Sunday, March 9, 2014

Ukraine: les États-Unis envoient douze avions de chasse en Pologne

Le déploiement des forces aériennes américaines interviendra d’ici jeudi. 

Le secrétaire américain à la Défense Chuck Hagel et le ministre polonais Tomasz Siemoniak ont convenu lors d’un entretien téléphonique«que le déploiement d’une unité des forces aériennes américaines commencera dimanche et s’achèvera d’ici jeudi», selon un communiqué du ministère. «L’unité sera composée de 12 avions F-16, d’avions de transport et de 300 soldats», a précisé à l’AFP le porte-parole du ministère Jacek Sonta.

Les avions «arrivent à la demande de la Pologne dans le cadre d’un exercice militaire dont la tenue a été avancée et élargie et surtout dans une situation politique tendue à cause de la situation en Ukraine», a-t-il ajouté.

Quatre avions américains en Lituanie

Jeudi dernier, les États-Unis ont envoyé en Lituanie quatre appareils F-15 pour renforcer la surveillance de l’espace aérien balte. Leur envoi était, selon le ministre lituanien de la Défense Juozas Olekas, une réponse «à l’agression de la Russie en Ukraine ainsi qu’à une intensification de l’activité militaire russe dans la région de Kaliningrad», une enclave russe située entre la Lituanie et la Pologne.
La présidente lituanienne Dalia Grybauskaite avait auparavant appelé l’Otan «à une plus grande présence dans les pays baltes». Alors que les forces armées polonaises disposent de 48 appareil F-16, les pays baltes n’ont pas d’aviation militaire suffisante et c’est aux pays de l’Otan d’assurer, à tour de rôle, la protection de leur espace aérien.

Sur le même sujet:



  1. ‘Blackwater’ footage: Who are the mercenaries in Ukraine?....

    Videos have sprung on YouTube alleging that the US private security service formerly known as Blackwater is operating in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk. Western press is hitting back, accusing Russia of fabricating reports to justify “aggression.”

    The authenticity of videos allegedly made in downtown Donetsk on March 5 is hard to verify. In the footage, unidentified armed men in military outfits equipped with Russian AK assault rifles and American М4А1 carbines are securing the protection of some pro-Kiev activists amidst anti-government popular protests...................

  2. Russian Foreign Ministry outraged with provocations in eastern Ukraine...

    The Russian Foreign Ministry said it was outraged with the latest events in eastern Ukraine. "Russia is outraged by the chaos, which is currently ruling in eastern regions of Ukraine as a result of the actions of militants of the so-called Right Sector amid utter connivance of the new authorities as they call themselves," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Monday.

    "Things have come to such a point that on March 8 well-equipped people in masks and with firearms opened fire at peaceful protestors in Kharkiv. People have been injured. The Dnipropetrovsk police have detained seven Russian reporters and attributed it to the fact that they were interested solely in 'certain provocative subjects'," the document said. "In short, it is "the freedom of mass media" in quotes in action.

    The Ukrainian authorities do not allow Russian citizens to Ukraine in violation of all existing bilateral agreements, virtually having blocked border cooperation. The shy silence of our Western partners, human rights organizations and foreign mass media outlets is surprising. A question emerges - where is the notorious objectivity and commitment to democracy?" the statement said.

    Voice of Russia, Interfax

  3. Russia says indignant at lawlessness of Right Sector militants in east Ukraine...

    Russia is indignant at lawlessness in eastern regions of Ukraine caused by actions of militants of the Right Sector radical Ukrainian group, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Monday.

    Ukraine's legitimate leader Viktor Yanukovich was ousted in a violent uprising in February. Russia does not recognize the new Ukrainian authorities.

  4. Donetsk residents demand 'people's governor' Gubarev be released...

    Residents of Ukraine's Donetsk took to the streets demanding "people's governor" Pavel Gubarev should be released from jail.

    Gubarev was arrested two days ago in Donetsk and sent to Kiev, where he was put under arrest. "The people's governor" faces charges of violation of territorial integrity of Ukraine, although his lawyers note that he only shared his opinion about the future of the region.

    "We all understand that there is clearly a political aspect in this case. The legal aspect is, unfortunately, a lot smaller than the political one," said Gubarev's lawyer Alexander Groshinsky said.

    A criminal case was filed against Gubarev on three counts: attempted take-over, violation of foreign territorial supremacy of Ukraine and seizure of administrative buildings.

    Ukrainian entrepreneur Pavel Gubarev is the head of the pro-Russian movement "People's Militia of Donbass." During the meeting, which took place in Donetsk on March 1, Gubarev was declared the "people's governor" of the region. He then offered to hold a referendum about the status of the region.


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