Sunday, September 14, 2014

Obama condemns ISIS/ISIL beheading of British hostage David Haines

US President Barack Obama on Saturday strongly condemned the beheading of a British hostage by the Islamic State (IS), vowing to work with Britain and the international community to destroy the terror group.

The IS released a video on Saturday which showed the beheading of British aid worker David Haines, who was kidnapped last year in Syria.

A masked IS militant on the video claimed the execution was in retaliation for British Prime Minister David Cameron's promise to join a US-led coalition to fight the IS.

"The United States strongly condemns the barbaric murder of UK citizen David Haines by the terrorist group ISIL. Our hearts go out to the family of Mr. Haines and to the people of the United Kingdom," Obama said in a statement issued by the White House.

"The United States stands shoulder to shoulder tonight with our close friend and ally in grief and resolve. We will work with the United Kingdom and a broad coalition of nations from the region and around the world to bring the perpetrators of this outrageous act to justice, and to degrade and destroy this threat to the people of our countries, the region and the world," Obama added.

The video was similar to those of the recent executions of two American journalists, James Foley and Steven Sotloff, which were also posted online.

At the end of the latest video, the masked IS militant, who appeared to be the same killer in the previous two videos, threatened to kill another British hostage named Alan Henning, if Cameron continued to support the fight against the IS.

Cameron earlier Saturday condemned the killing of Haines as "a despicable and appalling murder" and "an act of pure evil" by the IS. "We will do everything in our power to hunt down these murderers and ensure they face justice, however long it takes," he vowed.

 Source:Xinhua -
  • Hellenic MFA: Foreign Ministry announcement regarding the formation of a global alliance against the “Islamic State”

We welcome and express our political support for the creation of a global alliance of states that will coordinate the international efforts against the Islamic State, a terrorist organization whose activities have induced the outrage and unanimous condemnation of the whole of the civilized world.

We express our solidarity with the Iraqi government, with the Christians and all of the distressed ethnic and religious communities in the region that have suffered from the base and barbaric actions of the Islamic Caliphate, an extremist jihadist organization that must be obliterated.


  1. EI : "Ce ne sont pas des musulmans mais des monstres", affirme Cameron...

    Le Premier ministre britannique David Cameron a dénoncé dimanche un meurtre "épouvantable", après la décapitation de l'Écossais David Haines par l'organisation de l'État islamique. L'ONG française où il travaillait parle de "crime barbare".

    "Cruauté", "crime barbare", "odieux assassinat". L'annonce filmée de la décapitation de l’Écossais David Haines par les jihadistes de l’organisation de l’État islamique a suscité une vague d’indignation mondiale, dimanche 14 septembre.

    Le Premier ministre britannique David Cameron a condamné un meurtre "abject et épouvantable, un acte de pure cruauté", depuis sa résidence du 10, Downing Street à Londres. "Ce ne sont pas des musulmans mais des monstres", a asséné le chef du gouvernement. "Pas à pas, nous devons repousser, démanteler et finalement détruire l'État Islamique et ce qu'il représente", a-t-il martelé. Le ministère des Affaires étrangères a, de son côté, confirmé que la vidéo de la décapitation du travailleur humanitaire de 44 ans, enlevé en Syrie en mars 2013, était bien "authentique".

    Acted, l’ONG française pour laquelle travaillait David Haines, s’est dite "scandalisée et horrifiée" par son assassinat, un "crime barbare" qui, ajoute l'organisation, "va à l'encontre de tous les principes humanitaires". David Haines était engagé dans l’humanitaire depuis 1999 et avait été enlevé en Syrie en mars 2013....................

  2. International anti-ISIS meet set to kick off in Paris...

    Almost 30 countries will be meeting with Iraqi authorities in Paris on Monday to coordinate their response to Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Reuters news agency reported.

    French President Francois Hollande and his Iraqi counterpart will co-chair the conference which will include the European Union, United Nations, and the Arab League. Hollande said the goals are to provide political support to the Iraqi government, coordinate humanitarian aid, and fight ISIS militants.

    John Kerry is scheduled to meet British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond during the 26-state conference, a day after ISIS militants released a video showing the beheading of British aid worker, David Haines.

    The conference comes after Prime Minister David Cameron said the United Kingdom is battling ISIS on numerous fronts, but ruled out joining the United States in announcing air strikes on militant targets...................

  3. US Secretary of State John Kerry will meet British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond during a conference on Iraq in Paris on Monday. The conference brings Iraqi authorities together with about 30 countries and organizations to coordinate their response to Islamic State.....

    "It will also be the first time to really gauge what Russia thinks and is ready to do," a French diplomat said.................................

  4. Obama derrocará a Assad si dispara contra los cazas de EE.UU. en Siria...

    EE.UU. derrocará al Gobierno de Bashar al Assad si las fuerzas aéreas sirias abrieran fuego contra los aviones estadounidenses que entren en el espacio sirio durante la acción militar contra los yihadistas del Estado Islámico.

    El presidente de EE.UU., Barack Obama, reconoció en un encuentro con un grupo de cometaristas y observadores antes en su discurso a la nación de este 10 de septiembre, que era consciente de la complejidad de la situación en relación a los avances del Estado Islámico y subrayó que no descartaba la posibilidad de que el presidente sirio, Bashar al Assad, pudiera ordenar a sus fuerzas aéreas abrir fuego contra los cazas estadounidenses si entran en su espacio aéreo, según escribió el periodista Peter Baker del diario 'The New York Times'.

    "Si [Assad] se atreviera a hacerlo, Obama dijo que ordenaría a las fuerzas estadounidenses acabar con el sistema de defensa aérea de Siria, que, según señaló, sería más fácil que golpear al EI porque se conocen mejor sus ubicaciones. Y continuó diciendo que tal acción por parte de Assad llevaría a su derrocamiento", escribe Baker. Además, Obama precisó que no contempla el fracaso de la operación, lo que podría llevar al aumento de la tensión en la región.

    "No voy a anticipar el fracaso en este punto", dijo Obama.

    Baker, que habló con 10 personas que departieron con el presidente antes de su discurso del miércoles, escribe que Obama sorprendió a los invitados al referirse al aumento del apoyo al nuevo Gobierno iraquí como vía hacia victoria contra el EI en Irak, a la vez que no se mostró tan seguro sobre el "fin del juego" en Siria, donde insiste en la dimisión de Bashar al Assad viéndose hora obligado a contar con los rebeldes moderados sirios, a quien antes se negaba a armar..................Texto completo en:


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