Saturday, August 16, 2014

Russian aid convoy waits near Ukraine. ICRC may take under its jurisdiction aid convoy in Ukraine’s territory

KAMENSK-SHAKHTINSKY, Russia: Hundreds of trucks in a Russian aid convoy are waiting near the Ukrainian border as complicated procedures drag on for allowing them into eastern Ukraine to help civilians suffering amid fighting between Ukrainian forces and separatists.

Ukrainian officials are concerned that the mission including around 200 trucks could be a guise for Russia to send in equipment for the rebels, whom Kiev and Western countries claim are backed by Moscow. But Russia and Ukraine reached an agreement under which the trucks could enter with Red Cross accompaniment if Ukrainian border guards and customs agents approve the cargo.

A representative of Russia's emergencies ministry on Saturday told The Associated Press that documents about the cargo have been given to Ukrainian officials who have come to Russia for the cargo inspection.

  • ICRC may take under its jurisdiction aid convoy in Ukraine’s territory...
DONETSK, August 16, /ITAR-TASS/. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is ready to take under its jurisdiction the humanitarian aid convoy from Russia for Ukraine’s southeast, if Russia and Ukraine agree on it, ICRC’s spokeswoman Galina Balzamova told reporters on Saturday.
  • “For that we should require an agreement between two parties - Russian and Ukrainian,” she said. “As far as we know, an agreement of the kind does not exist now.
She continued saying ICRC was aware about the finished tripartite meeting between Russian and Ukrainian customs, border control and ICRC.
“The meeting participants discussed various aspects of delivery of the humanitarian cargo, of how customs and border control will be organised,” she said.
The Russian side has presented a general list of the trucks’ contents, she said.
  •  Ukraine refuses to acknowledge the cargo, delivered by Russian convoy, as humanitarian aid.
  • “It is important to receive permission from the Ukrainian side [for the convoy’s crossing its territory]. Now, the Ukrainian side refuses to acknowledge the cargo is a humanitarian mission,” she said.
She explained several conditions are to be observed to have the Red Cross control the convoy’s crossing the Ukrainian territory.
“All the parties involved should come to an agreement about conditions for the convoy to cross the territory of Ukraine, and ICRC staff should be guaranteed security as the Red Cross does not have its armed guard,” the spokeswoman said.
  • One of the variants to make sure the “white KAMAZ trucks” cross Ukraine, will be that every truck’s cabin had one Russian driver and one ICRC representative.
Since Friday afternoon, the convoy of the Russian humanitarian aid has been not far from the Izvarino check point at the border between Russia and Ukraine.

The convoy started on Tuesday.
“As an agreement is in place, we plan to deliver the humanitarian aid to civilians, who suffer from the conflict in eastern Ukraine, to medical institutions and charity organizations,” Corbaz said, adding in the situation where people have to live without basic things like electricity and water “efficiency is especially important.”
The Red Cross said Kiev also had sent a humanitarian convoy to the country’s eastern regions and asked ICRC to undertake distribution of the assistance. The Red Cross has sent additional staff to the town of Starobelsk near Lugansk, to where Ukraine’s 50 trucks had arrived on Saturday morning.


  1. Ukraine: le convoi humanitaire russe n'a ni bougé ni été inspecté....

    Les ministres des Affaires étrangères de l’Ukraine, de la Russie de l’Allemagne et de la France se retrouvent dimanche soir à Berlin. Sur le terrain les tensions entre occidentaux et russes sont toujours vives et le convoi humanitaire russe toujours bloqué.

    « J’espère que nous parviendrons enfin à mettre un terme aux affrontements violents, et à prodiguer aux populations touchées par la violence dans l’Est de l’Ukraine l’aide urgente et nécessaire » estime le ministre allemand des Affaires étrangères, Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Et ce alors qu’il doit rencontrer dimanche ses homologues russe, ukrainien et français dimanche.

    Dans une interview à qui sera publiée dimanche par le quotidien allemand Bild , quelques heures avant cette réunion à quatre, le ministre allemand explique en effet avoir « invité à nouveau le ministre des affaires étrangères de la Russie, de l’Ukraine et de la France dimanche soir à Berlin, pour discuter des moyens de sortir de la crise ».

