Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Kiev Vows to Use ’Entire Arsenal’ against Separatists

Ukraine vowed Tuesday to use all weapons at its disposal to withstand a reported new advance by separatist.

Kiev accused the eastern separatist fighters of launching a another missile assault north of Mariupol -- a government-held port that provides a land bridge between rebel-held territories and the Crime peninsula.

"We will use our entire arsenal and all the means at our disposal to beat back the enemy's assault," Ukrainian military spokesman Vladyslav Seleznyov told AFP.

"We cannot risk the lives of our soldiers," said the top Kiev army representative.
"The rebels used to launch Grad missile attacks on a rare occasion. Now, it is an everyday occurrence."

The separatists accused Kiev's pro-Western forces of being responsible for the latest flare-up along east Ukraine’s 500-kilometre (300-mile) front.

A top separatist leader accused Ukraine's army of firing 500 mortar shells and rockets at rebel positions since Monday afternoon.

He reported the death of rebel and a civilian in the separatist Donetsk province.
British Secretary Visit

Meanwhile, British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon met Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk in Kiev on Tuesday before travelling to the nationalist west of the former Soviet country.

"We will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with you in the face of Russian aggression, in the face of Russian-directed insurgency and in the face of Russian-inspired terrorism," Fallon said in comments dubbed over into Ukrainian by Kiev TV.

"The conflict has not settled into a frozen war: it is quite 'red hot'," he was further quoted as saying by Yatsenyuk's office.

Fallon is due to oversee how British military trainers are progressing in their efforts to train around 650 Ukrainian soldiers for modern warfare.

The United States and NATO members have redoubled their efforts to equip Kiev forces, a move considered as confrontational by Russia.


1 comment :

  1. Moscow calls on Kiev to show restrain after failed attempt to break militias' defense...

    Moscow has called on Kiev to demonstrate restraint and not to violate the implementation of the Minsk agreements in the sphere of security by irresponsible actions, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday.

    "The recent days have been marked by the worsening situation along the line of contact separating the parties in conflict in south-eastern Ukraine," the Russian Foreign Ministry said. "Reports have been made on increased shelling of populated localities, destruction, victims and peaceful civilians hurt in the Donbas conflict," the ministry stressed.

    "Regrettably, Kiev’s militant rhetoric has also increased," the Russian Foreign Ministry said. "The Ukrainian side refused to sign the practically finished and agreed document on pulling out tanks and weapons with caliber under 100 mm and mortars under 120 mm to 15 kilometres away from the disengagement line during the last Contact Group meeting in Minsk on August 3-4," the ministry went on to say.

    The move, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry, was supposed to de-escalate confrontation in the region but the Ukrainian authorities, peremptorily referring to some threats and provocations, have started saying they will return Ukraine’s heavy weapons and artillery systems withdrawn to the rear positions under the February 12 package of measures to implement the Minsk agreements (Minsk-2) to their previous combat positions," the Russian Foreign Ministry said........http://tass.ru/en/world/813811


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