Tuesday, March 4, 2014

NATO and Russia to meet over Ukraine crisis. -Poland’s request to hold consultations within the framework of Article 4 of the Washington Treaty (video)

BRUSSELS. -The NATO alliance announced it will meet with Russia in Brussels on Wednesday to discuss the crisis in Ukraine.
Russia accepted Tuesday NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen's proposal to discuss developments in Ukraine.
After a separate consultation meeting of the alliance's decision-making body, the North Atlantic Council, Rasmussen said Russia's grip on Crimea presented "serious implications for the security and stability of the Euro Atlantic area."
"Despite repeated calls by the international community, Russia continues to violate Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and continues to violate its international commitments," Rasmussen added.

On Monday, reports mentioned a Russian ultimatum that Ukrainian forces in Crimea should surrender to Russian troops on the ground.
  • In a press conference Tuesday, Russia's President Vladimir Putin denied having issued the ultimatum. He said military operations in Crimea were a possibility, but not currently necessary.
  • The North Atlantic Council's meeting Tuesday came at Poland's request that NATO implement Article 4 of its alliance's treaty.
  • NATO's Article 4 proposes a collective defense in the case that Allied countries feel their “territorial integrity, political independence or security” is threatened.
On Saturday, Putin requested that Russia’s Parliament pass a motion to deploy Russian troops in Ukraine’s Crimea region, after the autonomous Republic of Crimea's Prime Minister - Sergey Aksenov - called "for assistance in guaranteeing peace on the territory of the autonomous Republic of Crimea."
The Kremlin said it would not disregard the appeal.
Russian armed troops remain in Crimea, where they have taken control of all top institutions, important roads and airports, in a move that the West considers a violation of international law.
  • Statement by the North Atlantic Council following meeting under article 4 of the Washington Treaty
The North Atlantic Council has met at Poland’s request to hold consultations within the framework of Article 4 of the Washington Treaty, which states that “the parties will consult whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence, or security of any of the parties is threatened.”
Despite repeated calls by the international community, Russia continues to violate Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and to violate its international commitments.

These developments present serious implications for the security and stability of the Euro‑Atlantic area.
  • Allies stand together in the spirit of strong solidarity in this grave crisis.
We undertake to pursue and intensify our rigorous and on-going assessment of the implications of this crisis for Alliance security, in close coordination and consultation.

We continue to support all constructive efforts for a peaceful solution to the current crisis in accordance with international law. We welcome the ongoing efforts undertaken by the United Nations, the European Union, the OSCE and the Council of Europe.

We will continue to consult with Ukraine within the NATO-Ukraine Commission.
We will engage with Russia in the NATO-Russia Council. We will hold a meeting tomorrow.


  1. Rusia prueba un misil balístico intercontinental en medio de la crisis que vive con Ucrania...

    Rusia realizó este martes un lanzamiento de prueba de un misil balístico intercontinental de última generación RS-12M Tópol, coincidiendo con la escalada de tensión con Ucrania por la intervención de tropas rusas en la república autónoma ucraniana de Crimea.

    El lanzamiento se efectuó desde el polígono militar de Kapustin Yar, en la región de Ástrajan, en la parte europea de Rusia, informaron a las agencias locales las autoridades rusas.

    "El misil de prueba alcanzó con la precisión programada un objetivo señalado en el polígono de Sari-Shagan (Kazajistán)" explicó el portavoz del Ministerio ruso de Defensa para las tropas de Misiles Estratégicos, Igor Yegórov.

    El lanzamiento coincide con la visita a Kiev del secretario de Estado estadounidense, John Kerry, quien condenó en la capital ucraniana la intervención de Rusia en Crimea y acusó a Moscú de buscar un pretexto para enviar tropas a Ucrania.

    Los misiles Tópol, que entraron en servicio de las Fuerzas Estratégicas de Misiles de la URSS en 1988, tienen tres etapas, funcionan con combustible sólido y pueden abatir blancos a distancias de hasta 10.000 kilómetros. La masa del misil en el momento del lanzamiento es de 45,1 toneladas y porta una carga monobloque de 550 kilotones de potencia.

    Rusia confía en que los misiles balísticos intercontinentales Tópol y Bulavá -todavía en estado de pruebas y que se emplazarán en submarinos nucleares de última generación- le permitan mantener la paridad nuclear con Estados Unidos por lo menos durante el próximo medio siglo...............http://www.elmundo.es/internacional/2014/03/04/53163cd7e2704e2b238b4581.html

  2. Those who seized power in Kiev want to sour relations between West & Russia - Lavrov....

    The suggestion of Kiev's new self-proclaimed government to swap economic aid for a missile defense shield looks too much like an attempt to sour relations between the West and Russia, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.


  3. Allegations on Ukraine-US talks on housing missile shield aimed at worsening Russia-West relations - Lavrov.....

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov describes unconfirmed reports on ongoing negotiations between the new Ukrainian authorities and the US on the possibility of deploying US missile defense elements in Ukraine in exchange for financial aid as gambling and an attempt to aggravate relations between Russia and the West.

    "If this is so, we have yet another example of those currently sitting at Verkhovna Rada trying to gamble on relations between Russia and the West and aggravate these relations in the hope of catching something in that muddy water, with the absolute connivance of our Western partners," Lavrov said at a press conference following negotiations with Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia Margallo in Madrid on Wednesday.