    Cette rencontre intervient après qu’Angela Merkel se soit entretenue au téléphone avec le président russe Vladimir Poutine vendredi. La chancelière allemande lui a notamment demandé de mettre fin au flux de matériel militaire, conseillers militaires et personnel armé qui passent la frontière avec l’Ukraine........................En savoir plus sur

  2. Ucraina, il capo dei ribelli di Donetsk: “Arrivano i rinforzi: 1.200 uomini e 150 blindati dalla Russia”....

    Il premier dell’autoproclamata Repubblica di Donetsk: addestrati per quattro mesi dai russi. La Casa Bianca: «Cessare le provocazioni». La replica: «Aiuti militari, non ci sono soldati».

    Se confermata, la notizia potrebbe minare il già precario equilibrio diplomatico internazionale. Il nuovo premier dell’autoproclamata Repubblica di Donetsk, Aleksandr Zakharcenko, ha annunciato che sono in arrivo rinforzi per i miliziani filorussi: 150 mezzi blindati, tra cui 30 carri armati, e 1.200 uomini addestrati per quattro mesi in Russia. Già ieri Kiev aveva accusato Mosca di aver inviato una colonna militare in Ucraina. Un’incursione confermata dalla Nato ma chela Russia continua a negare. Mentre gli Stati Uniti hanno detto di non avere elementi per smentirla o confermarla..................

  3. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov held a phone conversation with the president of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Peter Maurer and urged him to speed up inspection and clearance procedures of Russia’s humanitarian convoy on the border with Ukraine....

    “The Russian side stressed the urgent need to speed up all the required procedures in order to deliver Russia’s humanitarian aid as soon as possible," Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement issued Saturday.

    “It was stated that the ICRC representatives are in contact with Russian and Ukrainian border services. The technical issues linked to the convoy’s inspection and clearance are decided in the due course," the statement reads.

    According to the ICRC, the border security and customs services from Russia and Ukraine are holding talks mediated by the representatives of the Red Cross. They are discussing the convoy’s passage and customs clearance procedures.

    So far, Ukraine is refusing to recognize Russian convoy as humanitarian mission.

    Russia’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Saturday, dismissing the allegations that Russia refused to cross the Ukrainian border through Kiev-controlled checkpoints, and that it is delaying the handover of detailed list of the cargo to the Red Cross.

    Earlier this week, Russia sent a humanitarian convoy to Ukraine of 280 trucks carrying about 2,000 tons of humanitarian aid, with 400 tons of grain, 100 tons of sugar, 62 tons of baby food, 54 tons of medication, 12,000 sleeping bags and 69 mobile electrical generators.

  4. Le président français François Hollande a appelé Kiev à la "retenue" dans les opérations militaires, et Moscou au respect de l'intégrité territoriale de l'Ukraine, rapporte samedi l'Elysée à l'issue d'un entretien entre M.Hollande et le chef de la Commission européenne José Manuel Barroso....

    "Ils (Hollande et Barroso) ont marqué leur préoccupation quant à la situation dans les régions de l'est de l'Ukraine. Le chef de l'Etat a rappelé que la Russie devait s'engager à respecter l'intégrité territoriale de l'Ukraine et a appelé l'Ukraine à faire preuve de retenue et discernement dans les opérations militaires en cours contre les séparatistes", lit-on dans le communiqué.

    Selon le document, les deux hommes ont "souligné l'urgence humanitaire et les besoins de la population à l'est de l'Ukraine", insistant sur la reprise du processus de règlement politique de la crise.

    "La France reste prête à un nouveau Sommet dans le format Normandie (6 juin) pour soutenir ce processus. La réunion des ministres des Affaires étrangères français, allemand, ukrainien et russe prévue dimanche pourrait être un premier pas vers cette rencontre", conclut le texte.
    Lire la suite:

  5. Ukraine’s 17 military cross border into Russia - FSB...

    ROSTOV-ON-DON, August 16, /ITAR-TASS/. Seventeen Ukrainian military have entered the territory of the Russian Federation in the Rostov region, representative of FSB’s border department in the region Nikolai Senitsyn said on Saturday.

    “In the morning, they entered Russia, and now the checking procedure continues,” the source said. He continued saying before crossing the border “the military dropped arms in the contiguous territory.”

    The representative added Ukraine’s all the military receive food.

  6. Est de l'Ukraine: des militaires passent en masse du côté des insurgés (RPD)...

    Des militaires ukrainiens passent en masse du côté de la République populaire autoproclamée de Donetsk (RPD), a déclaré samedi le premier ministre de la RPD Alexandre Zakhartchenko.

