Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Russia seeks deeper defense cooperation with Belarus after Ukraine crisis

Moscow seeks deeper defense industry cooperation with neighboring Belarus following the developments in Ukraine, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said on Tuesday.

During talks with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, Rogozin said, "The purpose of my visit is to see what else we can do with our Belarusian colleagues, taking into account the situation in Ukraine."

A recent military-industrial commission with Belarusian partners in the Tatarstan capital of Kazan has discussed ways to " establish stable work so that production can be planned," he was quoted by the ITAR-TASS news agency as saying.

Ukraine was "a very painful topic," he said. "It is extremely wrongful today that the groundwork laid out with Ukrainian partners is now cut off by the Ukrainian side on the principle of 'cut off your nose to spite your face'."

For his part, Lukashenko said, "We don't quite like the situation that is developing around us."

"In this situation, we must be closer to each other, and in any situation we will be with Russia," he said, noting that Russia is a strategic ally of Belarus and that strategic interests of the two partners coincide.

The Belarusian president also said that close links with Russian enterprises will help to modernize the Belarusian military companies. "We have several dozen hi-tech enterprises in the military-industrial sector and in association with Russian enterprises, we could modernize our enterprises more efficiently," he said. 



  1. Pskov paratroopers and Belarus special forces to conduct manoeuvres in April...

    The airborne assault unit of the Pskov division of Russia’s Airborne Forces (VDV) will take part in Russian-Belarusian manoeuvres that will take place in Belarus in mid-April, Russian Defence Ministry’s spokesman for VDV Lieutenant Colonel Yevgeny Meshkov told ITAR-TASS on Wednesday.

    “The Pskov paratroopers will take part in battalion tactical manoeuvres of the special operations forces of the Belarusian army that are to be held from April 15 to 18,” he said.

    According to Meshkov, the manoeuvres are regulated by the Russian Defence Ministry’s international activity plan for 2014.

    The active phase of the manoeuvres will be held at the Losvido range in the Vitebsk region.

  2. Nato-General warnt vor russischer Ukraine-Invasion...

    In maximal fünf Tagen, warnt der Nato-Oberbefehlshaber für Europa, kann Russland die Ukraine einnehmen. Die Situation an der Grenze sei "unglaublich beunruhigend". Derweil verspottet Moskau die Nato.

    Mit dramatischen Worten hat der Nato-Oberbefehlshaber für Europa, US Luftwaffen-General Philip Breedlove, die Situation im Ukraine-Konflikt geschildert. "Russland hat an der Grenze zur Ukraine alle notwendigen Truppen, falls es sich für eine Invasion des Landes entscheiden sollte, und könnte dieses Ziel in drei bis fünf Tagen erreichen". Breedlove nannte die Lage "unglaublich beunruhigend". Die Nato hätte Anzeichen für Truppenbewegungen eines sehr kleinen Teils der russischen Streitkräfte entdeckt, aber keinen Hinweis darauf, dass sie in ihre Kasernen zurückkehren.......

  3. Rasmussen warnt Russland vor "historischem Fehler"...

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    "Falls Russland in der Ukraine weiter einzugreifen versucht, dann zögere ich nicht, das einen historischen Fehler zu nennen", sagte Rasmussen. "Das wäre eine Fehlkalkulation mit riesigen strategischen Folgen." Er forderte Russland auf, die Lage durch einen Rückzug der Truppen aus dem Grenzgebiet zu deeskalieren.


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