Friday, March 7, 2014

Western double standards over Ukraine lead to collapse of int'l law - Moscow

Russian President's Press Secretary has called the actions of Western countries over Ukraine "a triumph of double standards." "All in all, what we see now happening in and around Ukraine is such a triumph of lawlessness, a triumph of cynicism and a triumph of the collapse of international law, a triumph of double standards," Peskov said in an interview on the Sunday Night with Vladimir Solovyov program, a portion of which was shown on the Rossiya-24 television channel.

"Our Western partners recognized the legitimacy of those who now refer to themselves as the leaders of Ukraine, despite the fact that these people came with the support of those who organized the coup," the president's press secretary said.
"They rushed to recognize them as legitimate, insist on their legitimacy while completely denying the right of anyone else in Ukraine to take some action at their discretion," Peskov said.

"In the west and in the east - these are all the people of a united Ukraine, but parts of this people have absolutely been denied the right to self-determination, the right to a legitimate decision, the right to some action in defense of their own dignity and personal safety," he said. Regretfully, "the West is turning a blind eye to this," he added.

"And to our great regret, despite all the attempts by our president, his readiness to explain the Russian position effectively on a daily basis, we are still facing a wall of misunderstanding. This is quite sad, and more importantly, it is very bad from the viewpoint of further possible consequences," Peskov said..........


  1. UN Security Council does not consider Crimea referendum illegitimate – Russian Foreign Ministry...

    Allegations that the UN Security Council regards an upcoming referendum on the status of Crimea as illegitimate do not correspond to reality, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Friday.

    "In response to allegations in mass media that the UN Security Council considers the Crimean referendum illegitimate, we would like to state that discussions held at the UN Security Council on March 6 were informal and that no decision was passed. UN Deputy Secretary General Jan Eliasson who briefed the Security Council's members via a video conference from Kiev did touch upon the referendum's legitimacy. What's more, the UN Secretary General's official spokesperson underlined ahead of the discussions that questions related to recognition of the legitimacy of referendums are within the competence of the UN member states. Thus, allegations that the Security Council considers the referendum on the status of Crimes illegitimate do not correspond to reality," the ministry said............

  2. Комментарий Департамента информации и печати МИД России в связи с состоявшимся консультативным заседанием Совета Безопасности ООН по событиям на Украине....

    В связи с появившимися в СМИ сообщениями о том, что Совет Безопасности ООН будто бы «считает крымский референдум незаконным», хотели бы сообщить следующее.

    Прошедшая 6 марта дискуссия в Совете Безопасности носила неофициальный характер, никакого решения Совета по ее итогам принято не было.

    Брифинговавший членов Совета по видеоконференции из Киева заместитель Генерального секретаря ООН Я.Элиассон вопроса о легитимности проведения референдума в Крыму не касался.

    Более того, выступивший накануне заседания СБ в ходе ежедневного брифинга для журналистов официальный представитель Генерального секретаря ООН подчеркнул, что вопросы признания легитимности референдумов относятся к компетенции государств-членов ООН.

    Таким образом утверждения о том, что СБ ООН считает референдум о статусе Крыма нелегитимным, не соответствуют действительности.

  3. Opportunism overtook common sense in EU decisions on Ukraine - Russia....

    Russia accuses the EU of taking an "extremely unconstructive position" by freezing talks on easing visa barriers over Ukraine crisis.


  4. Комментарий Департамента информации и печати МИД России в связи с итогами внеочередного заседания Евросовета по Украине....

    В Москве с недоумением ознакомились с итогами внеочередного заседания Европейского совета 6 февраля в Брюсселе, посвященного ситуации на Украине. Трудно отделаться от впечатления, что конъюнктурные подходы возобладали над здравым смыслом, диктующим необходимость как минимум прислушаться к принципиальной позиции стратегического партнера Евросоюза - России.

    В этот деликатный момент, когда международное сообщество прилагает все усилия, чтобы найти решение по выходу из кризиса на Украине, Евросоюз занял крайне неконструктивную позицию, отказываясь от сотрудничества с Россией по важным для граждан и деловых кругов наших стран направлениям, включая либерализацию визового режима и заключение нового базового соглашения.

    По этим направлениям проделана большая совместная работа, достигнут немалый прогресс по спорным моментам, однако если в Брюсселе считают, что успешное завершение этой работы России нужно больше, чем Евросоюзу, то они заблуждаются.

    Россия не приемлет язык санкций и угроз, однако в случае реализации их на практике без ответа они не останутся.

  5. Crimea vote 'will not be recognised'...

    Ukraine's interim prime minister has warned the Crimean parliament "no-one in the civilised world" will recognise its referendum on joining Russia.

    Arseniy Yatsenyuk and others in the Kiev government have called the vote "unconstitutional" and "illegitimate".

    But the referendum has the support of the Russian parliament.

    The speaker of the upper house said if the Crimean people vote on 16 March to join Russia then they would "unquestionably back this choice".

    The decision by Crimean MPs to seek to join the Russian Federation comes amid international tensions over the presence of pro-Russian troops in the southern Ukrainian peninsula.............

    1. Referendum on Crimean Sevastopol’s accession to Russia to be found valid, if turnout 50%.....

      A referendum on accession of the Crimean city of Sevastopol to Russia will found valid, if turnout makes 50% at the referendum, Chairman of Sevastopol city election committee Valery Medvedev told Itar-Tass on Friday.

      “According to available reports, 301,000 local residents are entitled to vote in the city of Sevastopol. But this is not final information yet, we are completing making of lists of voters,” the city election committee’s chief added.

  6. Readout of the President's Call with Prime Minister Abe of Japan.-The White House, Office of the Press Secretary....

    The President spoke to Prime Minister Abe late last evening regarding the situation in Ukraine. The two leaders agreed that Russia’s actions are a threat to international peace and security and emphasized the importance of preserving Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. They committed to work with other G-7 partners to insist that Russia abide by its obligations and commitments to Ukraine’s sovereignty, including under the UN Charter and the 1997 basing agreement, but noted that there is an opportunity for Russia to resolve the situation diplomatically, in a way that addresses its interests as well as those of Ukraine and the international community. Both leaders also agreed to work bilaterally and through the International Monetary Fund to support the government of Ukraine as it works to stabilize its economy and prepare for May elections. The President noted that his April visit to Japan will offer an important opportunity to advance the many diplomatic, defense, and trade initiatives the United States and Japan are pursuing in Asia and around the globe.

  7. US Senate committee approves controversial legislation....

    US Foreign Relations Committee approves legislation that includes contentious International Monetary Fund reforms and aid for Ukraine.

    WASHINGTON. -The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee has voted 14-3 to approve legislation, which will impose sanctions against any person involved in the violence against anti-government protestors in Ukraine and any individuals involved in propagating the ongoing crisis.

    The legislation will also provide US$1 billion in loan guarantees and millions in aid to support Ukraine's interim government and economy.

    International Monetary Fund reforms are also included in the legislation containing a series of measures requested by the Obama administration in 2010, including the movement of US$63 billion from a crisis fund to its general accounts to preserve U.S. influence at the lender in light of developing countries such as China, India, Brazil and Russia disputing the U.S.'s influence at the fund and attempts to shift this influence towards themselves.

    The legislation is still pending a full Senate vote and if passed it will then require a positive vote from the House of Representatives to become law.


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