    "Un commandant de la 25e brigade aéromobile est passé de notre côté à bord d'un véhicule de transport de troupes. Dès aujourd'hui, il a une compagnie sous ses ordres. Et de tels cas sont très fréquents", a dit M.Zakhartchenko, estimant que cela se produisait parce que les militaires ukrainiens ne comprenaient pas ce qu'ils faisaient et pourquoi ils devaient mourir.

    "Quant à nous, nous combattons pour nos terres, pour nos enfants, pour nos maisons", a-t-il ajouté.

  7. Russland hält Inhalt seiner Hilfslieferungen für Ostukraine nicht geheim - Außenamt...

    Das russische Außenministerium hat die Informationen, laut denen Moskau über den Inhalt der humanitären Hilfsfracht für die ostukrainische Region Donbass nicht informiert habe, als Erfindungen zurückgewiesen.

    „Wir weisen die böswillige Tatsachenverdrehung, in der sich Mitarbeiter einiger staatlicher Strukturen der Ukraine in der letzten Zeit üben, kategorisch zurück. Laut Medienberichten behaupten Mitarbeiter des Sicherheitsdienstes SBU unter anderem, dass Russland sich geweigert habe, seine Hilfsgüter durch die von der Ukraine kontrollierten Grenzübergangstellen nach Donbass zu bringen. Es werden auch Erfindungen verbreitet, laut denen wir über den Inhalt der humanitären Hilfsfracht nicht informiert hätten. Das Eine wie das Andere entspricht nicht der Wirklichkeit“, heißt es in einer Erklärung des russischen Außenministeriums.........................

  8. French President Francois Hollande urged Kiev to show restraint during the army operation in the south-eastern regions of the country....

    Hollande urged Ukraine to show “restraint and discretion” during the army operation against militias, the Elysee Palace said on Saturday after the president’s telephone call with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso.

    Hollade and Barroso noted the humanitarian situation in eastern regions of Ukraine and the need to create conditions for delivering humanitarian aid and resuming “a meaningful political process”, the statement said.

    The French president reiterated his readiness to organise a new summit in the Normandy format in order to support this political process.

    It said the upcoming meeting between the foreign ministers of France, Germany, Ukraine, and Russia on Sunday could become the first step towards such summit.

  9. Ukraine bittet EU und Nato um Militärhilfe...

    Die Gefahr einer russischen Invasion sei allgegenwärtig, sagt der Außenminister der Ukraine, Pawel Klimkin. Deshalb bitte er die Europäische Union und die Nato um militärische Unterstützung.

    Der ukrainische Außenminister Pawel Klimkin hat die Europäische Union und die Nato um militärische Hilfe im Konflikt mit den prorussischen Separatisten im Osten des Landes gebeten. "Wenn solche Hilfe kommt, dann wäre es für unsere Truppen leichter, vor Ort zu agieren", sagte er dem Deutschlandfunk.

    Die Gefahr einer russischen Invasion sei allgegenwärtig: Andauernd würden ukrainische Truppen von russischem Boden aus beschossen, würden Söldner und Waffen vom Nachbarland aus in die Ukraine geschleust.

    Die Kampftaktik der ukrainischen Armee nannte Klimkin "mehr als verhältnismäßig". Wohngebiete in ukrainischen Städten seien mitnichten von Regierungstruppen mit Artilleriefeuer oder anderen schweren Waffen beschossen worden, sondern von verschiedenen Rebellengruppen.

    Schon mehrfach habe sich nach anfänglichen Schuldzuweisungen an die Armee "herausgestellt, dass das die Terroristen waren", sagte Klimkin dem Deutschlandfunk. "Manchmal machen sie das absichtlich, also aus einer Art Provokation heraus. Manchmal kämpfen sie gegeneinander." Ziele auf russischem Boden seien von der Ukraine aus nicht beschossen worden.

    Eine Nato-Mitgliedschaft der Ukraine stehe derzeit außer Frage, da es im Land keinen politischen und keinen gesellschaftlichen Konsens dafür gebe, fuhr der Außenminister fort. Allerdings riet Klimkin dem transatlantischen Militärbündnis zu einem Strategiewechsel und mehr Unterstützung für Kiew: Der Ukraine müsse "mit neuen Mitteln" geholfen werden, also "nicht nur in klassischen Bereichen, sondern auch in denen der Terrorismusbekämpfung oder der Cyber Security".......................


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