Saturday, November 15, 2014

Obama Says America has Unique Responsibility to Lead World

U.S. President Barack Obama says the United States, as the world's only superpower, has a unique responsibility to lead the world in destroying the terrorist group ISIL, fighting Ebola in west Africa, and battling climate change, among other issues.
In a speech Saturday at Brisbane University on the sidelines of the G20 Summit, the president vowed that Washington will remain focused on the Asia-Pacific region.

"So I'm here today to say that American leadership in the Asia-Pacific will always be a fundamental focus of my foreign policy," said Obama. "It won't always make the headlines. It won't always be measured in the number of trips I make, although I do keep coming back."

The American leader said effective security in Asia must be based on alliances and international law - not "spheres of influence" or big nations bullying the small.

He said the only real source of legitimacy is a democracy and the consent of the people.

Obama also announced that the United States is contributing $3 billion to the Green Climate Fund to"help developing nations deal with climate change."

The president said the fund will help pay for such necessities as early warning systems and stronger defenses against storm surges. It will also help farmers plant more durable crops and aid developing economies in cutting carbon emissions and investing in clean energy.

The president said it is not just governments that can fight climate change. He called on citizens, especially young people, to raise their voices, saying they deserve to live in a cleaner and healthier world.


  1. Obama: US Leads World in Opposing Russian Aggression In Ukraine ...

    U.S. President Barack Obama says the U.S. is leading the world in opposing Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

    Speaking Saturday in Australia at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Mr. Obama said Russia is "a threat to the world" as witnessed in the "appalling shoot-down of MH17;" a reference to the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in July as it flew through rebel-held territory in Ukraine en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.

    "As the world's only super power, the United States has unique responsibilities that we gladly embrace," said Obama. "We're leading the international community in the fight to destroy the terrorist group ISIL (Islamic State), we're leading in dealing with Ebola in West Africa and in opposing Russia's aggression against Ukraine...a tragedy that took so many innocent lives, among them your fellow citizens."..............

  2. Barack Obama: "Russische Aggression ist eine Bedrohung für die Welt"

    Der G-20-Gipfel in Brisbane wird überschattet von der Ukraine-Krise. US-Präsident Barack Obama stellt gleich zu Beginn klar, was er von der russischen Politik hält. Nun sind neue Sanktionen möglich.

    Zumindest der australische Regierungschef Tony Abbott empfing Kremlchef Wladimir Putin mit einem Lächeln und langem Händeschütteln. Trotz Richtung Australien entsandter Kriegsschiffe, trotz vieler rauer Töne im Vorfeld. Auch Putin lächelte und gestikulierte freundlich, als sich die beiden Politiker beim G-20-Gipfel das erste Mal treffen. Doch das war es dann erstmal mit dem herzlichen Empfang.

    Am Rande des Treffens protestierten etwa 200 Menschen gegen Putin. Und dann sorgten scharfe Töne von US-Präsident Barack Obama für Aufsehen. In einer Rede vor australischen Studenten verurteilte er Russland mit deutlichen Worten. Die "russische Aggression" in dem Land sei eine "Bedrohung für die Welt", sagte er.............

  3. Obama to G20: US Can’t “Carry World Economy on Its Back” ...

    The United States cannot "carry the world economy" on “its back, President Barack Obama said Saturday, as the G20 readies an action plan that could boost growth prospects for rich and poor nations alike.

    Leaders of the world's top industrial economies are meeting in Brisbane to nail down ways to boost their combined growth by at least two trillion dollars via domestic policy reforms, and so generate millions of new jobs.

    "Over the last few years the US has put more people back to work than all other advanced economies combined," he said on the sidelines of the summit, with the US unemployment rate falling to 5.8 percent in October, its lowest level since July 2008.

    "But America can't be expected to just carry the world economy on our back.
    "So here in Brisbane the G20 has a responsibility to act, to boost demand and invest more in infrastructure and create good jobs for the people of all our nations.".................


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