Friday, September 5, 2014

Ukraine, pro-Russian rebels agree on ceasefire (from 18:00, September 5) / Statement of President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko

MINSK: Ukraine's Russian-backed separatists said they had agreed with Ukrainian officials on a ceasefire starting Friday (Sep 5), at peace talks in Minsk.

"Representatives of Ukraine and Donetsk People's Republic and Lugansk People's Republic signed a ceasefire protocol from 6pm (11pm Singapore time) on Friday," the Twitter account of the Donetsk People's Republic said, without providing further details.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko also said his envoy had signed a "preliminary" truce deal with pro-Russian rebels aimed at halting five months of fighting that has claimed 2,600 lives.

"A preliminary protocol to the ceasefire agreement has been signed in Minsk. This protocol should enter into force on Friday," Poroshenko wrote on his official Twitter account.

Poroshenko also ordered Ukrainian forces to halt fire at 6pm local time.
- Agencies/xq
  • Statement of President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko...

From the Official website of President of Ukraine :
"My international negotiations in Brussels and Minsk demonstrated a powerful request for peaceful political-diplomatic settlement of the conflict in the Donbas. The same mood dominated during my meetings with global leaders at the NATO Summit in Wales.
The entire world strives for peace, the entire Ukraine strives for peace, including millions of Donbas residents.
The highest value is human life. We must do everything possible and impossible to terminate bloodshed and put an end to people's suffering.

  • Taking into account the call for ceasefire of President of Russia Vladimir Putin addressed to the heads of illegal armed groups of the Donbas and the signature of the protocol at the meeting of Trilateral contact group on the implementation of the Peace plan of the President of Ukraine, I order the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to cease fire starting from 18:00, September 5.
I also instruct the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine to ensure jointly with the OSCE an efficient international control over the compliance with the ceasefire regime which must be exclusively bilateral. I hope that these agreements, including ceasefire and liberation of hostages, will be strictly observed." 5/9/14
-- -
Putin reveals "7-point plan" for ceasefire in Ukraine


  1. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko says he is ready to carry out full exchange of prisoners of war on Saturday, September 6.....

    Poroshenko has pledged to amnesty all people covered by the peace plan for Ukraine’s south-east.

    Ceasefire agreement must be long-term and provide for further political dialogue, Poroshenko said.

  2. Poroschenko bestätigt Einigung auf Waffenruhe.....

    Der Präsident der Ukraine hat die Unterzeichnung eines Friedensplans bestätigt. Die Waffenruhe für den Osten des Landes solle noch am Freitag in Kraft treten, sagte Petro Poroschenko. Auch die OSZE bestätigte die Einigung...................

  3. Заявление Президента Украины Петра Порошенко...

    Мои международные переговоры в Брюсселе и Минске продемонстрировали мощный запрос на мирное политико-дипломатическое урегулирование конфликта на Донбассе. Такие же настроения доминировали во время моих встреч с мировыми лидерами на саммите НАТО в Уэльсе.

    Мира стремится весь мир, мира стремится вся Украина, включая и миллионы жителей Донбасса.

    Наивысшей ценностью является человеческая жизнь, и мы должны сделать все возможное и невозможное для того, чтобы прекратить кровопролитие и положить конец страданиям людей.

    Исходя из призыва Президента России Владимира Путина к руководителям незаконных вооруженных формирований Донбасса остановить огонь, подписание протокола на заседании Трехсторонней контактной группы по имплементации Мирного плана Президента Украины, я отдаю приказ начальнику Генерального штаба Вооруженных Сил Украины прекратить огонь начиная с 18:00 5 сентября.

    Я также поручаю Министру иностранных дел Украины, совместно с ОБСЕ, обеспечить эффективный международный контроль за соблюдением режима прекращения огня, который должен носить исключительно двусторонний характер.

    Рассчитываю, что эти договоренности, включая прекращение огня и освобождение заложников, будут четко придерживаться.

  4. Ukrainian army: About 2,000 Russian troops killed in conflict so far...

    KIEV - About 2,000 Russian servicemen have been killed so far in the conflict in eastern Ukraine, Ukrainian military spokesman Andriy Lysenko said on Friday, citing intelligence data.

    It was not possible to independently confirm the figure.

    Russia denies sending its troops into Ukraine in support of pro-Russian separatists battling the Kiev government's forces. Kiev and its Western backers say there is overwhelming evidence to prove the direct involvement of Russian troops in the fighting in eastern Ukraine.

