Monday, March 3, 2014

Russia's not ready to develop relations with people who illegally seized power

MOSCOW, March 03, 7:05 /ITAR-TASS/. Russia is ready to develop relations with Ukraine, but not with the group of people who seized power in breach of the Constitution and other laws of the State, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev wrote on his page in Facebook.

"My attitude is as follows: Russia is prepared to develop comprehensive respectful relations with fraternal Ukraine. Mutually beneficial and effective ones. However, Ukraine to us is not just a group of people who, upon spilling blood at maidan, seized power in violation of the Constitution and other laws of their State. We perceive Ukraine it its aggregate as a country inhabited by diverse people. Ukrainians, Russians, Tatars, Jews, and people of other nationalities living in accord," the Russian Head of Government wrote.

"Yes, the prestige of President (Viktor) Yanukovich is almost negligible but this does not nullify the fact that under the Constitution of Ukraine he is (still) the legitimate Head of State. If he is guilty before Ukraine carry out a procedure of impeachment in accordance with Ukraine's Constitution (Article 111) and put him on trial. All the rest is arbitrariness. A seizure of power. And this means that such a procedure will be utterly unstable and will end with a new coup, and a new bloodshed," Medvedev maintains.

"Russia needs a strong and stable Ukraine. Predictable and economically reliable partner. And not a poor relative who who keeps begging with an outstretched hand. The latter-day Ukrainian rulers were told about all this on Sunday," the RF Prime Minister emphasized.


  1. Kharkov police did nothing to recapture govt building from nationalists, let pro-Russian protesters do it – mayor....

    The police took a back seat when the Kharkov administration building was seized by armed nationalists from Western Ukraine and let pro-Russian demonstrators liberate it instead, the mayor of Kharkov Gennady Kernes told Kommersant.

    The political tensions in the largest city in eastern Ukraine, Krharkov have reached a pivotal point on Saturday during a peaceful rally “For protection of the city” at which tens of thousands, including children gathered.

    Someone threw an explosive package at the crowd from the administrative building held by a group of pro-Maidan protesters.

    No one was injured by the blast, but a group of pro-Russian activists broke through the cordon of Maidan supporters in order to recapture the building. ...........

  2. la Russie lance un ultimatum aux forces ukrainiennes en Crimée....

    La flotte russe a sommé les forces ukrainiennes en Crimée de se rendre avant 3h00 GMT, selon une source proche du ministère ukrainien de la Défense citée par l'agence russe Interfax.

    Le face-à-face entre Kiev et Moscou s’est poursuivi tout au long du week-end, prenant la forme d'un intense balai diplomatique entre le Kremlin et les Occidentaux. Dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi, les dirigeants des pays du G7 (Canada, États-Unis, France, Italie, Japon et Royaume-Uni), ainsi que les dirigeants de l'Union européenne, ont condamné la "claire violation" de la souveraineté de l'Ukraine par la Russie. Ils ont également annoncé le gel de leurs préparatifs pour le sommet du G8 prévu en juin, à Sotchi. Un gel valable "jusqu'à ce que l'environnement redevienne favorable à des discussions significatives au G8 ".........

    1. Source: Sevastopol residents are not going to storm the Ukrainian Navy headquarters....

      Hundreds of activists and people’s volunteers as well as ordinary people who have gathered outside the Ukrainian Navy headquarters in Sevastopol, have said they are not going to storm its building but will block its work by using correct methods. Their aim is to force everybody who is inside to leave the building.

      “Our task is quite simple. We want the people who are inside to leave the building and not to interfere with the work of the newly-formed Crimean naval force,” Ivan Komelov, a member of the Sevastopol City Council, told Itar-Tass on Monday, adding that the work of the new military unit set up on Sunday was being sabotaged.

      Volunteers, members of self-defence units and ordinary people who set up a picket outside the Ukrainian Navy headquarters, have pledged not to disperse so long as the Ukrainian Navy servicemen do not leave the building.

      “They are going to get out of their sooner or later, and we will not let them back. The man who has introduced himself as a newly-appointed commander of the Ukrainian Navy (Sergei Gaiduk) should leave the city’s territory because the people of Sevastopol will never recognize the power imposed by him,” Komelov said, adding the protesters would continue blocking the headquarters without causing damage to the building and avoiding provocations...................

    2. El Ministerio ruso de Defensa tachó de "disparate" la información sobre el presunto ultimátum impuesto a Ucrania para que sus fuerzas militares en Crimea se rindan.....

