Thursday, April 2, 2015

World powers, Iran announce framework for nuke deal

After marathon negotiations, the United States, Iran and five other world powers announced a deal Thursday outlining limits on Iran's nuclear program so it cannot lead to atomic weapons, directing negotiators toward a comprehensive agreement within three months.
Reading out a joint statement, European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini hailed what she called a "decisive step" after more than a decade of work. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif followed with the same statement in Farsi. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and the top diplomats of Britain, France and Germany also briefly took the stage behind them.

President Barack Obama was to speak at midafternoon at the White House.

In Lausanne, Kerry said in a tweet that there was agreement "to resolve major issues on nuclear program. Back to work soon on a final deal." He was expected to brief reporters later Thursday.

Mogherini said the seven nations would now start writing the text of a final accord. She cited several agreed-upon restrictions on Iran's enrichment of material that can be used either for energy production or in nuclear warheads.

Crucially for the Iranians, economic sanctions related to its nuclear programs are to be rolled back after the U.N. nuclear agency confirms compliance.

Zarif told reporters the agreement would show "our program is exclusively peaceful, has always been and always will remain exclusively peaceful," while not hindering the country's pursuit of atomic energy for civilian purposes.

"Our facilities will continue," he said. "We will continue enriching, we will continue research and development." He said a planned heavy water reactor will be "modernized" and that the Iranians would keep their deeply buried underground facility at Fordo.

"We have taken a major step but are still some way away from where we want to be," Zarif said, calling Thursday's preliminary step as a "win-win outcome."

Israeli leaders, deeply concerned about Iran's intentions, were much less positive.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that a final agreement "must significantly roll back Iran's nuclear capabilities and stop its terrorism and aggression."

Mogherini said Iran's heavy water reactor wouldn't produce weapons-grade plutonium and that Fordo wouldn't be a site for enrichment of uranium, which can be used for nuclear weapons.................


  1. Accord cadre trouvé à Lausanne sur le nucléaire iranien...

    Les grandes puissances et l'Iran sont parvenus à s'entendre à Lausanne sur les "paramètres clés" pour résoudre le dossier du nucléaire iranien, étape fondamentale sur la voie d'un accord final d'ici au 30 juin, a annoncé jeudi l'AFP, citant les responsables occidentaux et leur interlocuteur iranien.

    C'est sur Twitter que les Occidentaux et Iraniens, dont le président Hassan Rohani en personne, ont annoncé qu'un accord cadre avait été conclu à l'issue de plusieurs journées de négociations marathon.

    Selon les premières infromations concernant cet accord, l'Iran doit réduire sa capacité d'enrichissement d'uranium. Le document autorise Téhéran à maintenir 6.000 centrifugeuses en activité (contre 19.000 actuellement).

    "Des solutions concernant les paramètres clés du dossier nucléaire de l'Iran ont été trouvées. La mise au point d'un accord final doit commencer immédiatement pour être terminée d'ici le 30 juin", a écrit M. Rohani sur son compte Twitter.

    On a "désormais les paramètres nécessaires" pour résoudre les questions principales, a confirmé le secrétaire d'Etat américain John Kerry. Le président Barack Obama devait faire une déclaration à 18H15 GMT à la Maison Blanche.............

  2. Mogherini: EU und USA heben Iran-Sanktionen nach Erfüllung von Abkommen auf...

    Die Europäische Union und die USA werden die gegen Teheran verhängten Sanktionen aufheben, nachdem der Iran die ausgehandelten Vereinbarungen erfüllt hat. Das erklärte EU-Außenbeauftragte Federica Mogherini am Donnerstag nach Verhandlungen im schweizerischen Lausanne.

    Dazu solle Teheran der Internationalen Atomenergieorganisation (IAEO) eine Kontrolle über die Erfüllung aller wichtigsten Verpflichtungen ermöglichen. In diesem Fall würden die USA und die EU alle ökonomischen und finanziellen Sanktionen gegen Teheran außer Kraft setzen, verlas Mogherini aus dem abschließenden Kommuniqué.

  3. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and his President Francois Hollande welcomed the "framework" agreed on curbing Iran's nuclear power on Thursday but said there was work to do to before there could be an acceptable deal...

    "This is a stage agreement that includes some incontestable positive developments but there is still work to do," Fabius said on France 2 television from Lausanne, in Switzerland, where the talks are taking place.

    In a statement noting the new deadline of June 30 for a final deal, Hollande added:

    "France will be watchful, as it always is in step with its partners, to ensure that a credible, verifiable agreement be established under which the international community can be sure Iran will not be in a position to have access to nuclear arms."

  4. Irán acusa a EE.UU. de mentir sobre el acuerdo nuclear ...

    Apenas el Sexteto de mediadores internacionales e Irán anunciaron en Lausana (Suiza) que llegaron a un compromiso y el presidente Barack Obama saludó el acuerdo en una rueda de prensa, hablando de un "entendimiento histórico", Teherán acusó a Washington de mentiras premeditadas.

    Según el ministro iraní de Exteriores, Javad Zarif, la delegación estadounidense que participó en las negociaciones en Lausana presidida por el secretario de Estado John Kerry intencionalmente induce al error a su nación y al Congreso. Según el jefe de la diplomacia persa, los comentarios que Kerry hizo durante su rueda de prensa sobre la suspensión gradual de las sanciones contra Teherán contradicen el contenido real del documento estipulado.

    En su cuenta oficial de Twitter, Zarif colgó extractos del texto del acuerdo con unas críticas furiosas al respecto. "Declaración Irán/5+1: 'EE.UU. cederá la aplicación de todas las sanciones económicas y financieras secundarias relacionadas con las tecnologías nucleares' ¿Es eso gradual?" y "Declaración Irán/5+1: 'La UE pondrá fin a la implementación de todas las sanciones económicas y financieras relacionadas con la cuestión nuclear' ¿Qué tal eso?", escribió el diplomático..............


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