Saturday, December 6, 2014

ISIS starts storming key airbase in Syria's Deir al-Zour

The Islamic State (IS) on Saturday started to storm a key military airbase in Syria's eastern province of Deir al-Zour, the last lifeline for the government troops in that oil-rich province, a monitoring group reported.

The IS started storming the Deir al-Zour airbase on Thursday morning from its eastern side, after a suicide car bomber detonated his explosive-laden vehicle at the airbase's main gate, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

It added that the attack came just a day after the IS militants captured the town of Jafra near the airbase. 

  • The terror group's fighters heavily shelled the airbase before the attack.

Meanwhile, the Observatory, which relies on a network of activists on ground, said another explosion was heard near Brigade 137 military base also near the airbase, adding that explosion could have been staged by another booby-trapped car.

Intense clashes continued between the IS and Syrian government troops on the mountain overlooking the city of Deir al-Zour, the Observatory said, adding that the violent clashes killed 16 of the government troops, some of whom were found decapitated by the IS fighters, who also suffered the loss of at least nine of their militants.

Clashes at the airbase flared five days ago when the IS unleashed its attacks against the base's surrounding towns and villages, in a bid to strip the government troops of that key strategic base, which serves as the last remaining lifeline for government troops in Deir al-Zour, where large chunks of territories have fallen to the IS. 

 Xinhua -

The ISIL has been fighting the al-Qaida-linked Nusra Front over control of Syria's oil-rich eastern region of Deir al-Zour, which borders Iraq. At least 600 people were killed and 130,000 others were displaced since the end of last month as a result of the infighting between the two rival armed groups, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.


  1. Strategischer Flughafen: Terrormiliz IS beginnt mit Offensive ...

    Selbstmordattentate, Granatenbeschuss und nun eine Offensive: Der Fliegerhorst Dair as-Saur gilt als letzte Bastion der syrischen Streitkräfte in der ostsyrischen Provinz Dair as-Saur. Der IS will das Gelände einnehmen.

    Die Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) hat am Samstagmorgen einen Sturm auf den strategisch wichtigen Militärflughafen Dair as-Saur im Osten des Landes begonnen. Die Extremisten hätten das Gelände zunächst heftig mit Granaten und Raketen beschossen, teilte die Syrische Beobachtungsstelle für Menschenrechte mit. Anschließend habe sich ein Selbstmordattentäter am Eingang des Flughafens in die Luft gesprengt.

    Der Fliegerhorst ist die letzte Bastion der syrischen Streitkräfte in der Provinz Dair as-Saur, die ansonsten fast völlig unter Kontrolle des IS steht. Das Regime nutzt den Stützpunkt, um Gebiete unter IS-Kontrolle aus der Luft anzugreifen und die eigenen Truppen zu versorgen.

    Der Verlust des Flughafens wäre ein schwerer Schlag für das Regime. Ende August hatte der IS bereits den Militärflughafen al-Tabka nahe der IS-Hochburg Al-Rakka erobert.

  2. El EI sigue atacando la principal base aérea en el noreste de Siria ...

    Los extremistas del grupo Estado Islámico (EI) se apoderaron de nuevos territorios cerca de la base aérea en la gobernación de Deir ez Zor, en el noreste de Siria, informó el Observatorio Sirio de Derechos Humanos.

    Según la organización, desde el jueves los extremistas están combatiendo contra las tropas gubernamentales apoyadas por milicias populares.

    La televisión libia Al Mayadeen informó que el Ejército sirio intenta contener los ataques de los islamistas enviando a la zona de combates unidades nuevas.

    La base aérea en Deir ez Zor es la única que queda al Ejército sirio después de que los islamistas tomaran hace unos meses la base en la gobernación de Raqqa.


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