we reserve the right to take action as appropriate. "


  1. Une liste détaillée a été relayée sur le site du gouvernement russe.....

    L'interdiction concerne ainsi "la viande bovine, de porc, la volaille sous forme fraîche, réfrigérée ou congelée. La viande salée, en saumure, séchée ou fumée. Les poissons, crustacés et mollusques. Le lait et les produits laitiers. Les légumes, les fruits et les fruits à coque. Les charcuteries, les saucisses et autres préparations à base de viande. Le fromage, ainsi que les produits préparés à partir de graisse végétale." L'embargo ne concerne pas l'alcool, a précisé le gouvernement russe.

    Les aliments pour nourrissons sont épargnés, ainsi que les produits agroalimentaires achetés à l'étranger par les citoyens russes.

    Par ailleurs, le Premier ministre russe a menacé de bloquer le survol du territoire russe pour les compagnies aériennes effectuant des liaisons entre l'Europe et l'Asie via la Sibérie, la route la plus courte, en réponse aux sanctions occidentales.

    Dmitri Medvedev a indiqué que la fermeture de l'espace aérien russe pour ces liaisons, qui provoquerait pour les compagnies un important surcoût en carburant, était une "mesure grave", considérée comme une réponse à l'arrêt des activités du premier transporteur aérien à bas-coût russe, Dobrolet, provoquée par les sanctions occidentales.

  2. Embargo sur les fruits et légumes : les producteurs craignent un engorgement du marché européen...

    L’union européenne, en particulier l’Allemagne et les Pays-Bas, fait partie des principaux fournisseurs de la Russie. L’embargo pourrait bien engorger un marché européen déjà une récolte abondante de pommes, tomates et pêches.

    L’embargo sur les produits alimentaires provenant d’Europe et des Etats-Unis pourrait bien rapidement engorger le marché européen. Avec l’Ukraine (avant la crise) et le Brésil, l’Allemagne et les Pays-Bas figurent en effet en 2013 parmi les principaux fournisseurs de la Russie, qui importe 35% de sa consommation alimentaire. Le pays de Vladimir Poutine absorbe 10% des exportations agricoles et agro-alimentaires de l’Union européenne (UE), pour un montant de 12 milliards d’euros par an, selon les chiffres d’Eurostat. « La Russie est exportatrice de céréales mais fortement importatrice de légumes et fruits et de produits transformés tels la viande, les produits laitiers », rappelle Xavier Beulin, patron du principal syndicat agricole, la FNSEA.

    Fruits frais, fromages, porcs ... représentent à chaque fois un volume d’affaires d’un milliard d’euros environ. Ce sont avec les légumes (770 millions), les marchandises qui manquent le plus aux tables russes et constituent les principales importations alimentaires d’Europe avec les vins et spiritueux (1,5 milliard euros). Les pommes, les tomates et les pêches en particulier sont achetées chez les Européens qui traversent justement une grave crise cette saison, en raison d’une production abondante, au demeurant hautement périssable.....................

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  3. Sweden hopes Russian restrictions will not last long — official...

    STOCKHOLM, August 07. /ITAR-TASS/. Swedish food producers hope that Russian import restrictions will not last long as they would not like to lose the Russian market, an official at the Swedish Food Federation (Livsmedelforetagen) told ITAR-TASS on Thursday.

    “The ban will be a challenge for us. But we will meet it by finding other markets. We hope that the restrictions will not last long because we would not like to lose the Russian market,” Hakan Bjorklund said.

    Exports to Russia account for 1% of annual Swedish food supplies to other countries (about 70 million euros). Since 2003 the export has increased by 27%, dominated mainly by pastries, egg powder and vegetable oil which have not been included in the list of banned goods.

    “The import ban will affect other EU countries to a greater degree as Russia is their biggest buyer of fruit, vegetables and meat,” Bjorklund said.

  4. Gleich um drei Jahre hat Russland die Aufenthaltsgenehmigung für den früheren US-Spion Edward Snowden verlängert. Der Beschluss passt zum aktuellen Konfrontationskurs Moskaus....

    Russland hat dem früheren US-Geheimdienstmitarbeiter Edward Snowden eine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung für drei Jahre erteilt. Das gab Snowdens Anwalt Anatoli Kutscherena in Moskau bekannt. Sie gelte rückwirkend vom 1. August 2014 an, Snwoden könne sich in Russland frei bewegen. Zudem dürfe der 31-Jährige ins Ausland reisen - aber nicht länger als für drei Monate..................