      Asimismo, una fuente del Ministerio de Defensa ruso explicó a RT que no tienen conocimiento alguno sobre dicho ultimátum.

      La fuente reveló que únicamente habían oído hablar del mismo a través de la agencia de noticias rusa Interfax.

      "Estamos interesados en mantener relaciones amistosas con el pueblo de Ucrania y preservar la estabilidad", subrayó.

      "Los medios no pueden enfrentar a los marineros de Rusia y Ucrania, la información sobre el ultimátum es absurda", afirmó el mando general de la Flota rusa del Mar Negro....

  3. Nine Russian soldiers who were participating in military exercises in Canada have been expelled from the country, as Ottawa continues to denounce Russia’s military intervention in Crimea, CTV News has learned......

    A government source confirmed that the soldiers were informed Thursday afternoon that they had 24 hours to leave Canada.

    Six of the soldiers were in Saint-Jean, Que., where they were leaning English and French. Another two soldiers were participating in a training program at CFB Gagetown, and the ninth soldier was teaching Canadian soldiers Russian in Gatineau, Que......

    1. Canada destroys positive ties by expelling Russian military students...

      Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov confirmed that the Russian side was notified on March 7 that the Russian students were ordered to immediately leave the country.

      Canada is destroying positive ties by expelling Russian military students, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov told Russian reporters, commenting on media reports that Canada was expelling Russian students who were in Canada in accordance with a bilateral exchange program.

      He confirmed that the Russian side was notified on March 7 that the Russian students were ordered to immediately leave the country, after Canada on March 4 decided to suspend bilateral contacts between the defense departments. "It has not come as a surprise for us," he added.

      The step is within Ottawa's unfriendly line formed in recent days to halt military contacts, including not to hold exercises and not to exchange visits, Antonov said.

      The Canadian side seemed to try to be the leader among Western colleagues in steps against Russia. It was done unceremoniously and in a rough manner, destroying everything positive that was achieved with difficulty in the last few years, he said.

      "We would like to note that we need military cooperation with Canada to the same extent as it needs cooperation with us. It was not "charity" on the part of Ottawa with regard to military exchanges, Antonov noted.............

  4. Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang's Regular Press Conference on March 7, 2014. -Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang...

    Q: It is reported that the parliament of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea made an announcement of holding within ten days a referendum on whether to join Russia or not. The US and the EU regard it as a breach of international law. What is China's comment?

    A: We call on relevant parties in Ukraine to act within the framework of law and order, peacefully resolve relevant issue through dialogue and negotiation, truly safeguard the lawful rights and interests of all ethnic communities in Ukraine, restore normal social order as soon as possible and maintain peace and stability of the region.
    Q: It is reported that the US and the EU are discussing sanctions against Russia. Does China support that?

    A: It is China's long-standing position to oppose the use or threat of sanctions at every turn in international relations. Under the current circumstances, we hope relevant parties will refrain from taking actions that will further escalate tension, work together to seek a political resolution to the crisis. This is the fundamental way out.

  5. Ukraine - Moscou ouvert au dialogue sur l'Ukraine "d'égal à égal" avec les autres pays...

    La Russie est ouverte à un dialogue sur l'Ukraine "honnête, d'égal à égal" avec les puissances étrangères, a déclaré samedi le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov.
    "Nous sommes ouverts à un dialogue honnête, d'égal à égal et objectif avec nos partenaires étrangers pour trouver un moyen d'aider l'Ukraine entière à sortir de la crise", a déclaré M. Lavrov, faisant clairement allusion à l'Occident, lors d'une conférence de presse à Moscou avec son homologue tadjik. "Nous sommes prêts à continuer le dialogue à condition d'avoir l'assurance que ce dialogue sera honnête entre partenaires égaux, et sans tentative de nous présenter comme l'une des parties au conflit", a-t-il déclaré. "Cette crise n'a pas été provoquée par nous. Elle a en fait été provoquée en dépit de nos avertissements répétés depuis longtemps", a-t-il ajouté. Le chef de la diplomatie russe a lancé une nouvelle attaque contre le gouvernement ukrainien qui a pris le pouvoir après le renversement du président Victor Ianoukovitch, disant que la terreur et le chaos régnaient dans le pays. "Ce soi-disant gouvernement temporaire n'est pas indépendant, et dépend malheureusement des nationalistes radicaux qui ont pris le pouvoir par la force". Plus tôt dans la journée, M. Lavrov a fait savoir à son homologue américain John Kerry lors d'un entretien téléphonique que des sanctions contre la Russie aurait "un effet boomerang" pour les Etats-Unis. (Belga)


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