    Moscow said Russian soldiers recently captured by Ukrainian forces had lost their way during a training exercise..........................

  5. Kiev y los prorrusos dan 'luz verde' a la tregua para el este de Ucrania...

    El alto el fuego será efectivo esta misma tarde
    Se trata de la primera tregua pactada por ambas partes
    Contempla el intercambio de prisioneros y un control del alto el fuego por parte de la OSCE
    Los negociadores del Gobierno de Kiev y los separatistas prorrusos han acordado un alto el fuego en la cuenca del Donetsk (o Donbás) que entra en vigor esta misma tarde, según ha informado la agencia de noticias rusa Interfax citando al grupo de contacto para Ucrania.

    Se trata de la primera tregua pactada por ambas partes. Las negociaciones se llevaron a cabo en la capital bielorrusa, Minsk. Además de la tregua, ambas partes acordaron un intercambio de prisioneros.

    El presidente ucraniano, Petro Poroshenko, aún tiene que ordenar el cese del fuego a las tropas del gobierno, según anunció que haría en caso de acuerdo en Minsk.

    No obstante, expertos señalan que ante la complicada cadena de mando en ambas partes del conflicto la aplicación de la tregua no será fácil. Pese a la celebración de las negociaciones, en la región en conflicto se produjeron hoy nuevas muertes y heridos...................

  6. Kiev, E. Ukraine militia agree on ceasefire starting 1500 GMT Friday....

    Kiev officials and representatives of the two self-proclaimed republics in southeastern Ukraine have agreed to a ceasefire, as the contact group met behind closed doors in Belarus.

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has confirmed the ceasefire agreement on his Twitter account..................................

  7. Plan para Ucrania: retirada de armas, intercambio de detenidos y apertura de corredores humanitarios...

    El grupo de contacto para la paz en Ucrania acordó retirar la maquinaria pesada, intercambiar todos los prisioneros militares siguiendo el principio de 'todos por todos' y abrir corredores humanitarios en el sureste de Ucrania.

    Según anunció el expresidente de Ucrania Leonid Kuchma, a partir de este sábado, 6 de septiembre, cargamentos humanitarios se dirigirán a la zona del conflicto.

    A su vez, el embajador ruso en Ucrania, Mijaíl Zurábov, aseguró que dentro de los próximos tres días un grupo de expertos elaborará un memorando que posteriormente se tomará como base para acordar la paz.

    Más información en breve.....................

  8. Ukraine peace plan: Withdraw military hardware, exchange POWs, open corridors...

    The contact group in Minsk agreed on three key issues: ceasefire, exchange of war prisoners and humanitarian aid access, OSCE envoy Tagliavini told reporters.

    “We continued consultation and agreed on other issues. Among them are the ceasefire, the withdrawal of troops and the "all to all" exchange of prisoners,” she said. ..........

  9. Les déclarations de l’OTAN sur Ukraine témoignent du soutien des groupes extrémistes (Moscou)...

    Les déclarations de l’OTAN sur l’Ukraine témoignent du soutien des forces néonazis et extrémistes, notamment du Pravy Sektor (Secteur droit), indique un communiqué du ministère russe des Affaires étrangères, paru à l’issue du sommet de l’OTAN qui s’est déroulé au Pays de Galles.

    Moscou promet d’examiner les décisions prises lors du sommet de l'OTAN, et notamment de l’acte Russie-OTAN, a ajouté le ministère russe des Affaires étrangères.

    Cependant, selon le ministère, les résultats du sommet au Pays de Galles témoignent du fait que l’Alliance, dans sa volonté de dominer dans le domaine militaire, est en train de sacrifier les efforts menés en matière de la lutte contre des menaces réelles : le terrorisme, la prolifération des armes de destruction massive, le trafic de drogue, la piraterie, ainsi que des catastrophes naturelles et sinistres provoqués par les hommes.
    Lire la suite:

    1. Moskau kritisiert Unterstützung der Neofaschisten in der Ukraine durch NATO...

      Die nordatlantische Allianz unterstützt nach Ansicht des russischen Außenministeriums neofaschistische und extremistische Kräfte in der Ukraine, darunter den Rechten Sektor. „Davon zeugt die beim Gipfeltreffen in Newport (Wales) formulierte Position der NATO“, kritisierte das Außenamt am Freitag.

