Saturday, May 9, 2015

China Expands Island Building (Pentagon)

China has started building artificial islands in the South China Sea at a greater rate than ever to boost its territorial claims in the area, a U.S. Defense Department senior official said Friday.

The official said China had reclaimed 800 hectares (2,000 acres) at five different sites, three-quarters of it since the beginning of 2015, indicating that the speed of reclamation has picked up dramatically.

The disclosure — the first time the Defense Department has revealed the extent of the land-building — came as the Pentagon released its annual report to Congress on the state of China’s military.

At four reclamation sites, the report said, China has moved from reclamation to building; heavy equipment has been delivered. 

The Pentagon said it was unclear what is to be built, but harbors, communications and surveillance systems, logistics support and at least one airfield are all possible. 

The excavation work has included deep channels and berthing areas that would allow large ships to reach the outposts.

While the Chinese government has said the building projects are to aimed at improving the living and working conditions of people stationed on the islands, the report said, “most analysts outside China believe that China is attempting to change facts on the ground by improving its defense infrastructure in the South China Sea.”





  1. Pékin de plus en plus présent sur les îles en dispute en mer de Chine, selon Washington...

    La Chine a augmenté massivement son emprise dans les îles Spratleys, en mer de Chine méridionale, dont la souveraineté est contestée, construisant des îlots artificiels à un rythme sans précédent, a estimé vendredi un responsable américain de la Défense.

    Grâce à ces travaux, la Chine a "augmenté les surfaces qu'elle occupe, les multipliant par environ 400", a déclaré ce responsable, précisant que Pékin avait gagné 800 hectares sur la mer depuis janvier 2014, dont les trois-quarts depuis janvier 2015.

    "La rapidité et l'ampleur" des efforts chinois de conquête sur la mer "surpassent largement" les efforts des autres pays, a déclaré le responsable américain.

    Les querelles de souveraineté dans cet archipel stratégiquement placé opposent la Chine, les Philippines, le Vietnam, Brunei, la Malaisie et Taïwan. La mer de Chine méridionale est un carrefour de routes maritimes vitales pour le commerce mondial, et recèle potentiellement des réserves d'hydrocarbures.

    Les Etats-Unis ne prennent pas partie sur le fond des querelles territoriales, mais insistent pour qu'elles soient résolues par le droit et non par la force.

    Ils ont déjà fait part de leur préoccupation face aux "activités déstabilisatrices" de Pékin dans les îles, relayant les inquiétudes des pays de la région qui redoutent un coup de force du géant chinois......

  2. China opposes US annual report on Chinese military ...

    The Defense Ministry on Saturday expressed firm opposition to a Pentagon report on China's military development and security.

    The report played up "China's military threat" in disregard of facts and make groundless accusations of China's defense and military building, said Defense Ministry spokesperson Geng Yansheng in a statement.

    He said China was firmly opposed to the U.S. accusations on issues such as the direction of China's defense policies and the so-called lack of transparency.

    The spokesperson said the report, released on Saturday by U.S. Department of Defense, disregarded China's efforts to maintain global and regional peace and stability and promote China-U.S. military relations, and distorted China's peaceful development strategies and its justified moves to uphold sovereignty in the East China Sea and South China Sea.

    China has always adhered to the path of peaceful development, pursuing a peaceful foreign policy and defensive military strategy, Geng said...............


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