Thursday, April 24, 2014

Media Report: Israel decides to suspend peace talks with Palestinians

Israel's security cabinet decided on Thursday to suspend peace talks with the Palestinians in response to a unity deal with the Islamist Hamas group, Israeli media reported.
Asked about the reports, a spokesman for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declined to comment.

The reports, following a six-hour meeting of the security forum, also said that Israel would impose economic sanctions on the Palestinian Authority, which exercises limited self-rule in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. 




  1. El gabinete de seguridad de Israel ha decidido suspender las negociaciones de paz con Palestina, luego de que este miércoles se anunciara un acuerdo entre el grupo islamista Hamás y el Movimiento Nacional de Liberación de Palestina Al-Fatah (Fatah).....

    Un portavoz del primer ministro israelí, Benjamin Netanyahu, se ha negado a comentar esta información, según informa Reuters. Mientras, los medios locales afirman que Israel se plantea la posibilidad de imponer sanciones económicas a la Autoridad Nacional Palestina.

    Este miércoles las fracciones palestinas de Hamás y Fatah, firmaron un acuerdo de reconciliación en el que se contempla la formación de un Gobierno provisional y la celebración de elecciones en el plazo de un año. El acuerdo surgió mientras se negociaba con Israel la continuación del proceso de paz, cuya fecha límite estaba estipulada para el próximo 29 de abril.

    Horas más tarde de anunciarse el acuerdo, Israel lanzó un ataque aéreo contra el norte de la Franja de Gaza hiriendo a cuatro personas. El bombardeo tuvo lugar mientras miles de personas festejaban en las calles el anuncio de la formación de un gobierno de unión, esgrimiendo banderas palestinas y gritando "¡Unidad palestina!".

    La reunión mantenida en Gaza entre representantes de Al Fatah y Hamás ha sido decisiva para romper el hielo. Así, el Ejecutivo palestino será presentado en cinco semanas y estará formado por tecnócratas.

    Desde que en junio de 2007 los efectivos armados del movimiento islamista expulsaran de Gaza a los leales de Abu Mazen (nombre en la clandestinidad de Mahmud Abbás, presidente de la Autoridad Nacional Palestina) en unos violentos enfrentamientos, había dos entes separados y enfrentados: Cisjordania bajo el gobierno de Al Fatah y la Franja de Gaza bajo control de Hamás.......Texto completo en:

    1. Israël confirme les informations des médias sur la suspension des négociations de paix avec les Palestiniens suite à la réconciliation annoncée mercredi entre les mouvements rivaux Fatah et Hamas, lit-on jeudi sur le compte Twitter du premier ministre israélien Benyamin Netanyahou.....

      "Le cabinet (des ministres) a décidé qu'Israël ne mènerait pas de négociations avec le gouvernement palestinien, soutenu par l'organisation terroriste Hamas appelant à anéantir l'Etat hébreu", a déclaré M.Netanyahou.

      Par ailleurs, le chef du gouvernement israélien a parlé de mesures de rétorsion, soit de sanctions à l'encontre de l'Autorité palestinienne.
      M.Netanyahou avait auparavant prévenu le président de l'Autorité palestinienne et dirigeant du Fatah Mahmoud Abbas qu'il devait choisir entre la réconciliation avec les islamistes contrôlant la bande de Gaza et la paix avec Israël.

      Le Hamas, au pouvoir depuis 2007 dans la bande de Gaza, est considéré comme une "organisation terroriste" par les Etats-Unis et par l'Union européenne.

      Les négociations directes entre Palestiniens et Israéliens avaient été interrompues en septembre 2010 suite au refus de l'Etat hébreu d'arrêter la colonisation des territoires palestiniens occupés. En 2013, les parties ont repris le dialogue pour tenter de mettre au point un traité de paix. Néanmoins, les Israéliens et les Palestiniens constatent l'absence de progrès aux négociations et s'en rejettent la responsabilité.

  2. Livni: Israel had to suspend talks after Abbas-Hamas deal...

    Chief negotiator slams PA leader for series of ‘bad decisions,’ but says door not closed on eventual resumption of negotiations.

    “It may be that for Abu Mazen [Abbas], Hamas is [a] political [entity],” she said. “For us, and for the entire world, it is a designated terror organization that does not recognize our existence, acts against civilians through terror [activities]. We cannot act like all is [business] as usual, when it is not.”

    Israel “couldn’t simply ignore” the new alliance announced Wednesday between Abbas’s Fatah faction and Hamas, she said.

    But Livni stressed that “we didn’t close the door” on an eventual resumption of talks.

    “As long as the Palestinians are here, and as long as the State of Israel is in a state of conflict with them, I will act to open the doors — the doors did not close today — in order, if possible, to conduct negotiations. And I hope we can return to the negotiations, and the moment it happens I will be in the government to manage it,” she said.

    Livni emphasized that the economic sanctions Israel is set to impose were not aimed at causing the collapse of the PA. “It is a temperate decision,” she added, noting that the government had not announced new settlement building plans, as it had when taking punitive action against the PA in the past.....

  3. UN envoy discusses Fatah-Hamas reconciliation deal with Palestinian President...

    24 April 2014 – The reconciliation deal reached by rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas will be implemented on the basis of previous commitments such as the recognition of Israel and non-violence, a senior United Nations envoy was told today.

    The deal, which will reportedly lead to the formation of a unity government in the coming weeks, was among the developments discussed during a meeting between Robert Serry, the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah.

    During their meeting, Mr. Serry was assured that this agreement “will be implemented under the leadership of the President and on the basis of the PLO commitments,” according to a statement released by the Special Coordinator.

    “President Abbas emphasized that these commitments include recognition of Israel, non-violence, and adherence to previous agreements. President Abbas also reiterated his continued commitment to peace negotiations and to non-violent popular protests.”

    Mr. Serry confirmed the UN’s continued support for unity on this basis as the only way to reunite the West Bank, which has been controlled by Fatah, and Gaza, which has been under the rule of Hamas since 2007, under one legitimate Palestinian Authority.

    “The Special Coordinator also underlined the importance for the parties, at this critical juncture, to refrain from measures that run counter to creating an environment for continued meaningful negotiations,” the statement added......................


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