  5. ....Deutscher Exportverband ist besorgt....

    Als Reaktion auf die EU-Sanktionen hat der Kreml eine Liste von Produkten erstellt, die nicht mehr aus der EU, den USA, aus Kanada, Norwegen und Australien nach Russland eingeführt werden dürfen. Dazu zählen Obst, Gemüse, Fleisch, Fisch sowie Milch und Molkereiprodukte.

    Nach Angaben des Bundeslandwirtschaftsministeriums ist Russland zwar der wichtigste Abnehmer außerhalb der EU für Produkte der deutschen Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft sowie der Landtechnik. Allerdings gingen mehr als drei Viertel der Agrarexporte in die EU..................

  6. Moscow’s food ban could cost EU $16bn, spark crisis in Europe...

    EU trade is heavily dependent on Russian food imports, last year Russia bought $16 billion worth of food from the 28-nation bloc, or about 10 percent of total exports, according to Eurostat.

    Vygaudas Usackas, the EU ambassador to Russia, cited the same $16 billion figure when speaking with a Russian radio station on Thursday.

    "We are yet to analyze in detail what goods fall under sanctions, but it may reach up to 12 billion euro. Food and goods amount to 10 percent of what we export to Russia," Usackas said.

    Russia’s response to Western sanctions could push Europe into a market crisis, according to the National Federation of Unions of Agricultural Operators (FNSEA), France’s largest farming association.

    “It’s a double détente system. Russia will halt imports, but the products that aren’t exported will land back on European markets and create a crisis situation,” Xavier Beulin, the president of FNSEA, said in a TV interview on iTele on Thursday..........................

  7. Chizhov: le azioni della Russia sono in conformità alle norme dell'OMC

    Le misure di risposta della Russia per le importazioni provenienti dall'UE sono state adottate in conformità alle norme dell'OMC, lo ha annunciato il rappresentante permanente della Russia presso l'UE Vladimir Chizhov.

    Il Presidente Vladimir Putin ha vietato per un anno l'importazione di alcuni tipi di prodotti agricoli, materie prime e prodotti alimentari provenienti dai Paesi che hanno imposto sanzioni contro la Russia. Il Consiglio dei Ministri ha pubblicato un elenco delle merci cui vige una limitazione all'importazione.

    Secondo Chizhov, queste misure non sono destinate a punire i fornitori europei, ma per proteggere gli interessi dei produttori e dei consumatori russi.

    In precedenza è stato riferito che l'Unione Europea potrebbe rivolgersi all'OMC dopo il divieto delle importazioni in Russia di alcuni prodotti.
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  8. Russia’s Ban to Have Serious Impact on UK Fishing Industry – Fishermens' Federation...

    ABERDEEN, August 7 (RIA Novosti), Mark Hirst – Restrictions imposed by Russia in response to American and EU sanctions against Russia will have “extremely serious implications” for British fishermen, Bertie Armstrong, Chief Executive of the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation, said Thursday.

    “We recognize that this is a serious geopolitical issue, but the downstream impact will hit a number of business sectors including Scottish fishing,” the senior representative of the fishing industry in the UK said.

    The UK exports around $29 million (£17 million) of frozen fish into Russia every year and Armstrong told RIA Novosti sanctions would have a serious impact on their sector with most of the UK fishing fleet based in Scotland.

    “Russia is a very important export market for Scottish mackerel, and the denial of access would have extremely serious implications for both mackerel fishermen and the onshore processing sector,” he added.

    “We will, of course, be keeping in close contact with the Scottish and UK Governments to monitor the situation as it develops, and also to discuss any support measures for the Scottish seafood sector should they be required,” Armstong said...........................

  9. Russia to negotiate with Belarus to prevent banned food re-exports...

    Russia will negotiate with Belarus to prevent a re-export of banned western food products from the Belarusian territory, the Russian agricultural watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor said on Thursday.

    The Russian government has officially published a list of agricultural products and foodstuffs banned for imports from the EU, the United States and other countries in response to their sanctions against Russia over its stance on Ukraine.......................

  10. Russia's Response to EU Sanctions in Line With WTO Disciplines - EU Envoy...

    Russia’s one-year ban on Western food imports have been introduced in accord with the World Trade Union (WTO) disciplines and designed to protect domestic producers, Vladimir Chizhov, the Russian permanent representative to the EU, said Thursday.

