Monday, December 8, 2014

Russia wants Israeli explanation for 'aggressive actions' in Syria

The Kremlin is seeking clarifications from Israel regarding the air strikes that hit Syria on Sunday reportedly destroying Russian-made arms bound for Hezbollah, the DPA news agency reported on Monday.

Israel has not officially acknowledged carrying out the attack, though that did not stop Iran and Syria from placing blame on Jerusalem.

"Moscow is deeply worried by this dangerous development, the circumstances of which demand an explanation," a Foreign Ministry spokesman in Moscow is quoted as saying.

The Russian government sent a letter to the United Nations protesting Israel’s “aggressive action.”

The foreign ministers of Iran and Syria held a joint news conference on Monday during which they charged that the attack proves that Israel was making common cause with “terrorists” in Syria fighting the regime of President Bashar Assad.

During their news conference in Tehran, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif took turns denouncing the attack.

Moallem said the airstrikes “lifted the morale of terrorists” while Zarif said that the bombings made it more urgent for Syria to “dry up the sources of terrorism.”

Syrian opposition sources told Arab media on Monday that the airstrikes destroyed a storage facility housing anti-aircraft missiles as well as drones belonging to Hezbollah.


1 comment :

  1. Israel no ve alternativa a Bashar Asad en Siria ...

    Las autoridades israelíes tienen reparos sobre el presidente sirio Bashar Asad pero temen que su destitución empeore la situación, dijo el exjefe de los servicios secretos israelíes Nativ, Yakov Kedmi.

    "Pese a que Israel no está entusiasmado con Asad considera que si deja el Gobierno la situación podría ser aún peor", dijo en una entrevista a la emisión letona Blatkom.

    Agregó que incluso aunque Israel no lo reconozca abiertamente, "su principal deseo consiste en que la situación en Siria no empeore".

    Aseguró también que el ataque a las afueras de Damasco del 7 de diciembre fue realizado por la Fuerza Aérea israelí aunque de momento Tel Aviv no lo confirmó.........


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