Monday, April 7, 2014

Pro-Russian Gunmen Seize Ukrainian Police Headquarters in Luhansk

Ukraine's interior ministry said pro-Russian gunmen have seized state security headquarters in the eastern city of Luhansk, the scene of anti-government protests Sunday.
Authorities said police have closed all roads into the city.

The demonstrators marched in Luhansk and another eastern city, Donetsk, where masked protesters threw firecrackers at riot police.

The marchers are demanding the cities hold referendums on whether to split with Ukraine and become part of Russia -- the same kind of referendum held in Crimea last month.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said all protesters have been cleared from a government building in another eastern city, Kharkiv. No details were given.

Avakov accuses Russian President Vladimir Putin and ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych of instigating and financing the trouble in the east.

A spokesman for acting Ukrainian President Oleksandr Turchnyov said the president has canceled a trip to Lithuania and called an emergency meeting of security chiefs in Kyiv because of the protests. 



  1. Donetsk region legislators decide to hold referendum before May 11 ...

    A referendum on the future of Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk region should be held no later than May 11, says a resolution that was issued Monday by legislators of the Donetsk regional council, which declared the formation of a sovereign and independent Donetsk People’s Republic and transformed itself in the Council of the Republic earlier on the same day.

    "The deadline for holding the referendum was coordinated with the Luhansk Oblast and Kharkiv Oblast," a legislator participating in the session said.

    Donetsk will decide whether or not join the Russian Federation.
    Read more:

  2. Storming of Donetsk Oblast administration house captured by protesters postponed...

    On Tuesday there will be no storming of the local authority building captured by protesters on April 6 in Donetsk Oblast, which was proclaimed as independent Donetsk People’s Republic by the local legislature on Monday, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Yarema appointed by Ukrainian parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, said on local TV on Tuesday. He was dispatched to the city of Donetsk on Monday “to coordinate activity of law enforcement agencies”.

    He said that this decision was made after talks with representatives of protesters staying in the regional administration office. Ukrainian tycoon Rinat Akhmetov also participated in talks, local media noted...........

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