Thursday, August 14, 2014

Russia calls for ceasefire in Ukraine to ensure security of aid convoy

The Russian Foreign Ministry on Thursday urged the warring sides in Ukraine to cease fire immediately in order to guarantee the security of the humanitarian convoy for the eastern regions of Ukraine. 

“Now that the multifaceted efforts to settle all aspects of the initiative to provide humanitarian assistance to the population of the south-east of Ukraine has entered the final stage, the Foreign Ministry of Russia is strongly urging the warring sides to cease fire immediately,” the statement said.
 “This must be done in order to guarantee the security of the upcoming humanitarian mission. A ceasefire is required by the appalling situation in the South-East of Ukraine,” the ministry said.

It also called on the warring parties in Ukraine to show political will and alleviate the suffering of people in the south-east of the country.

The passage of the humanitarian convoy to the south-eastern regions of Ukraine will be a test of adequacy for Kiev, Alexander Brechalov, a Public Chamber member, said.

Ukrainian National Security and Defence Council spokesperson Andrei Lysenko said earlier the Ukrainian army would ensure the safe passage of the convoy. However, Interior Minister Arsen Avakov wrote on his Facebook page that the Russian humanitarian convoy would not be let go through the Kharkov region as was initially intended.
“It will be a test of adequacy as people’s lives are at stake, and playing with ‘we will let them in or we won’t let them in’ is the lot of the weak,” Brechalov said.
“I do hope that it will all work out,” he added.
The convoy of 262 automobiles is carrying over 1,800 tonnes of relief supplies including power generators, foodstuffs, water, baby’s food, medical supplies and sleeping bags.
  • STATEMENT TO THE MEDIA on the telephone conversation between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin

A telephone conversation between Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin took place on 14 August at the initiative of the Ukrainian side. 
The ministers discussed practical aspects of the effort to quickly provide humanitarian aid to people who are suffering as a result of fighting in the south-east of Ukraine. Intensive discussions involving representatives of Russia, Ukraine and the International Committee of the Red Cross are ongoing.
The importance of ensuring that both military formations answering to Kiev and the self-defence forces in the south-east of Ukraine guarantee the safety of the humanitarian aid convoy was also affirmed. 
The Russian side reiterated the need to immediately determine the whereabouts of journalist Andrei Stenin, who went missing in Ukraine.
Other issues of mutual interest were discussed as well.






  1. Impasse over Russian aid convoy...

    A controversial Russian convoy remains parked near Ukraine's border, still awaiting permission for the aid it is carrying to be taken to violence-racked rebel-held cities in Ukraine's east.

    Red Cross officials are in Kiev trying to negotiate its passage.

    Ukraine, which fears the convoy may carry military supplies for the rebels, insists it be independently checked.

    There was heavy shelling in the cities of Donetsk and Luhansk on Thursday as the rebels suffered setbacks.

    They announced that their military leader in Donetsk, Igor Girkin - known as Strelkov - had resigned. No reason was given.
    'Strictly humanitarian'

    The convoy, of at least 260 lorries, drove for nine hours on Thursday before parking in a field near the border.

    Russia dismissed as absurd claims that its convoy was a pretext to send military supplies to the rebels...................

  2. Dozens of heavy Russian military vehicles massed today near the border with Ukraine, where a huge Russian convoy with humanitarian aid came to a halt as Russia and the Ukraine struggled to agree on border crossing procedures....

    Russia says it is carrying 2,000 tonnes of water, baby food and other aid for people in east Ukraine, where pro-Moscow separatists are fighting government forces.

    Ukraine and some Western officials have said they believe the convoy could be a cover for a Russian military incursion – a claim Russia has described as "absurd".

    Yesterday, the convoy of 280 trucks stopped in open fields near the Russian town of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, about 20km from the border with Ukraine.

    It was still stationed there this morning and a Reuters reporter at the scene saw a dozen armoured personnel carriers (APCs) on the move not far from the convoy.

    Another Reuters reporter saw two dozen APCs moving near the border with Ukraine last night.

    The Guardian reported this morning its reporter saw several APCs crossing the border with Ukraine...............

  3. Russia masses military vehicles as aid convoy waits near Ukraine border...

    (Reuters) - Dozens of heavy Russian military vehicles massed on Friday near the border with Ukraine, where a huge Russian convoy with humanitarian aid came to a halt as Moscow and Kiev struggled to agree on border crossing procedures.

    Russia says it is carrying 2,000 tons of water, baby food and other aid for people in east Ukraine, where pro-Moscow separatists are fighting government forces.

    Kiev and some Western officials have said they believe the convoy could be a cover for a Russian military incursion - a claim Moscow has described as "absurd".........................

  4. Russischer Armeekonvoi soll in Ukraine eingedrungen sein....

    Gepanzerte Transportwagen und Versorgungsfahrzeuge haben in der Nacht zu Freitag die Grenze zur Ukraine passiert. Das berichten britische Zeitungen. Die Wagen nutzten eine Lücke im Grenzzaun aus.

    Russische Militärfahrzeuge sind offenbar von Journalisten beim Eindringen auf ukrainisches Territorium beobachtet worden. Wie die britischen Zeitungen "Guardian" und "Telegraph" berichteten, überquerte ein Konvoi aus 23 gepanzerten Mannschaftstransportwagen gemeinsam mit Tanklastwagen und anderen Versorgungsfahrzeugen am späten Donnerstagabend die Grenze zum Nachbarland.

    An allen Fahrzeugen seien Kennzeichen des russischen Militärs angebracht gewesen. Der Vorfall ereignete sich demnach in einem von prorussischen Separatisten kontrollierten Gebiet in der Ostukraine.

    Für die notleidenden Menschen in der umkämpften Region rückt derweil Hilfe näher. Erste ukrainische Regierungslastwagen mit Medikamenten und Lebensmitteln trafen am Donnerstagabend an einem Sammelpunkt nördlich von Lugansk ein. Ob auch der seit drei Tagen anrollende russische Hilfskonvoi die Grenze passieren darf, blieb aber unklar.............................

  5. Grenzübertritt.... Russische Militärfahrzeuge sollen in die Ukraine vorgerückt sein....

    Im Schutz der Dunkelheit sollen 23 russische Militärfahrzeuge die Grenze zur Ukraine überquert haben - vor den Augen britischer Journalisten. Der vermeintliche Hilfskonvoi hingegen musste an der Grenze stoppen.

    Ein Konvoi von 23 russischen Militärfahrzeuge soll nach Anbruch der Dunkelheit die ukrainische Grenze überquert haben. Das berichten übereinstimmend die britischen Tageszeitungen „The Telegraph“ und „The Guardian“. Es wäre das erste Mal, dass westliche Journalisten Zeuge eines gezielten Grenzüberschritts durch das russische Militär werden. Es soll sich bei den Fahrzeugen nicht um einen Teil des russischen Hilfskonvois handeln, der seit Tagen in Richtung Ukraine unterwegs ist.

    Für ihre Fahrt in die Ukraine wählten die russischen Soldaten den Berichten zufolge einen Grenzübergang nahe der russischen Stadt Donezk, etwa 200 Kilometer vom ukrainischen Donezk entfernt. Die ukrainische Armee hat zurzeit keine Kontrolle über diesen Grenzübergang. Sie hat Russland allerdings schon mehrfach vorgeworfen, die prorussischen Separatisten in der Ostukraine aktiv mit Waffen und Personal zu unterstützen........................


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