Wednesday, April 9, 2014

L'OTAN hostile à la normalisation des relations entre Moscou et Kiev

L'OTAN cherche à empêcher la normalisation des relations russo-ukrainiennes, a déclaré mercredi à Moscou le vice-ministre russe de la Défense Anatoli Antonov.

"Nous voyons ce que les représentants de l'OTAN font en Ukraine pour empêcher la normalisation des relations avec la Russie. Ils racontent des histoires effrayantes sur les forces armées russes. C'est une guerre de l'information sans merci", a indiqué M.Antonov lors d'une conférence baptisée "Aspects modernes de la sécurité internationale" à l'Institut d'Etat des relations internationales (MGuIMO) de Moscou.

Ces derniers jours, les médias occidentaux ont diffusé des informations selon lesquelles "des milliers" de militaires russes se trouveraient à la frontière avec l'Ukraine. "Ils parlent tantôt de 220.000 hommes, tantôt de 60.000 ou 80.000 hommes. Le 7 avril dernier, le représentant permanent des Etats-Unis a de nouveau formulé des accusations infondées contre la Russie lors d'une réunion extraordinaire du Conseil permanent de l'OSCE et du Forum de l'OSCE pour la coopération en matière de sécurité", a ajouté M.Antonov.



1 comment :

  1. “We will not allow NATO’s military challenges to turn into a threat to the military security of our country,” Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov says...

    The results of the NATO foreign ministers’ meeting in Brussels on April 1-2 show that hardliners have gained the upper hand in pushing for strong measures to contain Russia and portray it as an enemy and long-term foe, Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said.

    “We came across external confrontation over Ukraine. Sanctions have been imposed against us, and we have been threatened with penalties. Military cooperation with NATO and its individual states has been curtailed. Access to alliance’s headquarters has even been restricted for our diplomats,” Antonov said at the conference “Modern Aspects of International Security” held at the MGIMO Institute of International Relations on Wednesday, April 9.

    “Some NATO officials do not hide the fact that while not objecting to cooperation with Russia they pursued one goal only - to make our country act in the international arena the way the North Atlantic Alliance needed. We can also hear Brussels calling for revising the set of earlier agreements on Russian-NATO cooperation,” the deputy minister said.

    “We have noted the plans of some NATO countries to deploy large NATO military capabilities on their territories near the Russian border, which runs counter to the agreements with NATO. New aircraft are appearing and NATO exercises are taking place more often. The Ukrainian events have highlighted NATO’s growing attention to the post-Soviet region. NATO has stepped up contacts with not only Ukraine but also Moldova and Georgia,” Antonov said.

    “These are not new schemes. We can see what NATO is doing in Ukraine to prevent normalisation of relations with us,” he added.

    “As for the ‘freezing’ of military cooperation between NATO countries and us, I want to say that we take this step calmly. We are interested in this cooperation with the alliance just as much as our colleagues are. At this point we have responded appropriately to the alliance’s unfriendly policy towards us by recalling our military representative for consultations. We are analysing the military component of cooperation with NATO. And we will be closely watching changes in the nuclear and anti-missile policy of the alliance,” Antonov said..................


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