Thursday, March 13, 2014

UN human rights envoy continues Ukraine visit, as Security Council holds ‘urgent’ meeting. -The Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the UN requested the Council to convene urgently

UN, 13 March 2014 – A senior United Nations human rights official is continuing today his mission in Ukraine, returning to the crisis-torn capital, Kiev for a series of meetings, while in New York, the Security Council is expected to meet in an open session with Ukrainian political leaders. The Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the UN requested the Council to convene urgently “due to the deterioration of the situation in the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea, Ukraine, which threatens the territorial integrity of Ukraine.”

Chairing the meeting will be Jean Asselborn, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Luxembourg, which holds the Council's presidency for the month. The session is expected to include a breifing from Jeffrey Feltman, UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs and hear a statement from Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk. The meeting comes as senior UN officials have been appealing to all parties to de-escalate tensions and to engage in direct and constructive dialogue to forge a peaceful way forward in Ukraine, which has been witnessing unrest for several months. Tensions heightened last week as lawmakers in Crimea, where additional Russian troops and armoured vehicles have recently been deployed, voted to join Russia and to hold a referendum on 16 March to validate the decision. According to UN spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric, Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights, Ivan Šimonović continued his mission in Ukraine today, following a report yesterday that, along with logistical challenges that hindered Mr. Šimonovic from traveling to Crimea earlier in the week, he was informed by authorities that he could not be received there.
  • Today, Mr. Šimonović was Lviv, a city in western Ukraine, where he met with the head of the regional council, and where they discussed the hosting of displaced people from Crimea now living in the Lviv region. He also held talks with the regional Ombudsperson.

  • The spokesperson said that Mr. Šimonović then met with representatives of local non-governmental organizations, including Crimean Tatars, and they discussed the human rights situation in Ukraine.

  • He also had a meeting with the originator of a grassroots campaign to speak Russian in Lviv for one day in solidarity with Russian speakers in Ukraine alarmed by the decision of the country’s Parliament to repeal the language law.
“Mr. Šimonović returned to Kiev today, where he will meet with ministers and other officials. He is scheduled to hold a press conference in Kiev tomorrow,” said the spokesperson.



  • Russia facing UN showdown over Crimea. -Diplomats drafting security council resolution in attempt to internationally isolate Moscow, Al Jazeera has learned.

Western diplomats are preparing a draft resolution against Russian actions in the Crimea in an attempt to isolate Moscow over its action in Ukraine, Al Jazeera has learned.

Al Jazeera's diplomatic editor, James Bays, said he was informed by diplomats on Thursday that the US was to circulate the draft at the end of a Security Council meeting on Syria.

It would be put to a vote on either Friday or Saturday, a day before a planned referendum asking Crimeans if they wished to leave Ukraine and join the Russian Federation - a vote Western powers have described as illegal.......................................



  1. El representante permanente de Rusia ante la ONU, Vitali Churkin, señaló durante su intervención en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU que Moscú no quiere una guerra en Crimea.....

    "Los rusos no queremos guerra. Estoy seguro que tampoco la quieren los ucranianos. Más aún -y esto lo quisiera recalcar- no vemos ninguna razón para hablar sobre la situación en estos términos", enfatizó Churkin.

    El representante permanente dijo además que "no queremos una escalada posterior de la situación. No fue Rusia la que desató la espiral de desestabilización y violencia que últimamente marcan el desarrollo de Ucrania".

    Churkin resaltó además que los radicales no han depuesto las armas como exige el acuerdo del 21 de febrero.

    El embajador afirmó que la defensa del derecho que tiene Crimea a la autodeterminación es algo inusual, pero que en este caso surgió por el derrocamiento violento del Gobierno legítimo.

    "Es necesario encontrar un equilibrio entre el derecho a la autodeterminación y la integridad territorial", agregó el embajador en la ONU.

    El diplomático también acentuó que "la flota rusa del Mar Negro no interfiere" en la preparación y realización del referéndum en la península de Crimea.

    Churkin aprovechó para recordarles a los miembros que el Consejo de Seguridad por lo general condena los derrocamientos de líderes con el uso de la fuerza, pero que este no ha sido el caso en Ucrania.

    El máximo órgano de decisión de la ONU se reunió a petición del autoproclamado primer ministro del Gobierno de facto de Ucrania, Arseni Yatsenyuk, para tratar la situación en este país que, además de una profunda crisis política está afectada por una delicada situación económica por la que recibirá préstamos del FMI y el Banco Mundial, a cambio de ajustes.

    Texto completo en:

  2. Russia seeks peaceful solution to Ukrainian crisis - UN envoy...

    Moscow's ambassador to the United Nations told an emergency meeting of the Security Council on Thursday that Russia does not want to go to war over the Ukraine crisis. "Russia does not want war and nor do the Russians," ambassador Vitaly Churkin told the Council following an address by visiting Ukrainian interim Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk.
    Read more:

  3. Ukraine: Washington veut faire voter une résolution avant le referendum....

    Les États-Unis ont transmis à leurs partenaires du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU un projet de résolution dénonçant le référendum prévu dimanche en Crimée et réaffirmant l'intégrité territoriale de l'Ukraine, selon des diplomates.

    Washington a demandé que ce texte soit discuté "et souhaite être en mesure de le soumettre à un vote d'ici samedi", a indiqué jeudi l'ambassadeur britannique Mark Lyall Grant à son entrée au Conseil de sécurité, qui recevait le Premier ministre ukrainien Arseni Iatseniouk.

    Selon des diplomates, il est certain que la Russie mettra son veto à cette résolution mais il est possible que la Chine s'abstienne lors du vote, ce qui permettrait aux Occidentaux d'accentuer l'isolement de Moscou sur ce dossier.

    Selon l'ambassadeur français Gérard Araud, la France soutiendra cette résolution et la volonté de Washington d'avoir un vote avant le referendum sur la Crimée prévue dimanche. "Lançons tous un dernier appel à la Russie", a-t-il ajouté dans son discours devant le Conseil.

    Le projet de résolution "déclare que le referendum ne peut avoir aucune validité et ne peut pas fonder la moindre modification du statut de la Crimée". Le texte demande à tous les États de ne pas reconnaitre son résultat...................


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