Thursday, April 24, 2014

Ukraine govt forces kill "up to five" militants in east. - Kiev's actions in east Ukraine will 'have consequences' (Putin)

Ukraine's interior ministry said on Thursday its forces had killed "up to five" militants in the separatist-controlled town of Slaviansk, in the east of the country.
A ministry statement said that during an "anti-terrorist operation" its forces, supported by the army, removed three illegal checkpoints manned by armed groups in the northeastern part of the city.

"During the armed clash up to five terrorists were eliminated," it said. One person had been wounded on the side of government forces, it added.

  • Kiev's actions in east Ukraine will 'have consequences': Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that deployment of military in east Ukraine by the Kiev authorities was a crime against its own people that will "have consequences."      

"If Kiev really began to use the army against the country's population... that is a very serious crime against its own people," Putin said, calling the current pro-West authorities a "junta."      

"That is simply a punitive measure that will without question have consequences... including for our inter-governmental relations," he added, without specifying the nature of consequences.

[] 24/4/14 --- - Related:


  1. Putin: Kiev authorities are junta if they use force against civilians...

    f Kiev authorities have started to use force against the civilian population, this is a serious crime, Russian President Vladimir Putin said. Taking this action makes them a “junta” and may affect their relations with other countries, he added.

    “If the Kiev regime started military actions against the country’s population, this is without doubt a very serious crime,” Putin said at All-Russia People's Front media forum.

    According to Putin current situation in East Ukraine is another proof Russia was right when it supported Crimeans, when they decided to have a referendum.

    “[Otherwise] it would have seen there the same things which are now happening in the east of Ukraine, or even worse,” he said. “That’s one more proof to the fact we did it all right and in time.”

    Putin believes that the use of force by the coup-imposed government in Kiev means that it’s actually a junta.

    “If current authorities in Kiev have done this [used force], then they are junta,” the president said. “For one thing, they don’t have nation-wide mandate. They might have some elements of legitimacy, but only within the framework of the parliament. The rest of the government bodies are for various reasons illegitimate.”

    Vladimir Putin described the use of force in eastern Ukraine as a “reprisal raid” and said that it would have an impact on Russian-Ukrainian relations. ............

  2. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced Thursday that Russia starts military drills in response to the developing situation in Ukraine’s southeast, where a special operation has targeted the country’s own citizens....

    “We are forced to react to such a development in the situation,” Shoigu said.

    “Starting today, exercises of battalion tactical groups from the Southern and Western military districts will begin near the borders with Ukraine,” he said.

    The troops will hold marching rehearsals and exercise deployments for performing assigned tasks, the defense minister said.

    Shoigu also added that “aircraft will do fly-bys close to the state border.”

    Earlier Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that if Kiev has actually deployed its army in the eastern Ukrainian city of Slaviansk, then that is a serious crime against its own people.

    A gunfight broke out between unidentified gunmen and local federalists near the eastern Ukrainian city of Slaviansk on Thursday. At least five people were killed as result of the crackdown.

    The Security Service of Ukraine announced Wednesday that the military operation launched by Ukrainian authorities earlier this month against protesters in eastern Ukraine had again entered an active phase, following a temporary suspension after an agreement reached in Geneva last week.

    Ukrainian authorities launched a special operation to crack down on pro-federalization activists in eastern regions of the country that have been swept by rallies since last month.......

  3. Kremlin is verifying information on the scale of clashes in southeastern Ukraine, the Russian presidential spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, told reporters on Thursday....

    "The information is being verified," he said. "It's difficult to get information from there (Ukraine's south-east) as there are disruptions of communications.

  4. Le site Internet du journal ukrainien KyivPost, en faisant référence à ses propres sources au sein des services de renseignement ukrainien rapporte ce jeudi que les autorités de Kiev ont décidé de suspendre l’opération militaire contre la population dans les régions orientales du pays.....

    Cette décision a été prise après que des troupes russes sont apparues du côté russe de la frontière entre la Russie et l’Ukraine.

    Ce jeudi, le ministre russe de la Défense Sergueï Choïgou a déclaré que des exercices des forces armées russes ont commencé dans la bande frontalière entre la Russie et l’Ukraine en réponse à l’opération des forces armées ukrainiennes.
    Lire la suite:

  5. Tusk – Europa müsse sich auf "schwarzes Szenario" einstellen....

    Europa sollte nach Meinung des polnischen Regierungschefs Donald Tusk auf ein „schwarzes Szenario in der Ukraine“ vorbereitet sein. „Man kann nicht die Augen schließen und so tun, als sei alles in Ordnung“, betonte Tusk polnischen Medienberichten zufolge während eines Besuchs im zentralpolnischen Radom.

    Seine Regierung habe alles getan, um Polen auf verschiedene kritische Entwicklungen vorzubereiten, sagt Tusk. Hintergrund sind Übungen von Grenzschützern und Behörden, die schon seit Monaten Vorbereitungen für eine mögliche Flüchtlingswelle aus dem Nachbarland treffen......


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