    "These measures are actually a response to anti-Russian sanctions, introduced by the European Union and the governments of the affected [by Russia’s ban] countries, in particular, the United States, Canada, Australia, Norway. They [sanctions] are not intended to punish European suppliers, but to protect the interests of Russian producers of the similar goods and, of course, consumers," the senior diplomat said.

    The response measures have been taken in full compliance with the WTO rules in order to balance out the current situation, Chizhov added.

    "I can refer to Article XXI of the GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) 1994, which provides for the adoption of such measures in the event of threats to national security as well as emergencies, and in this case we can talk about the threat to national food security," the diplomat said......................

  11. L'embargo russe sur les produits alimentaires pourrait déclencher une crise sur les marchés de l'Europe, a déclaré jeudi à RIA Novosti le président de la Fédération nationale française des syndicats d'exploitants agricoles (FNSEA), Xavier Beulin.....

    "La Russie se ferme aux importations, mais aussi les produits qui n'iront plus à l'exportation (hors UE) vont se rabattre sur les pays européens et créer une situation de crise (…). D'une part, le manque à gagner sur le marché russe est loin d'être négligeable, d'autre part les exportateurs vont se rabattre sur le marché communautaire, au risque de le saturer", a estimé le chef du principal syndicat agricole français......................

  12. Russia plans to boost food imports from Uruguay...

    Russia’s federal veterinary and phytosanitary watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor plans to increase the number of food importers from Uruguay licensed to supply lamb, beef, pork and dairy products to the country , spokeswoman Yulia Trofimova said after talks between Russian officials and representatives from Uruguay.

    “Uruguay told us, among other things, that they were going to make the most of the opened opportunities to increase exports of their products,” Trofimova said, adding that the Russian agency also planned to sign a separate agreement with Uruguayan officials on supplies of high-quality beef.

  13. Gli affari delle imprese tedesche in Russia, soffriranno notevolmente della crisi ucraina, scrive il quotidiano tedesco Bild....

    Secondo il giornale, il sindacato dell'industria automobilistica della Germania nel mese di giugno ha registrato una riduzione del commercio con la Russia del 23% rispetto allo stesso periodo nel 2013. Inoltre Bild indica che sullo sfondo delle sanzioni anti-russe la situazione potrebbe ulteriormente peggiorare a causa delle misure di risposta russe, ritiene l'edizione.

    "Le aziende tedesche stanno perdendo miliardi in Russia", scrive il giornale.
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  14. Russland: Sanktionen ziehen alle nach unten...

    Mit dem Importverbot für Lebensmittel hat Kreml-Chef Putin das Sanktionenkarussell endgültig in Gang gesetzt. Österreichs Agrarbetriebe sind stark betroffen. Russische Konsumenten auch.

    07.08.2014 | 18:11 | Von Eduard Steiner (Die Presse)

    Wien. Mit Donnerstag wurde definitiv klar: Das Sanktionenkarussell ist nun vollends in Gang gesetzt, nachdem Russland sich zu einem Importstopp für Agrarprodukte aus der EU, den USA und anderen westlichen Staaten entschlossen hat. Hört man sich in der Wirtschaft um, so spricht man nicht von einem Karussell, sondern von einer Sanktionenspirale, die alle nach unten ziehe. Das weiß auch die Politik, die in Gestalt der EU-Kommission Moskaus Schritt als Revanche für die neuen EU-Sanktionen bedauert hat. Dmitrij Medwedjew, Russlands Premier, bedauerte auf seine Art: „Es war keine einfache Entscheidung, aber wir mussten es tun.“ Ein Jahr lang dürfen Obst, Gemüse, Fleisch sowie Molkereiprodukte aus dem Westen nicht mehr nach Russland exportiert werden...............

  15. EU to set up task force to deal with Russian food ban...

    European agriculture officials will on Monday set up a task force to analyze the impact of a Russian ban on EU food imports and expect to call an emergency meeting to coordinate an EU response, the European Commission said.

    Moscow banned most food imports from the West on Thursday in retaliation for U.S. and EU sanctions imposed over Russia's actions in Ukraine. The Commission said it reserved the right to take action, without specifying what.