      „Der Sinn der von der Allianz abgegebenen Erklärungen zur Ukraine und die verkündeten Pläne, gemeinsame Manöver auf dem Territorium der Ukraine noch in diesem Jahr abzuhalten, werden unweigerlich zu weiteren Spannungen führen und den aufkeimenden Friedensprozess in der Ukraine unterhöhlen. Diese Erklärungen werden die Spaltung in der ukrainischen Gesellschaft noch tiefer machen“, betonte das russische Außenamt.

  10. UN Secretary General ban Ki-moon has welcomed the agrrement on ceasefire in Ukraine and called for cocrete steps to implement it......

  11. Kiev Ready to Start Prisoner Swap ‘Right Now’: National Security Council...

    KIEV, September 5 (RIA Novosti) — Kiev is ready to start the prisoner exchange as soon as possible, a spokesman for the country’s National Security and Defense Council, Andriy Lysenko, said Friday.

    "We are ready to start the exchange of prisoners right now," he told RIA Novosti.

    He said that "several hundred" of Ukrainian servicemen are estimated to be held in captivity, another 200 servicemen have been listed as missing.

    Russia’s ambassador to Ukraine, Mikhail Zurabov, said the prisoner swap will affect "about a thousand of people on each side."...............

  12. Ukraine: les sanctions antirusses appliquées jusqu'au règlement (Hollande)...

    Les sanctions contre la Russie resteront en vigueur et ne seront levées qu'à la mise en pratique d'un cessez-le-feu effectif et d'un règlement réel de la situation en Ukraine, a déclaré vendredi le président français François Hollande à l'issue du sommet de l'Otan à Newport, au Pays de Galles.

    "Les sanctions vont continuer à être mises en œuvre et elles ne seront levées qu'à mesure que les preuves du cessez-le-feu et du règlement politique seront apportées", a indiqué M.Hollande, s'exprimant au sujet du cessez-le-feu signé vendredi à Minsk..............

  13. West may lift Russia sanctions if all terms of Ukraine ceasefire observed — Obama...

    NEWPORT (Wales), September 05. /ITAR-TASS/. US and EU sanctions against Russia are in force but may be lifted if all points of the agreement on ceasefire in Ukraine are implemented, US President Barack Obama told journalists after a NATO summit in Wales.

  14. Waffenruhe in der Ukraine: Pause vom Krieg, Pleite für Kiew...

    ............. Gelände-Gewinne werden festgeschrieben

    Aus Sicht von Kiew trägt diese Feuerpause viele Anzeichen einer Niederlage. Die prorussischen Rebellen hatten als erste zu den Waffen gegriffen und die Macht an sich gerissen. Ohne Not, eine reale Bedrohung der Bevölkerung in der Ostukraine gab es nicht, auch wenn Russlands Propaganda das Gegenteil behauptet.

    Als dann das ukrainische Militär die Oberhand gewann, rüstete Moskau die Rebellen auf, leugnete aber jede Verantwortung für den Konflikt. Nach drei Monaten Krieg könnte die Feuerpause zwar endlich das Leid der Bevölkerung lindern. Sie schreibt aber auch die Geländegewinne der Rebellen fest. Das Recht ist in diesem Konflikt sicher eher auf der Seite der Ukrainer, aber das hilft nichts: Kiew muss sich einem stärkeren Gegner beugen.

    Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin hat ein erstes Ziel erreicht. Die ukrainische Seite wollte die Volksrepubliken eigentlich nie als Gesprächspartner akzeptieren, aber der Kreml hat die Verhandlungen erzwungen. "Die ganze Ukraine strebt nach Frieden, einschließlich der Millionen Bewohner des Donbass", sagte Poroschenko.

    "Nicht mehr in der Lage, weiter Krieg zu führen"

    Der Präsident gab seinem Generalstab umgehend den Befehl, alle Gefechte einzustellen. Seine Truppen standen zuletzt ohnehin schlecht da. Die Ukraine sei nach den militärischen Niederlagen der vergangen Wochen "nicht mehr in der Lage, weiter Krieg zu führen", sagt der Kiewer Politologe Wadim Karassjow. Aber auch Kritik wurde laut. "Die Ukraine ergibt sich", hieß es etwa in vielen Kommentaren in sozialen Netzwerken...................

  15. EU postpones final decision on anti-Russian sanctions till Monday...

    BRUSSELS, September 06, 6:13 /ITAR-TASS/. The European Union has postponed a final decision on sanctions against Russia till Monday against the background of a ceasefire agreement for Ukraine achieved by the Trilateral Contact Group in Minsk.

