Wednesday, November 26, 2014

NATO Commander Warns of Crimea 'Militarization'

The top U.S. general in Europe said he is alarmed at the Russian militarization of the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea and by provocative Russian military flights in NATO airspace.
After meeting with Ukrainian leaders in Kyiv, General Philip Breedlove, head of the U.S. European Command and NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe, said the military buildup by Moscow includes cruise and surface-to-air missiles able to exert, as he put it, "military influence" on the region.

“We are very concerned with the militarization of Crimea. We are concerned that the capabilities in Crimea that are being installed will bring an effect on almost the entire Black Sea,” Breedlove said.

Breedlove also voiced concern about the nature of provocative Russian military flights being flown over NATO countries, although he stressed the flights are in international airspace.

“The number and pattern has changed, maybe as much as three times as much as we have seen before,” he said. “Also, we see that some of these flights have increased in size, normally before seeing only one or two airplanes and now seeing groups of airplanes.”...........................




  1. Russian troops giving 'backbone' to Ukraine rebels: NATO commander ...

    (Reuters) - Russian forces are still operating in eastern Ukraine, providing the backbone of separatist rebels fighting the Kiev government, NATO's top military commander said on Wednesday after talks with Ukrainian leaders.

    U.S. Air Force General Philip Breedlove, visiting Kiev as head of U.S. forces in Europe, said Russia's "militarization" of the Crimea peninsula it annexed from Ukraine in March meant Moscow could exert influence over almost the entire Black Sea region.

    Breedlove met Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and others in the pro-Western leadership to discuss ways the United States could assist Kiev's defense potential in the conflict with Russian-backed separatists in eastern territories.

    Asked for an assessment of the situation, Breedlove said Russian troops in the east were "training, equipping, giving backbone ...helping (separatist) forces in the field."..............

  2. Ukraine: l'Otan dénonce à nouveau les missiles russes en Crimée ...

    Le commandant en chef de l'Otan, le général américain Philip Breedlove, a dénoncé mercredi à Kiev le déploiement de missiles russes en Crimée, péninsule ukrainienne rattachée en mars par Moscou, estimant qu'il s'agissait d'une menace pour les pays bordant la mer Noire.

    A la veille de la première séance du Parlement ukrainien, issu des élections législatives anticipées du 26 octobre remportées par les pro-occidentaux, le général Breedlove est toutefois resté évasif sur les perspectives atlantistes de Kiev.

    Les autorités ukrainiennes tentent en effet de relancer leur projet d'adhésion à l'Otan après la perte humiliante de la Crimée et la partition de facto du bassin minier du Donbass, dans l'est de l'Ukraine, contrôlé en partie par les rebelles prorusses qui combattent l'armée ukrainienne.........................

  3. Nato-Kommandeur Breedlove kündigt mehr Übungen im Ostsee-Raum an ...

    Das Bündnis wolle die Übungsaktivitäten in der baltischen Region verstärken, teilte Breedlove, der Oberkommandierende der Nato in Europa, der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters mit. Kp[nftig könnte die Zahl der Übungen aufgestockt werden.

    In der Ukraine-Krise hat die Nato bereits ihre militärische Präsenz im Baltikum verstärkt. Dort wurden zusätzliche Jagdflugzeuge stationiert, auch wurden Schiffe in die Ostsee geschickt. Radarflugzeuge des Bündnisses fliegen regelmäßig über Polen und Rumänien Patrouillen. Die Nato beschloss die Bildung einer neuen schnellen Eingreiftruppe und kündigte neue Militärstützpunkte in Osteuropa an.


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