    The Commission takes a summer break in August, but Agriculture Commissioner Dacian Ciolos will return to Brussels at the weekend and on Monday his department will set up a task force to work out the impact of Russia's ban, the Commission, the EU executive, said.

    The commissioner has already been in contact with the Italian and French agriculture ministers and others...................

  16. Moscow to open stores selling exclusively Russian products - newspaper...

    Moscow’s city government may organise stores, which will sell exclusively Russia-made products to replace the goods, which Russia has banned to import from the EU, the U.S. and some other countries, Izvestia daily writes on Friday.

    “In our supermarkets the share of imported products is very high, and even potatoes and beet are imported,” an expert of the Moscow government’s trade department Vladlen Maximov told the newspaper. “Retailers will require time to adjust to the new conditions, to have new contracts with suppliers.”

    “However, Moscow lacks small stores and kiosks selling mostly Russian products,” he added...........................................

  17. Ukraine : le Premier ministre annonce des sanctions contre la Russie...

    Le Premier ministre ukrainien a annoncé vendredi des sanctions contre 172 particuliers et 65 entreprises, essentiellement russes, accusés d’avoir soutenu l’annexion de la Crimée ou de financer l’insurrection prorusse.

    Les dernières 24 heures ont été lourdes en pertes et blessés dans les combats en Ukraine près de la frontière russes : 15 morts et 79 blessés au sein des forces ukrainiennes, a indiqué un porte-parole militaire à l'AFP. Parmi les personnes tuées se trouvaient huit gardes-frontières et sept soldats appartenant à la 79ème brigade de l'armée ukrainienne. Cette dernière a été contrainte de se replier à la suite de combats face aux rebelles prorusses qui ont duré trois jours à l'est du pays, dans la région de Lougansk.

    De fortes explosions et des salves d'armes lourdes étaient entendues dans la nuit de jeudi à vendredi à Donetsk, capitale régionale où les combats meurtriers avaient gagné la veille, pour la première fois, le centre-ville. Un obus est tombé jeudi sur un hôpital, faisant un mort et deux blessés......................En savoir plus sur

  18. ЕС има €400 млн. за компенсации за руското ембарго...

    Европейската комисия разполага с 400 милиона евро за компенсиране на европейските селскостопански производители във връзка с продоволственото ембарго, въведено от Русия в отговор на санкциите на Запада. Това е заявил еврокомисарят по търговията Карел де Гухт според местни медии, информира ИТАР-ТАСС.

    "Става дума за 400 милиона евро", е казал еврокомисарят, коментирайки информация в медиите, че европейските правителства възнамеряват да поискат от Еврокомисията финансови компенсации заради руската забрана, пояснява ИТАР-ТАСС.......

  19. The majority of Russians, 72 percent, said they approved the state's response measures to Western sanctions, a Levada-Center survey, conducted prior to Russia's import ban, showed Friday....

    Some 39 percent of the respondents said Russia should definitely introduce response measures against Western businesses, and another third said they would rather the government imposed the measures than not. Only 12 percent said they would rather not see Russian response, and 6 percent said "definitely not." Ten percent said they could not answer....................

  20. Sanktionen gegen Russland .... Deutsche Bauern geraten unter Druck....

    Die Sanktionen gegen Russland zeigen bereits Wirkung, doch die Folgen des Importverbots sind auch hierzulande spürbar. Was genau auf deutsche Bauern zukommt, ist momentan völlig ungewiss.

    Von den russischen Importverboten betroffene Bauern können nach Einschätzung von Bundesagrarminister Christian Schmidt nicht auf rasche Hilfen hoffen. Zunächst seien Beratungen in Brüssel nötig, sagte der CSU-Politiker der "Passauer Neuen Presse". "Europa wäre für Hilfsmaßnahmen zuständig, das heißt, wir müssen uns eng mit der Kommission und den anderen Mitgliedstaaten abstimmen."........................

  21. Aποζημίωση ζητούν οι παραγωγοί Ημαθίας-Κοζάνης...

    Το μεσημέρι της Τρίτης- σε σύσκεψη στο υπουργείο Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης- θα παρουσιάσουν οι εξαγωγείς Ημαθίας, Πέλλας, Πιερίας, Κοζάνης και Φλώρινας τα αιτήματά τους ενώ είναι σε επαφές με τους παραγωγούς της Ισπανίας, της Ιταλίας και της Γαλλίας προκειμένου να υπάρξει συντονισμένη αντίδραση στις Βρυξέλλες, μετά το πλήγμα που δέχθηκαν λόγω του ρωσικού εμπάργκο. Μεταξύ άλλων ζητούν την άμεση απογραφή, απόσυρση και καταστροφή των φρούτων που δεν πωλούνται και την καταβολή αποζημιώσεων. .....................