    For the first time since last March the EU ambassadors refrained from instantly rubberstamping the already announced anti-Russian restrictive measures. Analysts believe that the looming threat of suspended sanctions will continue to cause negative effects on the Russian economy, but in general the ceasefire in Ukraine and the EU’s refusal to take more sanctions might whip up the Russian market, increase the capitalization of companies trading on the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX) by 200 billion roubles and push the dollar one rouble down against the Russian national currency..................

  16. Le site de l'OSCE a publié un rapport sur les résultats de la réunion du 5 septembre à Minsk, selon lequel les régions de Donetsk et Lougansk acquièrent un statut particulier et le droit de tenir des élections anticipées...

    « Mettre en œuvre la décentralisation du pouvoir, y compris par l'adoption de la Loi de l'Ukraine Sur l'ordre temporel de l'administration locale dans certains districts des régions de Donetsk et de Lougansk » précise le document.

    L’une des dispositions de ce document parle de l’organisation d'élections locales anticipées conformément à la Loi de l'Ukraine Sur l'ordre temporel de l'administration locale dans certains districts des régions de Donetsk et de Lougansk ».............

  17. There has been fresh shelling near Donetsk airport in eastern Ukraine, raising fears that a recently agreed ceasefire may collapse....

    The truce held for much of Saturday but shelling in Mariupol, which killed one woman, was followed by the Donetsk airport blasts early on Sunday.

    The two cities then turned quiet, with no reports of clashes overnight.

    Fighting in the east has killed some 2,600 people since April. The truce and roadmap to peace were agreed on Friday.

    On Sunday, Ukrainian security official Volodymyr Poliovyi said 864 Ukrainian soldiers had been killed since the conflict began................

  18. Ukraine President Vows Not to Surrender Key Port ...

    President Petro Poroshenko visited the south-eastern Ukrainian port of Mariupol Monday in a show of solidarity with its embattled citizens, some of whom have been digging trenches around the city of 500,000 to protect it from pro-Russia rebels.

    Speaking at one of Mariupol’s metallurgical plants, Poroshenko vowed to defend the city from separatist forces who advanced towards it last week before a fragile cease-fire was announced.

    “This is our Ukrainian land and we will not surrender it to anybody,'' he wrote on his Twitter account.

    Upon arriving in the city, which serves as a key hub for Ukraine's steel exports, Poroshenko promised victory over rebel forces.

    “I have ordered [the military] to secure the defense of Mariupol with... multiple rocket-launchers, tanks... and air cover.... The enemy will suffer a crushing defeat,'' he said.

    Poroshenko also announced that under last week's truce agreement with separatist rebels, Ukraine has so far managed to secure the release of about 1,200 prisoners-of-war................

  19. Timoshenko cree que el protocolo de Minsk reconoce las repúblicas del este de Ucrania...

    La ex primera ministra de Ucrania y líder del partido Batkivschina Yulia Timoshenko, considera que Kiev, al firmar el protocolo de alto al fuego en el este de Ucrania, de facto ha reconocido las autoproclamadas Repúblicas Populares de Donetsk y Lugansk.

    “En Minsk han sido firmados unos protocolos sobre el cese temporal del fuego en el este de Ucrania. Quiero decir que esos protocolos representan un peligro para Ucrania y para nuestra soberanía”, dijo Timoshenko en rueda de prensa este lunes.

    La política ucraniana considera que los documentos en cuestión pueden afectar la integridad de Ucrania, ya que “en ellos se reconocen formaciones territoriales desconocidas, tales como RPD y RPL, en calidad de país oficial firmante”.

    Timoshenko opina que los acuerdos pueden hacer pensar que Ucrania reconoce que en su territorio se desenvuelve una guerra civil, y considera que el presidente ucraniano, Petró Poroshenko, debe organizar una reunión extraordinaria de la Rada Suprema para explicar al país los pormenores de estos protocolos, en qué consisten y qué pasos serán tomados a continuación..................

  20. Kiev fails to fulfil Minsk agreements — LPR republic...

    The self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) drew attention on Wednesday to the non-fulfilment by Kiev of the Minsk agreements.

    "After a long interval we have finally returned to the dialogue," LPR negotiator Vladislav Deinego said at a videoconference of the Contact Group on the east Ukrainian conflict settlement. "There is the hope that we’ll persuade Ukraine to return to the logic of the adopted [in Minsk] document and cancel the documents contradicting the set of measures to implement the Minsk agreements," the LuhanskInformCenter agency quotes him as saying...........


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