Friday, March 14, 2014

Référendum en Crimée: 70 observateurs internationaux enregistrés

70 observateurs de 23 pays ont souhaité surveiller le référendum sur le statut de la république autonome ukrainienne de Crimée prévu le 16 mars, a annoncé vendredi à Simferopol Mikhaïl Malychev, chef de la commission du Conseil suprême de Crimée pour l'organisation du référendum.

Parmi les observateurs étrangers figurent notamment les représentants de la Belgique, de la Chine, des Etats-Unis, de la Lettonie, de la Mongolie, de la Pologne, et de la Russie. Certains d'entre eux sont déjà arrivés dans la république.

Pendant le référendum, les habitants de la Crimée devront répondre à deux questions: "Souhaitez-vous le rattachement de la Crimée à la Fédération de Russie en qualité de sujet fédéral?" et "Etes-vous pour le rétablissement de la Constitution de la République de Crimée de 1992 et du statut de la Crimée au sein de l'Ukraine?". 

Environ 1,515 million de personnes pourront participer au vote. Pour que le "oui" l'emporte, il faudra que les votes favorables représentent plus de la moitié des suffrages exprimés. Aucun seuil de participation minimal n'est pré
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1 comment :

  1. Mission of international observers begins working in Crimea...

    They are members of the mission from the European democracy and election monitoring institute, deputies from the European parliament, international law experts and known human rights activists .

    The mission of international observers had begun working in Crimea, the mission coordinator, the director of the European Geopolitical Analysis Centre, Mateusz Piskorski, told Itar-Tass by telephone.

    Thirty people are members of the mission from the European democracy and election monitoring institute (Brussels) representatives from Poland, Austria, France, Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, Italy and Latvia, including deputies from the European parliament, members of national parliaments of European countries, leading European international law experts and known human rights activists.

    The observers planned to visit all the Crimean regions and study whether procedures to prepare for and hold the referendum complied with the local legislation and international standards to organize plebiscites, Piskorski said, adding among the mission member were people with rich experience of election monitoring in European and CIS countries.

    "The mission has arrived in Crime at the invitation of the republic's election commission," he said.

    The mission would draw a final conclusion based on the monitoring results, he added

    The Crimean Supreme Council on March 6 decided on Crimea's joining to the Russian Federation. The referendum will be held on March 16 for the population to decide whether to join Russia or support the 1992 constitution and the status of Crimea as a part of Ukraine.


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