  22. European companies ask to ship blacklisted food through Switzerland to Russia...

    Some European food producers have reportedly asked Switzerland to provide an alternative supply corridor for goods embargoed by Russia.

    The agriculture import ban imposed by Russia does not apply to Switzerland as it is not an EU member.

    During the past week various European food and agriculture organizations have asked the Swiss authorities if there is an opportunity to export their products to Russia via Switzerland, Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG) spokeswoman, Anne Rizzoli told Izvestia.

    She did not specify the companies "for security reasons.”

    The European Milk Board (EMB), a body that brings together different national associations of dairy product manufacturers, confirmed it was looking at transit countries.

    Milk producers are considering Switzerland and South America as transit hubs for products bound for Russia, Izvestia cites the EMB Vice President Sieta van Keimpema.

    "European products, earmarked for Russia, will most likely be delivered there through these countries,” the EMB Vice President said.

    In turn, business associations in Switzerland said they’ve already received requests for dairy supplies from Russian clients.....................

    1. Switzerland refuses to supply European products to Russia bypassing embargo — WSJ....

      NEW YORK, August 20. /ITAR-TASS/. Switzerland has rejected attempts by some EU food producers to sidestep a Russian ban on EU food imports amid the continuing crisis in Ukraine, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.

      “Some EU food producers have sought ways around the Russian ban by exporting through Switzerland, the Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture said on Tuesday,” the newspaper writes.

      According to WSJ, “The office said it has rejected requests from fruit, vegetable and foodstuffs producers, but declined to give further details. Switzerland is required to certify food exports for hygiene, which it can’t do if the products are processed outside its borders, said Jurg Jordi, a spokesman for the office. Switzerland has previously pledged to prevent Russia from using its territory to bypass Western countries’ sanctions.”

      “Separately, Switzerland's Federal Council, or cabinet, last week expanded its list of defence equipment that can’t be exported to Russia and Ukraine, and tightened bans on Swiss financial intermediaries taking on new business from the two countries. These restrictions fall short of broader economic sanctions the EU and the US have slapped on Russia,” the newspaper says.

      The newspaper writes that Moscow’s embargo on imports of some food products from the EU, introduced early August, did not affect Switzerland as it did not apply wide sanctions against Russia....................

  23. Moscou apprécie hautement la disposition des pays d'Asie et d'Amérique latine de resserrer les liens économiques et commerciaux avec la Russie malgré les appels de l'UE, a déclaré jeudi le ministère russe des Affaires étrangères....

    "Nous œuvrerons pour élargir notre coopération économique et commerciale avec nos partenaires, avant tout en Asie et en Amérique latine et nous apprécions leur disposition à resserrer nos liens", a indiqué le porte-parole du ministère russe des Affaires étrangères Alexandre Loukachevitch dans un communiqué.

    "A notre avis, les pays qui reçoivent des appels de l'Union européenne sont capables de décider eux-mêmes comment ils doivent réagir à la situation qui permet à leurs entreprises d'élargir les exportations et notamment d'augmenter leur part sur le marché russe", a ajouté le porte-parole.
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  24. In Spagna, i rappresentanti dell'Associazione dei Giovani Agricoltori della Catalogna hanno scaricato diverse tonnellate di nettarine e pesche vicino al Palazzo del Governo della città, hanno posto in cima alla frutta le bandiere dell'UE e le hanno bruciate....

    Così hanno espresso la loro insoddisfazione per le azioni di Bruxelles dopo l'introduzione da parte della Russia di misure in risposta alle sanzioni occidentali. Gli agricoltori lamentano che tutti i fondi dell'UE siano assegnati alle agenzie governative, alle assicurazioni sociali, alle società che sono impegnate nel trasporto e confezionamento dei prodotti, mentre gli stessi agricoltori non ricevono nulla. La Commissione Europea ha annunciato una serie di misure volte ad aiutare gli agricoltori colpiti dall'embargo della Federazione Russa. Le misure di sostegno costeranno all’Europa 125 milioni di euro.
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