    Lavrov said he had not heard himself that Ukraine was in negotiations on housing US missile defense elements on its territory in exchange for financial aid.

    Voice of Russia, Interfax

  4. Remarks With British Foreign Secretary William Hague, and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andrii Deshchytsia at Top of Tripartite Agreement Ministerial. -John Kerry, Secretary of State....

    SECRETARY KERRY: Well, we’re glad to have our friends here from Ukraine and from Great Britain, partners in the Budapest Agreement of 1994, regrettably missing one member, but we will be meeting, hopefully this afternoon, with that additional member. So we look forward to our own discussion this morning. We appreciate you being here. Thank you.

    William, do you want to say anything?

    FOREIGN SECRETARY HAGUE: Well, it is absolutely right that we have met for consultations under the 1994 Budapest Memorandum. And that is provided for in Article 6 of the memorandum, and in such a crisis it’s absolutely right to meet. It is regrettable – exactly as you said, John – that Russia is not here with us. But we will make every diplomatic effort today to bring Russia and Ukraine into direct contact at ministerial level with the support of other nations. And this is one opportunity to do that; we will try to create other opportunities later today.

    FOREIGN MINISTER DESHCHYTSIA: I’ll say a few words also?

    SECRETARY KERRY: Of course, Andrii, absolutely.

    FOREIGN MINISTER DESHCHYTSIA: As an equal partner in the Budapest Memorandum. (Laughter.)

    SECRETARY KERRY: No, no, no.

    FOREIGN MINISTER DESHCHYTSIA: And I’m very glad that we have these consultations here, and that during these days we’ve had so many consultations in Ukraine – your visit, and with Secretary Hague and with Secretary Kerry two days ago, yesterday, so now we have these consultations here. It’s very decisive and important moment, and we are looking very much forward that we will be also having consultations with Russia bilaterally and multilaterally.

    SECRETARY KERRY: I’m just going to read two paragraphs from the Russian Federation Commission[i]: “The United States of America and the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland reaffirm their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, and none of their weapons will ever be used against Ukraine except in self-defense or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.”

    It also says the same parties – the United States, the Russian Federation, et cetera – “In accordance with the principles of the CSCE Final Act” – that’s Helsinki – “to refrain from economic coercion designed to subordinate to their own interest the exercise by Ukraine of the rights inherent in its sovereignty.” So there are very clear legal obligations that are at risk in this, and we’re going to talk about those here this morning. So thank you all very much.

    FOREIGN MINISTER DESHCHYTSIA: Thank you very much.


  5. Ukraine: un projet de loi sur l'adhésion à l'Otan déposé à la Rada...

    Un projet de loi sur la reprise du processus d'intégration de l'Ukraine à l'Otan a été déposé et enregistré mercredi à la Rada suprême (parlement ukrainien), lit-on sur le site parlementaire.

    "Dans la loi sur les fondements de la sécurité nationale, l'article 6-11 après +l'intégration de l'Ukraine dans l'espace européen politique, économique, juridique+ est à compléter par +et dans l'espace euro-atlantique de sécurité+, l'article 8-2-5 après +l'adhésion à l'Union européenne+ est à compléter par + et à l'Alliance de l'Atlantique Nord+", stipule le texte du document publié sur le site de la Rada.

    Par ailleurs, ce document propose de retirer de la loi "Sur les fondements de la politique intérieure et extérieure" la disposition sur le statut hors-bloc de l'Ukraine, adopté par la Rada le 1er juillet 2010.

    Le projet de loi sur la reprise du processus d'intégration de l'Ukraine à l'Otan a été préparé par le groupe parlementaire du Batkivchtchina selon lequel "le statut hors-bloc de l'Ukraine n'a pas fourni des garanties de sécurité au pays".

    Depuis 1994, l'Ukraine participe au programme de l'Otan Partenariat pour la paix (PPP). C'est en 2002, sous la présidence de Leonid Koutchma que l'Ukraine a déclaré pour la première fois son intention d'adhérer à l'Otan. Le président ukrainien Viktor Iouchtchenko était un fervent partisan de l'adhésion du pays à l'Alliance. En 2008, lors du sommet de Bucarest, Kiev a déposé sa demande pour intégrer le Plan d'action pour l'adhésion à l'Otan (MAP) qui n'a cependant pas été acceptée, mais il a été décidé que l'Ukraine serait un jour membre de l'Otan si elle remplissait les critères requis.

    En décembre 2009, les ministres des Affaires étrangères des pays alliés ont approuvé un nouveau format de coopération avec Kiev: un programme annuel de partenariat. En 2010, le président Viktor Ianoukovitch a affirmé que l'Ukraine ne ferait partie d'aucun bloc militaire, mais poursuivrait la coopération avec l'Alliance.

  6. NATO chief says alliance suspends meetings, military mission with Russia...

    PARIS - The head of NATO says it is responding to Russia's military intervention in Ukraine by suspending most of the military alliance's meetings with Russia and reviewing all of its co-operation with Moscow.

    NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Wednesday that ambassadors for NATO's 28 member states decided after a meeting with their Russian counterpart to suspend plans for a joint mission as well as all civilian and military meetings.

    Rasmussen said because of Russia's military action in Ukraine's Crimean peninsula "the entire range of NATO-Russia co-operation (is) under review."...........http://www.ctvnews.ca/world/nato-chief-says-alliance-suspends-meetings-military-mission-with-russia-1.1714681#ixzz2v7ZJqojw


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