Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Russian Investigators Accuse Ukrainian Pilot of Accessory to Murder of Russian Journalists

Russia's Investigative Committee has charged Ukrainian helicopter pilot Nadezhda Savchenko, who was recently detained by independence forces, with accessory to the murder of VGTRK reporters, the committee's spokesman, Vladimir Markin, told journalists Wednesday.

According to the militia forces that captured Savchenko, during an interrogation, she confessed to having combat experience as a pilot of MI-24 helicopter gunships.
Correspondent for Russia's state-owned VGTRK media holding Igor Kornelyuk and sound engineer Anton Voloshin were killed by mortar fire near the city of Luhansk in late June.

The authorities of the self-proclaimed People's Republic of Luhansk claimed Ukraine's National Guard was responsible for the attack, while Ukrainian law enforcement, in turn, accused local independence supporters.
MOSCOW, July 9 (RIA Novosti)


1 comment :

  1. Russia charges pilot over deaths...

    Russia has charged a female Ukrainian army pilot with complicity in the murder of two Russian journalists.

    Nadiya Savchenko, 33, was reportedly fighting in a volunteer battalion against pro-Russian separatists near Luhansk in east Ukraine.

    Last month she took part in an attack on a rebel checkpoint where two Russian TV journalists were fatally wounded.

    Ukraine has accused Russia of abducting her and has demanded she be released and allowed home...............


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